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团队心理授权、组织公民行为与团队绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探讨团队心理授权对团队绩效产生影响的作用机制,即团队心理授权是否会通过团队水平组织公民行为的中介作用对团队绩效产生影响.采用多元回归和结构方程建模分析了团队心理授权、团队水平组织公民行为以及团队绩效之间的关系,研究样本自于32家企业的156个工作团队的568名员工.结果表明:团队心理授权对团队水平组织公民行为、团队绩效有正向影响;团队水平组织公民行为在团队心理授权与团队主动性之间具有完全中介作用,在团队心理授权与团队工作绩效之间具有部分中介作用.  相似文献   

一方面,研发团队作为企业创新活动的基本单位,对提升企业创新能力起着关键作用;另一方面,如何有效管理研发团队以促进创新,在现实中又面临严峻挑战.基于团队心理安全和学习行为整合视角,以151个研发团队585个研发成员为样本,实证研究研发团队社会资本对创新绩效的作用路径.研究结果表明:研发团队3维社会资本(结构、认知和关系)对创新绩效均具有显著的积极影响,团队学习行为部分中介团队心理安全与创新绩效的关系;团队心理安全部分中介团队社会资本与学习行为的关系;团队心理安全和学习行为分别部分中介团队结构资本、认知资本与创新绩效的关系,完全中介团队关系资本与创新绩效的关系.  相似文献   

张毅  黄福华  朱桂菊 《管理科学》2022,25(1):107-126
团队断裂带影响团队创新绩效的关系机理有待进一步厘清.基于“I-P-O”的理论逻辑,引入双元领导和创造性综合两个变量,建构了团队断裂带影响团队创新绩效的理论模型.以171个工作团队为样本,收集团队领导和成员的配对数据进行实证研究.结果表明:创造性综合在社会分类断裂带与团队创新绩效之间起部分中介作用,在信息认知断裂带与团队创新绩效之间起完全中介作用;双元领导能够弱化社会分类断裂带对团队创新绩效和创造性综合的负向影响,强化信息认知断裂带对团队创新绩效和创造性综合的正向影响.研究深化了团队断裂带与团队创新绩效关系机理的认识,为企业异质性团队管理提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业成长过程中创业团队企业家精神能否得到有效传承将直接影响企业的可持续发展.在文献回顾的基础上提出评价创业团队企业家精神的4个维度,并通过对206住企业高管成员的实地访谈和179份有效问卷的数据分析做实证研究,结果表明.创业团队企业家精神与团队绩效、公司绩效具有显著正相关关系,团队绩效作为中介变量影响创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效的关系,协作进取维度对团队绩效和公司绩效的影响作用尤为突出.  相似文献   

高管冲突与团队决策绩效——基于控制模式的调节分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合冲突理论与公司治理控制理论,揭示控制模式(所有制)在高管冲突与团队决策绩效关系中的调节作用,利用中国10个省345份国有企业和民营企业样本,运用层级回归分析对假设进行验证.研究结果表明,高管认知冲突有助于提高团队决策绩效,高管情感冲突负向影响团队决策绩效;同时所有制对于两类冲突的调节作用不同,相对于国有企业,民营企业中高管团队情感冲突与团队决策绩效的负相关关系显著减弱,高管团队认知冲突与团队决策绩效的正相关关系并无显著差别.研究发现,要有效提高高管团队决策绩效,既应通过所有制的改变降低情感冲突对决策的负面作用,也应该寻求体制调整之外的具体管理方式适度激发认知冲突.  相似文献   

