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引用本文:蔡 天 新. 改革开放以来党的对台政策的历史转变与两岸关系发展[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2009, 11(3): 5-11
作者姓名:蔡 天 新
摘    要:改革开放以来,中国共产党为了实现祖国统一大业,坚持不懈地探讨和寻求和平解决台湾问题的途径和方式,创造性地制定了"和平统一、一国两制"的基本国策,并根据国内外形势的发展变化,提出了一系列旨在促进两岸关系发展的建设性意见,如叶剑英的"九条方针"、邓小平的"六条设想"、江泽民的"八项主张"、胡锦涛的"四点意见"和"六点意见"等.这些对台方针政策在海峡两岸关系发展中发挥了积极的主导作用,有效地缓和了台海地区的紧张局势,促进了海峡两岸关系的健康发展,加速了祖国和平统一的历史进程.

关 键 词:海峡两岸关系  对台政策  政策转变

Historical Changes of the Policy to Taiwan and Developmentof Cross-straits Relations since Reform and Opening up
CAI Tian-xin. Historical Changes of the Policy to Taiwan and Developmentof Cross-straits Relations since Reform and Opening up[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science), 2009, 11(3): 5-11
Authors:CAI Tian-xin
Abstract:Since reform and opening up, Communist Party of China (CPC) unswervingly investigate and seek the approaches and ways of solving Taiwan questions peacefully, so as to accomplish national reunification. The Party creatively made the basic state policy of "peaceful reunification; one country, two systems", and set forth a series of constructive suggestions to help advancing the development of cross-straits relations, in response to the development and changes of internal and external situation. For instance, Ye Jianying's "nine principles", Deng Xiaoping's "six assumptions", Jiang Zemin's "eight proposals", Hu Jintao's "four guidelines" and "six guidelines", etc. All these principles or policies to Taiwan play an active leading role in the development of cross-straits relations, easing the tension across the Taiwan straits effectively, promoting the healthy development of relations between Taiwan straits, accelerating the peaceful reunification of China.
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