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The relationship between mood and subjective well-being
Authors:John K. Yardley  Robert W. Rice
Affiliation:1. Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, L2S 3A1, St. Catharines, Ontario, CANADA
2. Psychology Department, State University of New York at Buffalo, Park Hall, 14260, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.
Abstract:The relationship between mood and subjective well-being (SWB) was tested in a 10-week longitudinal correlational study of 65 undergraduate subjects. A path analysis indicated that both current mood and previous SWB had significant effects (both p<0.001) on=" current=" swb.=" the=" significant=" relationship=" of=" subsequent=" swb=" with=" previous=" swb=" demonstrated=" the=" stability=" of=" swb=" responses.=" on=" the=" other=" hand,=" the=" significant=" relationship=" of=" swb=" with=" current=" mood=" demonstrated=" that=" swb=" measures=" are=" subject=" to=" transitory=" influences.=" discussion=" centered=" on=" the=" methodological=" and=" theoretical=" implications=" of=" a=" two=" component=" model=" proposing=" that=" swb=" has=" both=" stable=" and=" unstable=">
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