技术标准联盟是企业打破组织边界,从外部获取所需关键性资源进行标准创新的重要途径。目前学术界关于技术标准联盟的研究并不多,相关研究主要围绕联盟特性、动因和其与绩效之间的关系展开讨论,研究视角较为单一,尚未有结合人际关系技能探究企业在创新战略中如何有效实施技术标准联盟行为的研究。基于社会网络、高层梯队理论和结构-行为-绩效研究范式,将技术标准联盟行为、高管团队人际关系技能引入企业创新网络与技术创新绩效的关系机制中,构建以技术标准联盟行为为中介变量、高管团队人际关系技能为调节变量的有调节的中介模型。通过对熟悉技术创新和市场竞争环境的中高层管理者的问卷调查,收集来自北京、广东和浙江等11个省市的电子与通信设备、汽车及轨道交通设备和生物制药等制造企业的366份有效问卷,运用Spss 21.0和Amos 24.0对理论模型进行检验分析。研究结果表明,企业创新网络对技术标准联盟行为具有显著的正向影响,技术标准联盟行为在企业创新网络与技术创新绩效之间起部分中介作用,高管团队人际关系技能在企业创新网络与技术标准联盟行为之间起正向的调节作用,企业创新网络与高管团队人际关系技能的交互作用通过技术标准联盟行为间接影响技术创新绩效。通过探究技术标准联盟行为的中介作用,丰富了企业创新网络与技术创新绩效关系路径的理论认识,拓展了技术标准联盟在创新领域的研究;引入高管团队人际关系技能作为影响因素进行分析,深化了人际关系技能与创新网络和技术标准联盟行为的微观研究。研究结果有助于指导企业如何通过创新网络、技术标准联盟和人际关系技能提高企业技术创新绩效。  相似文献   

高管团队的职能特征如何反映到企业绩效中一直是管理领域研究的重点,但是其实证检验结果呈现出复杂化的特征,一致性的结论尚未达成。本文从高阶梯理论和信息处理理论出发,较为全面地探索高管团队职能异质性如何影响企业绩效。研究结果表明:(1)高管团队职能异质性对企业绩效水平有负向的影响;(2)高管团队职能异质性会显著促进管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高;(3)管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高会进一步促进绩效水平的提高;(4)管理者认知是高管团队职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制;(5)高管团队职能异质性的提高会显著促进团队冲突的提高;(6)团队冲突的增强会抑制企业绩效水平的提高;(7)团队冲突是职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制。  相似文献   

受数字技术变革与应用影响,企业价值创造边界不断外扩,进而导致商业生态系统取代双边伙伴合作成为企业开展商业模式创新的主要情境。在此背景下,本文聚焦研究商业生态系统中的企业如何适应商业生态系统治理进行商业模式创新的机制。从非核心企业视角出发,主要探讨了商业生态系统治理对企业商业模式创新的影响,分析了高管团队社会资本的中介作用,进而剖析了商业生态系统开放性、企业生态位重叠度的调节作用。研究发现:(1)商业生态系统关系治理和契约治理均对企业商业模式创新有显著的正向影响;(2)高管团队内部社会资本与外部社会资本在商业生态系统治理影响企业商业模式创新中发挥着多样的中介作用;(3)商业生态系统开放性、企业生态位重叠度均正向调节了高管团队内部社会资本与企业商业模式创新的关系,且均负向调节了高管团队外部社会资本与企业商业模式创新的关系。  相似文献   

新创企业的成败很大程度上取决于战略决策绩效,具有决策权力的高管团队在创业情境下的认知和行为过程对战略决策绩效具有重要影响。本文结合创业研究和高管团队研究的现有成果,以122家新创企业为研究对象,从内部团队过程和外部团队过程两个维度考察高管团队的团队过程对战略决策绩效的影响,并从认知的视角分析新创企业高管团队认知需要和认知能力对团队过程与决策绩效关系的调节作用。研究结果表明,新创企业高管团队的内部团队过程和外部团队过程与决策的质量和满意度均有显著的正相关关系,且认知需要和认知能力对这种关系具有调节作用,在认知需要和认知能力较高的情况下,内、外部团队过程对决策质量和满意度的正向影响更强。  相似文献   

本文以2004-2010年我国信息技术行业上市公司为研究样本,加入企业绩效的动态性和多样性,基于社会类化理论和信息决策理论,较为全面地探讨了高管团队职能背景对企业绩效的影响.研究结果表明,社会类化理论更能解释高管团队对企业绩效产生的影响.高管团队职能背景异质性不利于企业绩效的提升,尤其对短期绩效和创新绩效有显著的负向影响.在三种基本职能背景中,“生产型”职能背景为主的高管团队对短期绩效、长期绩效、创新绩效和海外绩效均有正向影响,且影响最大.“多职能背景”为主的高管团队有助于企业海外绩效的提升,但对企业创新绩效有显著的负向影响.从三种特殊职业经历来看,具有海外背景的高管对企业短期绩效、长期绩效、创新绩效和海外绩效均有显著的正向影响;而外部空降的高管,会严重阻碍企业的创新发展;有政府背景的高管则会提高企业的海外绩效.  相似文献   

