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Coercive Heterosexual Sexuality in Dating Relationships of College Students

Although it has generally been assumed that most instances of coercive sexual acts involve male coercion against female targets, recent data (appearing in the literature beginning in the late 1980s) suggest that the reverse experience is also common. In the present investigation, the Ross and Allgeier Sexual Experience Questionnaire was administered to 214 university students (113 women and 101 men) who reported past interactions in which they engaged in sexual coercion, were the targets of such coercion, both, or neither. The findings (p<.001) were consistent with widely held assumptions that men often coerce, whereas women are more often the targets of these acts. It also appears that, although men behave more coercively than women, both genders report coercing and being coerced, when investigatiors ask the appropriate questions of being coerced when investigators ask the appropriate questions of both men and women. Empirical reports indicating to methodological variations involving the specific wording of questions about coercion and differences in the interpretation of such questions by male and female research participants. The implications of genderspecific coercive tactics, reasons for compliance, and the effects of having been coerced are discussed.
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