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作者单位:西华师范大学 历史文化学院,四川 南充,637002
摘    要:清代,最底层科考士子童生作为失语者比附在科举行伍之列。大多数童生终其一生都难以仕进上达,学界对失语者童生关注不够,如何使失语者童生发出声音显得必要。《南部档案》中童生档案卷宗较多,从籍贯、住地、年龄、生计职业等方面可深描出晚清南部县童生群体生活的实态,同时对认知晚清南部县地方知识大有裨益。

关 键 词:童生  《南部档案》  生活实态  晚清

Research on the Real Living Conditions of the Inferior Examinee in Late Qing Dynasty Analysis of Nanbu Archives
Abstract:In Qing dynasty,inferior examinees(candidates at the bottom of the Chinese imperial civil service examination sys-tem)are unable to express their aspirations. Most examinees spent the rest of their life chasing a ticket to the upper society. But academia paid little attention to this problem. Itˋs necessary to show the living conditions of those inferior examinees. The vol-umes about inferior examinees occupy a great share of Nanbu Archives,which provides abundant materials to uncover their real living conditions from the aspects of native place,residential address,age,livelihood and occupation. Furthermore,Nanbu Ar-chives is extremely helpful for perceiving the local knowledge of Nanbu county in late Qing dynasty.
Keywords:inferior examinee  Nanbu Archives  real living condition  late Qing dynasty
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