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作者单位:湘潭大学文学与新闻学院 湖南湘潭411105
摘    要:元稹贬谪江陵时期,是他诗歌创作最旺盛的时期,也是他“元和体”诗形成的关键时期。全面考察元稹的诗歌,其贬谪江陵时期的“长篇排律”和“小碎诗章”都和荆楚地区的文化背景有着千丝万缕的联系。这些诗作既包含了诗人自己和中唐诗风转变的若干信息,还反映了当时荆楚地方的风习和中原人对该区的认识。

关 键 词:唐代  元稹  “元和体”诗  荆楚文化

Cultural Characteristics of Jingchu Region in Yuanzhen's Poems
Authors:ZHOU Jianjun  WANG Dan
Abstract:The most flourishing period for Yuanzhen's poetry creation was the time during he was demoted in Jiangling which is also a crucial moment for the formation of his "Yuanhe Style".From the overall study of Yuanzhen's poems,we must know clearly that the "Long Rhyme Poems" and "Short Rhyme Poems" created during that time(his relegation) in Jiangling,both had countless connections with regional cultural background of Jingchu."Yuanhe Style" which marked the change of Mid-Tang poem style was constituted by many factors: poets' character,poetic accomplishment,encounter in his official career and the infiltration of typically regional culture.Among them,the regional culture played a very important role.
Keywords:Yuanzhen  Jiangling  Yuanhe Style  Jingchu's culture  
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