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引用本文:陈涛. 社会的制造与集体表象[J]. 社会, 2012, 32(5): 47-79
作者单位:陈涛 北京大学社会学系
摘    要:本文通过对涂尔干思想中的社会概念尤其是集体表象理论的解读,深入剖析现代社会自我证成上的困境。涂尔干一方面继承了契约论传统对社会的人为制造性的强调,另一方面又反对该传统将社会还原为个体之间约定行为的结果。集体表象理论针对的正是这一理论困境。涂尔干认为,集会或集体欢腾之际所产生的集体表象犹如化合作用,不能还原为个体的约定或契约,它是社会的产物,优先于个体。它不仅表达了个体对社会的情感,而且在定期的社会再造中创造这一情感。图腾标记对集体表象的具体化,既构成了个体认识社会的中介,又成为社会定期再造的依凭。涂尔干反对将法国大革命诠释为个体意志主导的结果,而试图通过集体表象将其诠释为社会定期再造的体现并强调社会之于个体的优先性。集体表象的神圣性既不依靠凌驾于社会之上的彼岸化的上帝,也不是个体意志的产物,而是社会性的,来自于社会的自我生产和再造。

关 键 词:集体表象   集体欢腾   契约论   法国大革命  社会的制造   

The Making of Society and Collective Representation
CHEN Tao. The Making of Society and Collective Representation[J]. Society, 2012, 32(5): 47-79
Authors:CHEN Tao
Affiliation:CHEN Tao, Department of Sociology, Peking University
Abstract:This paper analyzes Durkheim’s concepts of society and collective representation in order to get an insight of the self-justification dilemma of modern society.Though Durkheim studied the primitive religion in The Elementary Form of Religious Life,he concerned more about the dilemma of modern society,especially excessive individualism.On one hand,Durkheim inherited the social contract tradition,emphasizing society being a creation of the individuals.Durkheim’s society could be traced back to social theology,different from Milband’s thought that society was created and given by the God.The author argues that Durkheim’s society,a human aritificum,depends more on the individuals.Firstly,the moral force of society grounds in the inner heart of the individuals.Secondly,society depends on individuals’ periodic participation to reproduce it.On the other hand,Durkheim didn’t agree with what the social contract tradition contended,i.e.,society generates merely from individuals’ convention.He wanted to argue for society’s primacy and priority.In order to resolve this tension,he introduced the theory of collective representation.Collective representations come from the interaction of the individuals when they participate in the assembly or collective effervescence,and they are so like the production from the reaction of chemical reaction that can’t be reduced to the contracts or conventions among the individuals.So they are the production of the society itself,which are prior to the individuals.Through the totemic forms or symbolic signs,they not only express the individuals’ emotion or affection of the society,but also become the intermediaries of the periodical reproduction of the society.In other words,collective representations not only represent the relationship between the individual and the society,but also create that relationship.Further,the theory of collective representation concerned with Durkheim’s re-interpretation of the French Revolution.He opposed other scholars’ interpretation of the French Revolution as a production of individuals’ free will and reinterpreted it as a periodic reproduction of the society by itself.The sacredness of the collective representation neither depends on the God who is above society,nor grounds on each individual’s will.On the contrary,it is social and results from the periodic reproduction of society.But the author doesn’t think that the theory of collective representation can adequately account for the heritage of the Revolution.Collective effervescences and representations can’t provide a stable and sufficient moral foundation for society to replace the foundation of individualism for modern thought.The sacredness of society has to depend on individuals’ periodic participation,reproduction,and maintenance.However,without defining the essence of happiness and goodness,this artificial sacredness is nothing but an empty form that may be filled with various dogmas and opinions to induce individuals into dangerous worship instead of providing society with a stable foundation.This just reflects the problem of the self-justification of modern society.
Keywords:the making of society  collective representations  collectiveeffervescence  social contract theory  the French Revolution
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