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引用本文:刘太祥. 唐代中央行政决策机制研究[J]. 南都学坛, 2003, 23(4): 17-23
摘    要:唐代建立了实现决策科学化和民主化的决策机制。一是决策监督机制:唐代中央决策系统中书省、门下省、尚书省在决策过程中互相制衡;在中书、门下决策中枢设置一大批谏官,对决策进行审议;决策执行机关尚书省对中书、门下的决策进行认真审查,若决策有失误,可以封还诏书,拒绝执行;监察机关御史台也可拒绝执行皇帝不合法的决策。二是决策集议制度:唐代中央对军国大事进行决策时,总要召集有关官吏进行讨论,主要采取朝议(又名廷议)、仗下后议、延英会议、百官集仪、政事堂会议等决策形式,集思广益,反复论证。三是决策咨询制度:唐代皇帝在自己的周围设置了弘文馆、集贤院学士和翰林学士等一大批德才之士作为谋僚,皇帝每遇军国大事决策总要征求他们的意见,咨询决策的方案。四是信息传递制度:唐代中央决策信息依法按程序上报,真实可靠,处理及时,违者依法制裁。唐代中央行政决策机制具有两个显著的特点:一是有一定的法律制度作保障,表现在建立了比较严格的决策责任制,互相制衡,决策过程按一定的法律程序运行;二是实行决策论证制,集体讨论,广泛咨询,具有一定的民主性和合理性。在一定程度上保证了唐代中央决策的质量和速度,使决策活动正常有序地进行,减少了决策的失误,促进了“贞观之治”、“开元之治”等所谓盛世的

关 键 词:唐代  中央决策  监督  集议  咨询  信息

To Study the Central Committee of Administration Policy-making Mechanism in Tang Dynasty
LIU Tai-xiang. To Study the Central Committee of Administration Policy-making Mechanism in Tang Dynasty[J]. Academic forum of nandu, 2003, 23(4): 17-23
Authors:LIU Tai-xiang
Abstract:Tang Dynasty set up the policy-making so that the central committee could make the policy-making become scientific & democratic. They are the policy-making supervision mechanism, the policy-making collective consulation mechanism, the policy-making consultative mechanism & the information transmission mechanism. There are two characteristics of the central committee of administration policy-making mechanism in Tany Dynasty .The first, the process of policy-making is in motion according to specified process of law; The second, they carry out policy-making proof system.These four kinds of mechanism ensure the quality & speed of the central committee,which promote the forming of heyday such as "Zhenguan times of peace & prosperity" ,"Kaiyuan flourish age" ,and provide valuable lessons & experience for building the Chinese features' administration policy-making mechanism.
Keywords:Tang Dynasty  the central policy-making  supervision  collective consultation  consultation  information.  
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