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引用本文:沈金霞. 抗战时期毛泽东为人民服务理念的理论透视[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2015, 0(2): 12-17
作者单位:南京邮电大学 宣传部,江苏 南京210023;南京大学 哲学系,江苏 南京210023
摘    要:抗日战争时期,毛泽东首次提出为人民服务的概念,并将其上升为党的根本宗旨。以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人,认真践行为人民服务的执政理念,切实保障人民群众当家做主的政治权利,关心人民群众生产生活,提高人民群众文化教育卫生水平。为人民服务的宗旨是由中国共产党的性质决定的,同时也与中国共产党善于总结反思群众工作得失、注重宣传教育密不可分。它不仅对于树立中国共产党的良好形象、巩固边区政权、团结一切可以团结的抗日力量、争取抗日战争伟大胜利具有极其重要的意义,而且在今天仍有重大而深远的现实指导意义。

关 键 词:毛泽东;为人民服务;抗日战争;人民群众

Theoretical perspective on MAO Zedong's concept of serving the people during the Anti-Japanese War
Abstract:During the Anti Japanese War, MAO Zedong put forward the concept of serving the people for the first time and raised it as the fundamental principle of the CCP. The Party represented by Mao Zedong seriously practiced such concepts as guaranteeing the political rights of the masses, caring for their production and livelihood, and raising their level of cultural and educational life. The fundamental purpose of serving the people is determined by the characteristics of the CCP who is adept at reflecting on the experience and lessons of the mass work and who emphasizes on publicity and education. This practice is not only beneficial to setting up good party image, to consolidating the power of Shan Gan Ning Border Region, to uniting with all forces that can be united to overcome the Japanese and win the war, but also has significant and far reaching practical significance today.
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