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引用本文:王先胜. 炎黄年代及“三皇五帝”历史研究的新进展[J]. 重庆文理学院学报, 2012, 31(1): 31-38
作者单位:重庆文理学院 非物质文化遗产研究中心, 重庆 永川 402160
摘    要:最近几年,以炎黄历史和年代研究为核心的“三皇五帝”传说历史研究发生了根本性转折。2003年以前.认为炎黄距今四五千年、考古学的“龙山时代”相当于古史传说的“五帝时代”一直是学界主流认识,而主张炎黄距今六七千年、其历史和文化在考古学的“仰韶时代”仅是极少数学者的认识。2003年王先胜在网络发表《“中国古代文明探源工程”细思量》后开始发生根本性转折,现在“炎黄距今四五千年”已经式微,而“炎黄距今六七千年”已成为学界主流观点和认识。关于中国史前史的轮廓与框架,目前可以通过《中国史前史(“三皇五帝”古史体系)简表》等几个简表来了解与把握。

关 键 词:炎黄年代  龙山时代  仰韶时代  中国史前史  传说历史  简表

The Development of Historical Researches of Yanhuang's and Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns
WANG Xian-sheng. The Development of Historical Researches of Yanhuang's and Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, 2012, 31(1): 31-38
Authors:WANG Xian-sheng
Affiliation:The Institute of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Yongchuan, Chongqing, 402160, china
Abstract:In recent years, the historical researches have the fundamental turn in Yanhuang''s history. The educational circles thought that the Yanhuang''s history four and five thousands years ago are equal to the five sovereign''s times in ancient history. Few scholars thought that the history of six and seven thousands years ago were equal to the history of the times of Yangshao. In2003, Wang made an article--the fine thought of "china ancient civilization exploitation project", and then he made a fundamental turn, which the "Yanhuang before four and five thousands years ago" have changed into "Yanhuang before six and seven thousands years ago". About the general situation and framework of ancient china history, it can be understood through the tables of china pre-ancient history.
Keywords:the times of Yanhuang   the times of Long mountain   the time of Yangshao   China pre-ancient history   legend history   simple list
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