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Sexual Behavior Among College Students in the AIDS Era
Abstract:The sexual behavior of a 1988 midwestern college sample was compared to a highly similar 1982 sample to determine the impact of the AIDS epidemic. Contrary to expectations, sexual activity increased over the six-year period. More students in the 1988 sample had engaged in intercourse. They had also had more partners for intercourse and more lifetime intercourse experience. Age of first intercourse remained unchanged, however. Attitudes for both sexes became more permissive and males also perceived their parents to have become more permissive. A continuing double-standard was suggested. There were increases in contraceptive frequency, in contraception at last intercourse, and use of more sophisticated contraceptive methods. Increased condom use did not appear to be AIDS-induced, as there was no increase in use from first to last intercourse. Students sexual, contraceptive, and verbal behavior suggested no obvious concern about AIDS.
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