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高管冲突与团队决策绩效——基于控制模式的调节分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合冲突理论与公司治理控制理论,揭示控制模式(所有制)在高管冲突与团队决策绩效关系中的调节作用,利用中国10个省345份国有企业和民营企业样本,运用层级回归分析对假设进行验证.研究结果表明,高管认知冲突有助于提高团队决策绩效,高管情感冲突负向影响团队决策绩效;同时所有制对于两类冲突的调节作用不同,相对于国有企业,民营企业中高管团队情感冲突与团队决策绩效的负相关关系显著减弱,高管团队认知冲突与团队决策绩效的正相关关系并无显著差别.研究发现,要有效提高高管团队决策绩效,既应通过所有制的改变降低情感冲突对决策的负面作用,也应该寻求体制调整之外的具体管理方式适度激发认知冲突.  相似文献   

影响新创企业绩效的创业团队因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升新创企业绩效是创业实践和研究的核心问题。创业团队对新创企业的绩效有着决定性的影响,本文从创业团队的视角出发,对如何提升新创企业绩效的问题进行研究。论文对已有研究进行全面的梳理、总结和评论,发现已有研究主要从创业团队构成和合作过程两方面解释新创企业绩效。论文指出,虽然团队构成决定了创业团队的化学成分,但要形成有助于团队化学反应的合作过程,需要有团队制度作为前提条件,否则团队合作关系容易被破坏。因此,本文提出创业团队治理是影响新创企业绩效的重要因素。在此基础上,本文综合团队构成、团队合作过程和团队治理三个维度,建立了影响新创企业绩效的创业团队因素模型,并指出未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

高管团队薪酬差异与企业绩效关系是公司治理和人力资源管理领域的热点议题之一,但已有的研究结论并不一致.本研究基于锦标赛理论和社会比较理论,以992家上市公司为样本,运用阶层线性模型研究二者之间的关系及行业特征的调节作用.结果发现:(1)高管团队垂直薪酬差异与企业绩效呈正相关关系;(2)高管团队垂直薪酬差异与水平薪酬差异对企业绩效具有交互作用;(3)行业内高管薪酬差异程度对高管团队垂直薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层负向调节作用,同时对水平薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层正向调节作用;(4)行业内技术密集性对高管团队水平薪酬差异与企业绩效关系存在跨层正向调节作用.本研究为不同行业特征下的企业进行合理的高管团队薪酬结构设计提供了借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

反映在结构因素、关系因素和认知因素三个维度上的高管团队内部社会资本为决策信息的交换和共享提供了机会、意愿和能力,有利于团队内部形成建设性的冲突模式,促进决策效果的提高.本文以团队冲突为中介变量,建立了高管团队内部社会资本与决策效果的关系的理论框架,提出了研究命题,并对企业高管团队内部社会资本的培育提出建议.  相似文献   

王晶晶  杜晶晶 《管理学报》2009,6(5):671-677
通过对212位高管团队成员的实地访谈和有效问卷,揭示了高管团队心理契约、集体创新和团队绩效之间的关系.研究结果表明,高管团队心理契约与集体创新、团队绩效均具有显著正相关关系;高管团队心理契约对团队绩效的影响是通过集体创新这一中介变量表现出来的.集体创新在高管团队交易型心理契约与团队绩效关系中起部分中介作用,在关系型心理契约与团队绩效关系中起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

刘新民  王垒 《南开管理评论》2012,15(2):101-107,127
本文以上市公司2005-2009年间高管更替数据为研究样本,引入了高管团队重组和战略连续性作为中介变量,探讨了不同高管更替模式对企业绩效的影响路径。研究结果表明,上市公司高管强制更替外部聘任对高管团队重组有正向影响,对战略连续性有负向影响,对企业绩效有负向影响,其中高管团队重组和战略连续性在强制更替外部聘任与企业绩效之间起到中介效应;上市公司高管强制更替内部聘任对高管团队重组影响不显著,对战略连续性有正向影响,对企业绩效有正向影响,其中战略连续性在强制更替内部聘任与企业绩效之间起到中介效应;另外,高管团队重组对企业绩效有负向影响,战略连续性对企业绩效有正向影响。  相似文献   

