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引用本文:王云祥. 我国高校图书馆制度与读者权利冲突的表现及成因研究[J]. 中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 5(3)
摘    要:我国高校图书馆制度与读者权利冲突目前已较为严重,对高校图书馆功能的实现造成了阻碍。我国高校图书馆制度与读者权利冲突主要表现在:读者资格确认不平等;读者与读者之间不平等;读者的隐私权没有受到充分的尊重;监督、批评建议权名不符实;读者借阅权、服务保障权和时空保障权受到损害;高校图书馆收取费用存在违规现象等六个方面。高校图书馆制度与读者权利冲突的原因有:高校图书馆对非本校师生的认定存在管理上的困难;读者与读者的不平等现象还存在;高校图书馆工作人员结构不合理;高校图书馆的考核制度难以真正实现;高校图书馆人力与财力缺乏;我国高校图书馆制度缺位。可以从以下几方面去协调我国高校图书馆制度与读者权利的冲突:推动我国建立健全的信用制度;实现高校图书馆经费的开源节流;改革高校图书馆的人事、考核制度;激励高校图书馆员工;建立完善的高校图书馆制度。

关 键 词:高校图书馆制度  读者权利  冲突

The Situation and Causes of Conflicts between Library System of Universities in China and the Readership Rights
Abstract:Chinese university library system and the readers' rights conflict has currently relatively serious,the realization of the function of the library in colleges and universities has caused obstacles.The conflict between the university library system and readership rights mainly demonstrates: the reader inequality qualification;inequality between the reader and the reader;reader's right to privacy has not been fully respected;supervision,the right to fall short of the criticisms and suggestions;readers Lending Right,Services,protection of the right to protect the rights and temporal damage;University Library charges six aspects of irregularities exist.University Library System and the reader due to a conflict of rights: the school teachers and students of University Library on the identification of non-existence of management difficulties;readers and readers inequalities still exist;librarians structure is irrational;University Library The evaluation system is difficult to realize;lack of human and financial resources of University Libraries;absence of University Library system.The following aspects from the University Library System to coordinate with the readers of conflict of rights: to promote the establishment of a sound credit system in China;achieve university library funding cut costs;reform of university library personnel,performance appraisal system;encourage university library staff;Establish and improve the university library system.
Keywords:university library system  readers' rights  conflict
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