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引用本文:马大正. 新疆历史发展中的五个基本问题[J]. 学术探索, 2006, 1(2): 100-108
摘    要:两千多年的新疆历史发展,展现出了若干特点和规律,值得人们总结和借鉴。从政治上看,自西汉在新疆设置西域都护府以来,新疆一直被纳入中央王朝的管辖治理之下,尽管各王朝对西域地区的治理方式各有不同,但总的趋势是中央王朝对新疆的管理不断深化。1884年,清政府在新疆地区设立行省,新疆由此完成了和我国其他地区融为一体的进程。从民族分布和民族关系上来说,新疆是一个多民族聚居的地区,这种多民族聚居的格局是历史上众多民族长期融合、发展的结果,在新疆多民族聚居格局的发展演变过程中,各民族之间的和好交往是新疆民族关系的主流,与此同时,各民族之间也存在着战争和冲突,这是阶级社会各民族交往的一种特殊形式;近代以来,在反抗外来侵略的斗争中,新疆各族人民的国家观念进一步升华,作为中华民族一分子的观念已经深入人心。从宗教上来说,新疆有史以来即是一个多种宗教并存的地区,伊斯兰教从来都不是新疆地区唯一的宗教,伊斯兰教在新疆地区的传播是特定历史时期的产物;历史经验表明,宗教与世俗权力分离是保持新疆稳定的基础。从文化上讲,新疆文化是由众多具有不同特点的民族文化构成的,不同民族文化的和谐共存与相互认同,既是新疆文化整体发展的需要,也是促进各民族政治认同的前提和基础。从屯垦戍边政策的历史定位来看,屯垦戍边是历代王朝治理新疆政策的重要内容,屯垦戍边既有利于保障边疆的巩固和稳定,也有利于促进新疆经济社会的发展。

关 键 词:新疆  西域  宗教  文化  民族  屯垦戍边

The Five Basic Problems in the Development of the History of Xinjiang
MA Da-zheng. The Five Basic Problems in the Development of the History of Xinjiang[J]. Academic Research, 2006, 1(2): 100-108
Authors:MA Da-zheng
Abstract:More than 2000 years historical development of Xinjiang has shown many features and laws,which is worth summing up and learning from.From the political point of view,Xinjiang has long been within the administration of the central government ever since Xihan Dynasty.Till 1884 when the Ggovernment of Qing Dynasty set up province there,Xinjiang hereby had walked completely the long way of merging together with other parts of our country.From the ethnic point of view,Xinjiang has long been an area of China where multi-ethnic groups have been living together.This structure is the historically inevitable result of the ethnic emerging and its development in history,during which the mainstream has been different ethnic groups' living together friendly while,as a form of communication and exchange,there have been conflicts and wars between them.Since modern times,their awareness of Chinese nation has been further increasing during the struggle to fight against foreign invasions.From the religious point of view,Xinjiang,since its history began,has been a co-existing area of various religions,in which religion has always been independent from the secular power,Islam has never been the sole religion and the separation of religion from the worldly power has been the basis for the stability of Xinjiang as has been proved by historical experience.Eyed from culture,Xinjiang has been a combination of various ethnic cultures,the harmonious co-existence of which has been not only the need for them to develop integrally but also the prerequisite and basis for the political identity of different cultures.Seen from the historical position of the policy to station troops for opening up the wild land and defending the frontiers,this policy has been the main content of administration of Xinjiang successively by every dynasty,which has helped not only guarantee the reinforcement and stability of frontier defensive,but also enhance the development of economy and society in Xinjiang.
Keywords:Xinjiang  the Western Regions  religion  culture  ethnic groups  station troops for opening up the wild land and defending the frontiers  
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