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摘    要:20 0 3年德国经济继续滑坡 ,国内生产总值竟然出现了历史上少有的负增长。德国经济的不景气给德国社会带来了一些十分值得注意的新动向 ,而不久前进行的人口调查又给德国经济带来重大的变数。面对这一严峻形势 ,德国政府推出了哈尔茨委员会和吕罗普委员会计划 ,更在年终通过了 2 0 10议程 ,拉开了德国全方位改革的序幕。其中特别值得注意的是两大政党在这一问题上的合作。笔者认为 ,当前德国经济面临的主要有利因素在增加 ,主要不利因素在减少。但现在绝对不是对德国经济发展抱盲目乐观的时候 ,而是要深入研究和分析各类情况和问题 ,谨慎小心地驾驭德国经济这艘大船 ,驶出目前已布满水雷的海湾。

关 键 词:德国经济  人口调查  《2010议程》

A New Situation of German Economic Development
Abstract:German economy kept declining. Its national GDP witnessed a surprising minus growth which has been seldom in German history. The recession of German economy has brought some new trends to German society which require attention. A recent population census has added new variables to German economy. Facing such serious situation, the German government introduced the Hartz-Commission and R rup-Commission Projects. Moreover, it also adopted Agenda 2010 at the end of last year,thus drawing apart the curtain for an all round German economic reform. What should be noted is the cooperation on this issue of the two major parties. The Author believes that the main positive factors of present German economy have increased and the main negative factors decreased. However, one should not be overoptimistic about German economic development. The German decision-makers should make indepth research into and analysis on various situation and problems, cautionsly guiding the huge German economic ship out of a heavily mined gulf.
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