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引用本文:车辚. 云南邮政的近代化[J]. 南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 0(4): 86-93
作者单位:云南农业大学 马克思主义学院
摘    要:近代云南邮政肇始于晚清,由通商口岸的海关兼办。这一新的信息服务工具一经推出,便由口岸向内陆城市延伸,最终覆盖云南主要经济区、工商业城市、交通干道沿线、边陲重镇,对启迪民智、沟通信息、繁荣工商、巩固国防、交流文化不无裨益。云南邮政的制度创新、业务创新,及与近代交通工具的结合,顺应了云南的工业化、城市化潮流,也实现了自身的近代化。

关 键 词:云南;邮政;近代化

The modernization of Yunnan postal service
Abstract:Abstract:The postal service in modern Yunnan started off in late Qing Dynasty, and was administered by the customs situated in treaty ports. This new information service developed quickly from ports to inland cities, and covered all important economic areas, industry and business cities, traffic lines and frontier cities, which played a key role in enlightening the people, improving communication, prospering industry and business, consolidating state defense and exchanging cultures. The postal service in modern Yunnan realized its own modernization with its system and business innovations by allying with modern traffic tools and adapting to the tides of industrialization and urbanization in the area.
Keywords:Yunnan   postal service   modernization
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