高管团队的职能特征如何反映到企业绩效中一直是管理领域研究的重点,但是其实证检验结果呈现出复杂化的特征,一致性的结论尚未达成。本文从高阶梯理论和信息处理理论出发,较为全面地探索高管团队职能异质性如何影响企业绩效。研究结果表明:(1)高管团队职能异质性对企业绩效水平有负向的影响;(2)高管团队职能异质性会显著促进管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高;(3)管理者认知集中性和复杂性的提高会进一步促进绩效水平的提高;(4)管理者认知是高管团队职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制;(5)高管团队职能异质性的提高会显著促进团队冲突的提高;(6)团队冲突的增强会抑制企业绩效水平的提高;(7)团队冲突是职能异质性影响企业绩效水平的中介机制。  相似文献   

创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业成长过程中创业团队企业家精神能否得到有效传承将直接影响企业的可持续发展.在文献回顾的基础上提出评价创业团队企业家精神的4个维度,并通过对206住企业高管成员的实地访谈和179份有效问卷的数据分析做实证研究,结果表明.创业团队企业家精神与团队绩效、公司绩效具有显著正相关关系,团队绩效作为中介变量影响创业团队企业家精神与公司绩效的关系,协作进取维度对团队绩效和公司绩效的影响作用尤为突出.  相似文献   

创业导向与创新绩效:高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业导向对创新绩效的提升具有重要的影响,但创业导向与创新绩效的关系还可能受高管团队特征和市场动态性的影响。根据基于注意力的观点,对创业导向、创新绩效、高管团队的异质性、高管团队的共同愿景和市场动态性的关系进行研究,探讨高管团队的异质性和共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节作用,并进一步研究这种调节作用是否受市场动态性的影响。利用在广东、江苏、山东、陕西和河南5地收集的264份调查问卷,采用多元线性回归和调节效应的检验方法对研究假设进行实证检验。研究结果表明,创业导向对创新绩效有正向促进作用,高管团队的异质性有助于加强创业导向与创新绩效的关系。在稳定的市场环境下,高管团队的异质性对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应更强;在不考虑环境动态性和环境动态性较低的情况下,高管团队的共同愿景对创业导向与创新绩效关系的调节效应不显著,但在动态性较高的市场环境下,可以显著地正向调节创业导向与创新绩效的关系。  相似文献   

本文基于高阶梯队理论,针对以往CEO更换研究的关键问题,探讨ST公司新任CEO特征、高管团队调整以及企业绩效提升之间的关系。本研究选择了沪深两市2000-2010期间被ST特殊处理后更换CEO的110个样本进行实证研究,研究结果表明,ST公司新任CEO的继任年龄、受教育水平对企业短期绩效变化有显著正向影响,过去未担任过CEO的新任CEO继任后企业短期绩效的提升明显好于过去担任过CEO的,内部继任的新任CEO继任后企业长期绩效的改善明显好于外部继任的,高管团队调整对企业短期绩效变化有显著正向影响,新任CEO特征对高管团队调整没有显著影响。本研究为绩效下滑企业转型战略研究提供了一个新的视角,也为中国企业选择和更换CEO提供了决策的依据。  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new contingency variable that moderates the effect of top management team composition on organizational performance – the organization's business model. Arguing from an upper echelon perspective and drawing on data from 99 German biotechnology ventures, we show that founder‐based firm‐specific experience of management team members can have either a positive or a negative effect on performance, depending on whether the venture pursues a platform or a therapeutics business model, respectively. Our results also show that managers' experience collected in the pharmaceutical industry has a positive effect on performance, and that this effect is more positive for therapeutics than for platform ventures. We discuss the implications of these findings for the literature on upper echelons and entrepreneurial founding teams.  相似文献   

The factors that determine firms' levels of internationalization remain a focal area of international business research. Within this research stream, studies building on the upper echelons theory have investigated the influence of the demographic characteristics of the top management team (TMT) on firms' international expansion. However, the literature to date has overlooked the TMT's overall degree of internationalization as a key driver of firm-level internationalization. In our paper, we argue that by having self-selected into careers abroad, foreign TMT members by definition have a higher cognitive tolerance of foreignness than domestic TMT members do. We theorize that foreign TMT members' higher cognitive tolerance for foreignness enhances the overall TMT's level of international attention and international trust, thereby facilitating strategic decisions that favor firm-level internationalization. Additionally, we propose two key contingencies that attenuate this relationship: the institutional diversity of the firm's home region and the firm's global focus. Analysis of Fortune Global 500 firms supports the hypothesized relationship between TMT internationalization and firm-level internationalization, as well as the two moderation effects.  相似文献   

