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引用本文:田爱民,胡滨,董伟英. 论加强大学生文明行为养成教育[J]. 沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2007, 9(6): 884-887
作者姓名:田爱民  胡滨  董伟英
摘    要:加强大学生文明行为养成教育,提高大学生思想道德素质,既是人民教师的崇高职责和时代赋予的使命,也是高等学校德育工作的要求,它对于构建和谐校园,把学生培养成为合格的建设者和可靠接班人具有深远的意义。作者指出了新时期大学生当中存在的社会责任感缺乏、诚信意识淡薄、荒废学业、考试作弊、奢侈浪费、校园暴力、不文明上网、粗言秽语、破坏公物等不文明现象,分析了大学生理想信念模糊对自身要求不够严格、学校文明修身教育的实效性较差、社会环境的不良影响、家庭文明修身教育的缺失以及虚拟网络的失控带来消极影响等造成大学生不文明行为的主要因素,从加强理想信念教育、践行社会主义荣辱观、建立文明行为评价体系、变应试教育为素质教育、提供制度保障、加强师德建设和校园网络建设等方面提出了加强大学生文明行为养成教育构建和谐校园的对策和建议。

关 键 词:大学生  文明行为  师德建设  和谐校园  荣辱观  德育

On Strengthening the Education in Cultivation of College Students''''Civilized Behaviour
TIAN Ai-min,HU Bin,DONG Wei-ying. On Strengthening the Education in Cultivation of College Students''''Civilized Behaviour[J]. Social Science Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University, 2007, 9(6): 884-887
Authors:TIAN Ai-min  HU Bin  DONG Wei-ying
Abstract:Strengthening the education in civilized behavior of university students,and improving the ideological and moral quality of university students is a lofty duty and mission entrusted by the times to the people's teachers,also is an requirement of college moral education and has a profound meaning for setting up a harmonious society and cultivating students to be qualified constructors and successors of the socialist cause.It is pointed out that some college students in the new period bring about civilized phenomenon such as lack of social responsibility and honesty awareness,neglecting their studies,cheating in examination,extravagantion,campus violence,uncivilized Internet,behawior,abuse of dirty languages and damage to public property etc.The main factors which caused the university students' uncivilized behaviors are analysed,such as lack of great ideals,misty belief,loose selfireguirement,poor moral cultural education,negative impact of the social environment,lack of self-education and out-of-control virtual network.Suggestions such as strengthening the civilized behavior of university students and belief education,practicing the socialist outlook on honor and dishonor,establishing a civilized behavior evaluation a system,changing the exam-oriented education to quality education and providing system guarantee,strengthening the teachers' morality building and campus network building,etc are made in this paper.
Keywords:university student  civilized behavior  construction of teacher's morality  harmonious campus  outlook on honor and dishonor  moral education
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