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Work/life balance policy in Germany: Promoting equal partnership in families
Authors:Willem Adema  Chris Clarke  Valerie Frey  Angela Greulich  Hyunsook Kim  Pia Rattenhuber  Olivier Thévenon
Affiliation:1. OECD, Paris, France;2. Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France
Abstract:Across the OECD, public policies seek to support parents in achieving their desired work/life balance. This article introduces the background to and issues at stake in promoting equal partnerships in families in Germany. Families in Germany face considerable challenges to spending more time together and achieving a more gender‐balanced reconciliation of work and family life, as paid work hours for fathers are long on full‐time jobs and many women are in part‐time jobs. Family policy can play an important role and Germany has made substantial progress in supporting families ahead of and after the birth of a child. Important in this regard are the parental leave reforms of 2007 and 2015 and the extension of childcare supports that better enable fathers and mothers to combine work and family commitments. The article assesses recent developments in family policies in Germany while also drawing from the experiences of countries with longstanding policies to support work/life balance and strengthen gender equality.
Keywords:family policy  work life balance  dual career couple  Germany  OECD countries  politique familiale  é  quilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privé  e    nage à   double carriè  re  Allemagne  pays de l’  OCDE  polí  tica familiar  equilibrio   entre   el trabajo     la vida personal  pareja con doble carrera  Alemania  paí  ses de la OCDE  Familienpolitik  Doppelverdienerhaushalt  Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben  Deutschland  OECD‐Lä  nder
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