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A Resampling Approach for Under-estimating a Finite Population Total from a Censored Sample

Suppose a finite population of N objects each of which has an unknown value μ i  ≥ 0, i = 1, … , N of a nonnegative characteristic of interest. A random sample has been drawn, but only for a selected subset of the sample the μ-values have been observed. The subset selection procedure has been somewhat obscure, and thus the subsample is censorized rather than random. Despite that, a reliable lower bound for the population total (the sum of all μ i ) is required which uses the statistical information contained in the data. We propose a resampling procedure to construct an under-estimate of the population total. We also consider the case when the objects of the population have unequal sampling probabilities, in particular when the population is divided into a few number of strata with constant probabilities within each stratum. A real data example illustrates the method.
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