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摘    要:汉武帝罢黜百家、独尊儒术,但此后处于在野地位的道家思想依然以支流或暗流的形式在社会上广泛流传.道家学说处柔守雌、超然物外的思想倾向,也往往成为失意士人心理上的慰藉和精神上的依托,引起他们的共鸣.另外,随着社会政治危机的不断加深,许多士人将目光转向诸子之学,其中相当一批士人追慕、向往汉初的黄老无为之治,试图搬出道家学说作为救世良方.严遵著<老子指归>,继承、发挥<老子>之说,提出了系统的宇宙生成理论和辩证法思想.扬雄撰<太玄>等,将源于老子之道的玄作为最高范畴,并在构筑宇宙生成图式、探索事物发展规律时,对道家思想多有融摄和发展.

关 键 词:道家思想  严遵  扬雄  西汉后期

Yan Zun and Yang Xiong's Taoist school thought
WANG Ping.Yan Zun and Yang Xiong's Taoist school thought[J].Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2001(1):72-77.
Authors:WANG Ping
Abstract:Wu Di of the Han Dynasty had dismissed hundreds of schools and worshiped Confucian- ism singularly which made Taoist school theory be out of office. But its influences did not disappear. It was spread continually in the society with the form of a kind of tributary or undercurrent, and it became the important additional part of Confucianism , which was the dominant thought and official systematic learning at that time. In the later period of the Western Han Dynasty, owing to the appearance of political and social crisis and its constantly aggravating, Taoist school thought had got the soil and atmosphere for developing further, and scholars such as Yan Zun and Yang Xiong had comparatively clear Taoist school thought.
Keywords:Taoism  Yan Zun  Yangxiong  the Later Western Han Dynasty
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