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Objective and subjective conditions for the continuity of the Peruvian extractive development model
Authors:Jan Lust
Institution:1. Universidad Ricardo Palma, Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, Lima, Perujanlust@ymail.comORCID Iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8093-1010

The Peruvian economy depends for its growth on the export of its mineral resources. The core of the current economic development model is the export of the country's commodities and a free and (relatively) unregulated functioning of the markets. We argue that the continuity of the country's extractive development model is the consequence of the interplay between the objective and subjective conditions of Peruvian capitalist development. The analysis of the objective conditions is focused on the role of the country in the international division of labour, the relation between this role and the country’s economic and business structure, and the functionality of the extractive development model for the Peruvian State. In the case of the subjective conditions, the strength of the political Left, the labour movement and the social movements against mining capital are analyzed
Keywords:Peru  international division of labour  extractive development model  dependency  mining
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