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引用本文:郑敬斌,任虹宇. 中国共产党思想引领力建设的辩证思维[J]. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2023, 25(1): 8-15. DOI: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2022.0655
作者姓名:郑敬斌  任虹宇
作者单位:山东大学 马克思主义学院,山东 济南 250100
基金项目:国家社科基金一般项目“新时代高校意识形态风险防范机制研究” (19BKS150);山东大学马克思主义学院 2021 年度学生科研创新重点项目 “基于生成过程的中国共产党思想引领力提升机制研究”(2021ZD001)
摘    要:中国共产党思想引领力建设闪烁着鲜明的辩证思维光芒。从系统与要素的辩证统一关系看,中国共产党思想引领力是主体能力、内容活力、方式效力、载体合力和客体聚力五个要素协同作用的结果。聚焦五个要素各自的内部系统,中国共产党通过组织约束与思想武装的刚柔并济、政治形态与学术形态的同向同行、论战批判与团结对话的互促互进、显性宣教和隐性蕴化的相得益彰以及物质保障与精神满足的同频共振,用联系、发展、对立统一的观点不断锻造主体能力,淬炼内容活力,提升方式效力,激发载体合力和再造客体聚力。新的历史使命下,总结党正确处理这五对辩证统一关系的经验与智慧,对于党用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法观察时代、把握时代、引领时代具有重要意义。

关 键 词:中国共产党   思想引领力   辩证思维   建党百年

Dialectical Thinking of Construction of Ideological Leadership of the CPC
Affiliation:School of Marxism, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong 250100, China
Abstract:The CPC’s construction of ideological leadership clearly demonstrates dialectical thinking. From the perspective of dialectical and unified relationship between the system and the elements, the CPC’s ideological leadership is the result of the synergy of five elements: subject ability, content vitality, method effectiveness, carrier synergy, and object cohesion. Focusing on the respective internal systems of the five elements, the CPC adopts the combination of hardness and flexibility about organizational constraints and ideological arming, the simultaneous development of political form and academic form, the promotion of debate criticism and solidarity dialogue, the complementarity of explicit evangelism and implicit indoctrination, and the resonance of material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. The CPC uses the viewpoints of connection, development, and unity of opposites to continuously forge the ability of the subject, temper the vitality of the content, improve the effectiveness of the method, and stimulate the combined force of the carrier and the re-creation of the cohesion of the object. Under the new historical mission, summarizing the CPC’s experience and wisdom in correctly handling these six pairs of dialectical unity is of great significance for the Party to observe the times, grasp the times, and lead the times with Marxist standpoints, viewpoints and methods.
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