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摘    要:震惊全国 的马加 爵事件 ,又一次 敲响了 高校学生 经常性 思想政 治工作的 警钟。 因为只 有加强 学生的 经常性 思想政治 工作,才有利 于建立及 发挥预 防机制 的作用、保证 思想政 治工作 的可持 续性和 有效性 、实现 思想政 治教育 有序性 和连贯 性的内在 统一。在这 里,第一线 专兼结 合的辅 导员队伍 建设尤 为重要 ,而 且必须 辅之以 专业教 师与学 生骨干的 链接环 ;要 提高思 想政治工 作的科技含 量,讲 究科学 的方法与 策略;要 努力拓 展经常 性思想 政治工 作的课程 载体、学生社 区载体、学 生社团 载体、现代网络 载体;从宏 观的德育 大环境 、中观的 的学校人 际互动 、微观的 个人行 为意识 养成入 手,构建 开放的 经常性思 想政治 工作体 系。

关 键 词:高校  学生  思想政治工作  经常性  马加爵事件  思考

Routine Ideological and Politial Work among Students Should be Strengthened in Colleges and Universities--Thoughts on the Case of Ma Jiajue
GUAN Su-ye.Routine Ideological and Politial Work among Students Should be Strengthened in Colleges and Universities--Thoughts on the Case of Ma Jiajue[J].Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College(Journal of Guangxi Teenager's Research Association),2004,14(5):23-25.
Authors:GUAN Su-ye
Abstract:The Ma Jiajue case shocking all the country once more has sounded a warning against a relaxation of routine ideological and political work among students in colleges and universities. In light of the new features of current ideological and political work in colleges and universities, we should clearly comprehend the importance of strengthening routine ideological and political work among college students. Only by strengthening this work, is it possible to establish a preventive mechanism and bring its role into full play, thus ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of ideological and political work. Therefore, in this regard, strong emphasis must be placed on the following: building the contingent of political instructors, stressing scientific ways and strategies, using more different carriers of routine ideological and political work, establish an open system for this work, etc.
Keywords:colleges and universities  student  ideological and political work  routine  the Ma Jiajue case  thought
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