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摘    要:东亚经济一体化进程中美国的作用是不容忽视的。美国在东亚有着重要的战略利益,因而对一体化抱有复杂而微妙的情感,并不希望在东亚出现另一个"法德核心"似的欧盟。东亚各国在积极推进经济一体化进程的同时,也认识到美国在东亚政治、经济、安全领域的重要性,努力将美国融入到一体化进程当中来,使其发挥建设性的作用。双方在不断的博弈互动中谋求共赢。

关 键 词:东亚  美国  经济一体化

The Influence of the US on the Process of Economic Integration in East Asia
Abstract:The process of East Asia Economic Integration has been greatly conditioned by the international system,especially by the US. The paper will start with US strategic concern in the area in question,and focus on US eagerness to dominate the integration process and its attempt to include East Asia in APEC framework. What can be seen is that the factor takes its effect here:US keeps holding a subtle and complex feeling towards the issue and keeps making efforts to lead the game playing among East Asian countries. The paper will put forward suggestions on how to work for a win-win situation where both the United States can retain the vested interests in this area and East Asia can smooth away difficulties on the road to integration.
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