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The effects of trampling on assemblages of ground beetles (Coleoptera,Carabidae) in urban forests in Helsinki,Finland
Authors:Grandchamp  Anne-Catherine  Niemelä   Jari  Kotze   Johan
Affiliation:(1) Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL, Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903, Birmensdorf, Switzerland;(2) Department of Ecology and Systematics, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 65, FIN-00014, Finland
Abstract:The occurrence of carabid beetles in relation to trampling was examined in urban forest sites located in the city of Helsinki, southern Finland. The degree of wear of the forest floor was assessed and used as a measure of trampling intensity. In particular, we examined the following predictions: (1) carabid diversity should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, (2) mean body size of the dominating carabid species should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, and (3) opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites. In total, 1,326 beetles representing 27 species were captured. The first prediction was not supported, as there was no correlation between species richness or Hill's N2 diversity index and trampling intensity. However, there was a positive correlation between number of carabids captured and trampling intensity of the site. The second hypothesis gained some support, as there was a marginally significant negative correlation between body size and trampling intensity. The hypothesis that opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites was supported as one species was very dominant (Pterostichus melanarius, 60.0%) in the heavily trampled sites, while there were two equally and less dominant species in the less trampled sites. Individual species did show different responses to the effects of trampling, and the most sensitive forest species may not survive in the heavily trampled sites. We conclude that at the community level (e.g., species richness, diversity), the effects of trampling on carabids in urban forests are subtle, but impacts are pronounced for some sensitive species.
Keywords:Carabidae  trampling disturbance  urbanisation
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