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引用本文:郑秀梅. 中国现代化道路的追求与现代性建构[J]. 重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2022, 34(3): 28-36
作者单位:中共中央党校(国家行政学院) 研究生院, 北京 100091
摘    要:在中西文化的激烈碰撞中,中国应向何处去、走什么样的现代化道路实现国家富强和民族振兴,成为无数仁人志士孜孜以求的梦想。近代中国经历了器物、制度和文化的学习历程,但都没有触及现代化的本质维度。俄国十月革命一声炮响给苦闷彷徨的国人带来了新的希望,马克思主义中国化与现代化互为联结成为历史性实践的重要课题,中国共产党成为强有力的领导核心,带领全国人民历经磨难开辟了现代化的革命和建设道路。从模仿到突破,从改革到创新,中国共产党找到了实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确道路。站在新时代的历史起点上,中国式现代化新道路正以新的文明形态冉冉升起在东方的地平线上,不仅为解决自身发展难题也为世界面临的共同问题贡献了中国智慧和中国方案,中华民族迎来了从百年屈辱到伟大复兴的历史跨越。

关 键 词:现代化  中国道路  新文明形态

The Pursuit of the Chinese Approach of Modernization and the Construction of Modernity
ZHENG Xiumei. The Pursuit of the Chinese Approach of Modernization and the Construction of Modernity[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Social Science Edition, 2022, 34(3): 28-36
Authors:ZHENG Xiumei
Affiliation:Graduate School, Party School of the Central Committee of C. P. C (National Academy of Governance), Beijing 100091, China
Abstract:In the fierce collision between Chinese and Western cultures, the question of where China should go and what kind of modernization path it should take to achieve national prosperity and rejuvenation has become the assiduous dream of countless people with lofty ideals. Modern China has experienced the learning process of utensils, institutions and culture, but has not touched the essential dimension of modernization. The October Revolution in Russia brought new hope to the depressed and wandering Chinese people. The sinicization of Marxism and the coupling of modernization became an important subject of historical practice. The Communist Party of China became a strong core of leadership, leading the people to open up the road of modernization revolution and construction after suffering. From imitation to breakthrough, from reform to innovation, the CPC has found the right path to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Standing at the historical starting point of the new era, a new path of modernization is slowly rising on the Eastern horizon in a new form of civilization. It has contributed Chinese wisdom and solutions not only to solve its own development problems, but also to the common problems facing the world. The Chinese nation has made a historical leap from a century of humiliation to great rejuvenation.
Keywords:modernization  China road  new civilization
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