基于社会认知和战略选择等理论知识,探讨创业团队先前经验构成特征与进入战略创新性的逻辑关系,并探索技术独享性和环境宽松性对团队决策的影响。基于随机抽样的问卷调研方法,利用150份新技术企业样本进行实证分析。研究结果表明,新技术企业初始战略来源于创业团队基于先前经验而达成的集体认知决策,技术导向型团队倾向于通过产品或服务的创新进入市场,而市场导向型的团队则会竭力从交易结构的创新入手,兼顾技术和市场导向的团队,虽然拥有多元化的认知模式,却没能迸发出应有的创造力。技术独享性在创业团队经验构成与进入战略创新性之间发挥正向调节作用,但没有改变团队成员固有认知模式;环境宽松性改变了创业团队在选择市场进入战略时的关注点,当环境较为宽松时,技术导向型和市场导向型的创业团队都呈现出对产品或服务创新的忽视,而加大了在交易结构上谋求创新的力度。  相似文献   

Cognitive approaches to new venture creation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cognitive processes play a critical role in the formation of new ventures. Moreover, the effects of managerial cognition are likely to be more direct and immediate in new venture settings than in the context of larger, more established organizations. For these reasons, the theories and methods of managerial and organizational cognition can provide insight into the process of new venture creation. This paper reviews recent studies that take a cognitive approach to new venture creation and categorizes them according to the stage of new venture creation with which they are concerned. Key issues discussed include the formation of entrepreneurial intentions, the sensemaking processes of scanning, interpretation and action, the use of schema and heuristics in decision-making and the phenomenon of entrepreneurial alertness. Several preliminary research conclusions are drawn, and the implications of these findings for the practice of entrepreneurship are considered. Finally, several promising avenues for future research are explored.  相似文献   

How Much do CEOs and Top Managers Matter in Strategic Decision‐Making?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research note explores the influence of both CEO and top-management team (TMT) characteristics on the process of making strategic decisions (SDs). Empirical testing is based on a sample of 70 SDs in industrial enterprises operating in Greece, using a combination of interviews, questionnaires and archival data. The results suggest that (a) the characteristics of both the TMT and the CEO influenced the strategic decision-making process, but the former had more influence, (b) the TMT and CEO influenced different dimensions of the process, and (c) the broader context of SDs is more influential than either the CEO or the TMT. Among the most important factors was the TMT's 'aggressiveness' (commitment to beating the competition, attitude to innovation, willingness to take risks). The results lend support to the 'upper echelons' perspective, but suggest that in studying strategic decision-making processes both CEO and TMT characteristics should be considered, in conjunction with the broader context. Such an approach should provide a more reliable view of strategic processes and their evolving dynamics.  相似文献   

This research draws on the upper-echelons perspective to examine the effects of CEO–top management team (TMT) exchange quality and TMT personality composition on decision quality through the mediation of TMT psychological empowerment. Using survey data from more than 700 executives in 210 firms in a Middle Eastern country and adopting a split-data approach, we find that CEO–TMT exchange quality can advance TMT psychological empowerment. We also find that TMT neuroticism has a negative effect on TMT psychological empowerment, while TMT conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness have positive effects. Moreover, TMT psychological empowerment plays a mediating role in linking CEO–TMT exchange quality and TMT personality composition with decision quality. Our research contributes to the upper-echelons, leader–member exchange (LMX), and decision-making literature by drawing attention to the social dynamics between CEO and TMT members, as well as the psychological characteristics and psychological states of TMT members, and their implications for strategic decisions.  相似文献   

Two major themes in the upper echelon decision making literature are the efficacy of the CEO and the composition of the top management team (TMT). Little research has examined their intersection. This study addresses the call to reveal the social processes within TMTs, by focusing on CEO-TMT member interaction in decision making. Drawing on video ethnographic data of two TMTs, we explore the patterns of interactions between CEOs and TMT members in their strategic decision making meetings. Through an analysis of 20 issue discussions, we identify five “constellations”, a team level construct capturing the core relational dynamics that are created through mutual CEO-TMT member influence during a team's discussion of a strategic issue. We explain how these constellations unfold and their implications for the processes and outcomes of TMT strategic decision making. We then elaborate how our findings contribute to the TMT and upper echelon literatures, as well as our understanding of team politics.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of top management team (TMT) heterogeneity in facilitating strategic change. Based on the upper echelons literature, we argue that heterogeneous management teams are better able to handle the simultaneous and conflicting demands of refocusing the organization strategically and keeping up operational performance. We expect this to be true only for teams that are heterogeneous with respect to factors directly related to job requirements, however. Data were collected from 92 full TMTs of hospitals in Spain that were confronted with institutional pressures that challenged their current strategies. In support of our hypotheses, the results show job‐related TMT heterogeneity moderates the relation between strategic change and operational performance. No moderating effect is found for non‐job‐related TMT heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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