创业导向与创新绩效:高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业导向对创新绩效的提升具有重要的影响,但创业导向与创新绩效的关系还可能受高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响。根据基于注意力的观点,对创业导向、创新绩效、高管团队的异质性、高管团队的共同愿景和市场动态性的关系进行研究,探讨高管团队的异质性和共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节作用,并进一步研究这种调节作用是否受市场动态性的影响。利用在广东、江苏、山东、陕西和河南5地收集的264份调查问卷,采用多元线性回归和调节效应的检验方法对研究假设进行实证检验。研究结果表明,创业导向对创新绩效有正向促进作用,高管团队的异质性有助于加强创业导向与创新绩效的关系。在稳定的市场环境下,高管团队的异质性对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应更强;在不考虑环境动态性和环境动态性较低的情况下,高管团队的共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应不显著,但在动态性较高的市场环境下,可以显著地正向调节创业导向与创新绩效的关系。  相似文献   

编制了建设项目团队成员心理契约、工作满意、工作努力、目标绩效的调查问卷,对9家国有企业建设项目的300多名团队成员进行实地调查,共收集278份有效问卷,构建了建设项目团队成员心理契约对目标绩效的影响关系并以工作满意、工作努力作为中介变量的结构模型,采用验证性因素分析法和结构方程模型方法进行分析,研究结果表明:建设项目团队成员心理契约由交易型、关系型和管理型心理契约构成;工作满意对建设项目团队成员心理契约满足程度与建设项目关系绩效的关系具有完全中介作用;工作努力对建设项目团队成员关系型、管理型心理契约满足程度与建设项目任务绩效的关系具有完全中介作用。最后,基于结论给出构建建设项目团队成员激励及目标实现机制的管理启示。  相似文献   

本文以2003-2006年深圳证券交易所A股上市公司为研究对象,实证考察信息透明度对经理薪酬契约有效性的影响,试图从经理薪酬契约角度重新诠释信息透明度的经济后果.研究发现,信息透明度能够显著提高经理薪酬契约的有效性.具体而言,信息透明度越高的公司,经理薪酬业绩敏感性越高,经理薪酬与盈利业绩和亏损业绩之间的非对称性越小.研究还发现,与非国有企业相比,国有上市公司信息透明度对经理薪酬契约有效性的影响更加显著.本研究论证了信息透明度在减少股东与经理之间的信息不对称和降低公司代理成本中的重要作用.  相似文献   

The top executive personality literature has grown significantly in recent years. We review this literature, consider its contributions to leadership research and practice, and discuss how future research on top executive personality should draw more heavily on the broader leadership literature. The paper first describes the top executive context and highlights the advantages and challenges of studying top executives. We then review the top executive personality literature in four areas that capture the bulk of the research: leadership of human resources, ethical leadership, strategic leadership and corporate governance, and firm performance. We examine how the top executive personality research in each area compares with other research on leaders' and their personalities that has been conducted on similar topics. The paper concludes with a future research agenda, which identifies other leader, team, and contextual considerations to advance our understanding of top executive personality and its influence. We also address methodological challenges related to measurement and endogeneity, because they are important for theory development and have received much attention in top executive personality research. In short, our paper examines how the literatures on top executives and leadership inform one another, and it helps lay a foundation for integrating these literatures more thoroughly.  相似文献   

Compensation packages are widely used to motivate top executives. Pay dispersion among a firm's executives, however, can be associated with the antithetic effects of social comparison and individual motivation, with unclear implications for the company. We focus on innovation activities, which represent an important channel through which pay dispersion can affect firm performance, and test our predictions by exploring innovative output as a function of executives’ pay dispersion in a panel of US firms. We find that executive pay dispersion acts as a double‐edged sword. On the one hand, the higher the dispersion in variable pay, the higher the innovation. On the other hand, the larger the dispersion in fixed pay, the lower the innovation. Results are robust to a number of tests, such as restricting the analysis to executives with direct responsibility for innovation projects and considering individual incentives in the form of cash pay.  相似文献   

