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抢跑低碳 晚半步则输全局的游戏
摘    要:低碳时代不再遥不可及,数千亿商机开始隐现,海外力量不断渗透中国,本土企业如何享受低碳经济盛宴?企业遭遇重重困难,该如何从容领跑?在这场关乎企业命运的较量中,谁才能够

关 键 词:抢跑  低碳  渗透  时代  优秀企业  本土企业  较量  经济  海外  力量  

Leadership in the Low-carbon Age
Abstract:In the next 10 years, China will start its transition to an low-carbon economy. As the future of every individual company is closely related to this new economic fact driven by climate changes, how can they adapt themselves to the low-carbon requirement, and even find potential golden opportunities? According to Sino-manager, Chinese enterprises should take the initiative to forge their own unique low-carbon-based competitiveness. After interviews with a large number of enterprises and experts, we have summ...
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