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作者单位:复旦大学中国语言文学研究所 上海200433
摘    要:在言语交际活动中,交际者为了保证交际达到预期目的,首先必须研究其所面对的受交际者,准确把握言语交际时特定的情境,然后有针对性地创意造言,运用或创造性运用特定的表达法(修辞策略),使语言表达产生特殊的效力,从而使传情达意的效果最大化。这便是“语言力”。从不同的层次与视角看,我们可以将“语言力”大致区分为“说明力”“表达力”“突破力”“说服力”“感染力”“辩驳力”“沟通力”“理解力”等八类。

关 键 词:语言力  交际  表达法  效果类型

Brief Discussion on “Language’ s Efficacy”
Abstract:In the social communication,speakers would do serial actions to achieve the communicating purpose. Firstly,they would study the background of the listeners and the context. Secondly,they would use different ex-pressing skills ( Rhetoric strategy) to make words more powerful and meaningful. Those actions can maximum the communicating effect,and which is called “language’ s efficacy”.“Language’ s efficacy” can be divided into 8 groups from different layers and angles,they are “expositive efficacy”,“expressive efficacy”,“transcending effi-cacy”,“persuasive efficacy”,“infective efficacy”,“debating efficacy”,“communicative efficacy” and “under-standing efficacy”.
Keywords:Language’ s efficacy  Communication  Expressing skills  Types of efficacy
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