本文首先从创新顾客的公平偏好程度、薪酬合同类型(最优激励系数)与激励机制效果的关系入手,引入公平偏好理论(不公平厌恶和地位追求)、相对绩效评估(RPE)和参与成本要素,构建顾客参与企业新产品开发的激励模型;其次,通过模型求解和分析,探讨分析各类薪酬合同中风险成本、不公平预期损失和激励效果之间的关系;最后,通过仿真实验验证并确定企业采用的创新顾客最优薪酬合同类型。研究发现:在同一薪酬合同下,创新顾客愈不在意其参与成本的投入,该合同的激励效果愈积极;关于创新顾客最优合同类型的选择,意味着求解一个三方面权衡,包括风险成本、不公平预期损失和公平偏好的激励效果;对于公平偏好程度较低的创新顾客,企业可采用相对绩效合同,例如锦标竞争合同;对于公平偏好程度较高的创新顾客,当其风险规避程度较高时,可采用团队报酬合同,当其风险规避程度较低时,可采用完美团队合同。  相似文献   

Diversity has become an important issue at all levels of the company from the boardroom to the back office. It is increasingly apparent that diversity is vital to productivity, with academic research indicating an important link between diverse top management team (TMT) composition and corporate performance. However, the nature of this link remains elusive, as there is little accessible research that can help top teams to evaluate how diversity impacts on their strategic capacity. This paper seeks to fill this gap by developing a conceptual framework, illustrated with case examples, to explain the relationships between TMT diversity and TMT collective action. As collective action is difficult to attain from top teams that are high in diversity, six practical processes are developed from this framework for establishing and exploiting top team strategic capacity. The paper concludes by outlining the theoretical implications of the framework.
It is the range of skills and attributes acquired through a diversity of experiences and backgrounds that combine to create a cohesive and effective board.1

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102166
On their journey toward digital transformation, industrial firms need to embrace digital innovation. The top management team (TMT) is expected to set the course for digital innovation, which is a challenging endeavour given the novel and cross-functional nature of digital innovation. We draw on role theory to make sense of emerging role requirements for the TMT and combine this view with upper echelon theory to hypothesize on the specific TMT characteristics that are needed for digital innovation. We first theorize that firms could benefit from TMT digital knowledge. Second, we argue that the effective utilization of TMT digital knowledge can be fostered at internal TMT interfaces, such as between the chief executive officer (CEO), respectively a chief digital officer (CDO), and other top managers. Finally, we consider the TMT hierarchical structure as a contextual factor in the stimulation of TMT integration processes by integrative CEOs and CDOs. We employ panel data regressions to a longitudinal dataset of US industrial firms and find a positive relation between TMT digital knowledge and digital innovation, on average. We additionally find evidence for the integrative roles of CEOs and CDOs. However, our findings also indicate that the CDO's integrating role can be hampered by a strong hierarchical structure in the TMT.  相似文献   

The literature on employee voice has grown enormously over the past decades. However, the relationships between different employee voice mechanisms and organizational performance are far from being fully understood, and the existing research shows mixed evidence. Moreover, the HRM literature tends to concentrate on individual voice mechanisms (e.g. employee involvement) and to underestimate the role that collective voice may have in the HRM performance relationship. This paper aims to analyze how collective employee voice mechanisms (i.e. union voice and team voice) affect organizational productivity and how these relationships vary when voice mechanisms are adopted in combination with other HRM practices (i.e. variable pay, training, performance appraisals and multitasking). The analysis of a sample of 223 Italian manufacturing firms matched with an external database (AIDA) containing balance sheet information found that union voice is positively related to labor productivity, while team voice does not show any significant relationship with labor productivity. Moreover, both union and team voice have important moderation effects in the HRM-performance relationship. Union voice moderates positively the relationship between variable pay and performance and negatively the relationship between training and performance. Team voice positively moderates the relationship between training and performance. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reconciles the positive and negative sides of CEO grandiose narcissism by examining the role that CEO organizational identification plays in moderating the effect of CEO grandiose narcissism on top management team (TMT) behavioral integration. We first distinguish between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and we then draw on upper echelons theory and executive personality research to hypothesize and test a model in which CEO grandiose narcissism is positively related to TMT behavioral integration when CEOs are high in organizational identification. The relationship is expected to be negative when CEOs do not identify strongly with their organizations. TMT behavioral integration, in turn, predicts subsequent firm performance. Findings based on multi-source data from a sample of 97 CEOs and their firms supported the hypotheses. These results highlight the complex nature of CEO grandiose narcissism – namely, that the construct has both positive and negative aspects as it relates to top management team dynamics and firm performance and that the relationship is affected by CEOs' identification with their organizations.  相似文献   

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