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Pension reforms in EU11 countries: An evaluation of post‐socialist pension policies
Authors:Stefan Domonkos  András Simonovits
Affiliation:1. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia;2. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract:This article evaluates the pension policy pathways of the 11 former state socialist nations that have joined the European Union since 2004. Focusing primarily on the post‐2004 period, the analysis discusses the most important measurable outcomes of these countries’ pension reforms, in terms of poverty alleviation, pension adequacy and fiscal sustainability. Going beyond the quantifiable concepts, we also investigate the quality of the 11 countries’ pension systems in terms of equity as well as efficiency, emphasizing the less conspicuous design errors present in these systems. Although these errors have received little attention to date, they may harm pension schemes along several dimensions, including their fiscal sustainability.
Keywords:social security reform  pension scheme  adequacy  social security planning  Eastern Europe  European Union    forme de la sé  curité   sociale    gime de pension  adé  quation  planification de la sé  curité   sociale  Europe orientale  Union europé  enne  reforma de la seguridad social    gimen de pensió  n  adecuació  n  planificació  n de la seguridad social  Europa Oriental  Unió  n Europea  Reform der sozialen Sicherheit  Rentensystem  Angemessenheit  Planung der sozialen Sicherheit  Osteuropa  Europä  ische Union
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