Research on the Form of Compensation Value for Agricultural Land Expropriation and the Main Relationship between the Stakeholders in Land Compensation in View of Sustainability
中文关键词:  可持续发展  农地征收  补偿价值  利益主体  利益分配
English Keywords:sustainable development  agricultural land expropriation  compensation value  stakeholder  distribution of benefits
Fund Project:
赵旭 湖南城市学院 城市管理学院湖南 益阳 413000 
摘要点击次数: 1059
全文下载次数: 781
English Summary:
      Based on sustainable development theory, real options theory and game theory, this paper analyzes the compensation value for agricultural land expropriation including five parts, the economic value, social value, ecological value, the value of real options and game value. In view of the equity of intra-generational and inter-generational, the paper suggests that the stakeholders in land compensation for agricultural land expropriation are national, local government, the village collective economic organizations, landless farmers and future generations. In order to fully realize the compensation value, the relationship between stakeholders is reconstructed. At last, the paper constructs the allocation model which can help to improve the social equity of agricultural land expropriation and sustainable development of agricultural land use.
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