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段培新 《中国人口科学》2015,(3):90-98,127,128
文章以经济困难和生活自理困难("双困")老人为研究对象,利用中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据,运用Markov模型构建老年人失能状态转移概率矩阵,预测未来上海市"双困"老年人口规模和老年照护社会救助费用。预测结果表明,上海市失能老年人数量增速逐渐放缓,但"双困"老人在失能老年人中的比例并未减少,其平均增速高于失能老年人的平均增速。根据预测,若将救助对象的收入条件限制放宽到低保标准的2.5倍,所需照护费用是以低保为救助条件所需费用的3倍。日益增长的"双困"老年人口规模和照护救助费用意味着未来老年照护社会救助需求巨大。文章认为,解决"双困"老人照护需求,需将老年照护社会救助纳入社会救助体系中,构建完整的老年照护社会救助制度。  相似文献   

"福利依赖"现象与社会救助制度几乎是如影随形,所以世界上不同国家都不约而同地建立了以"就业福利"为主的社会救助模式,影响救助群体就业意愿的因素十分复杂。鉴于此,笔者以中国16省37县市的社会救助对象抽样调查数据为基础,利用Logit模型对社会救助群体再就业意愿进行分析。研究发现,性别、年龄、享受社会救助前所从事的职业、享受社会救助前年家庭人均收入、年人均社会救助收入和是否享受了社会救助配套项目等个体特征变量对社会救助群体的再就业意愿存在显著性影响。  相似文献   

近年来,浙江省苍南县始终坚持把民生工程放在人口计生工作的重要位置,从关心和扶助计生女儿户家庭、计生困难家庭及关注优生优育着手,用心谱写具有苍南特色的"保险、加分、奖励、补偿、救助、优生"六大惠民篇章,篇篇文章不含糊,积极促进计生家庭的和谐幸福与社会的和谐进步。一是社会养老保险,提质扩面不含糊。2004年,苍南县在浙江省率先实施女儿户养老保险政策,县财政补助三分之一将农村独女户、二女户父母一方纳入职工社会养老保险。为满足群众需求的日益加大,2013年起该县对保险政策进行  相似文献   

如何根据城乡贫困人群现实与长远利益需求提供低保,事关民心安定和社会文明。确立“以人为本”的保障理念,注重福利政策选择,以发展需求改进供给方式,优化保障资金配置,加大精神关爱投入,应作为社会救助制度改革与创新的新取向。  相似文献   

近日,江苏省高邮市人民政府出台了《关于对计划生育特困家庭实施社会救助的工作意见》。《意见》明确对三类计生特困家庭实施社会救助:一是独生子女意外死亡,其父母年龄在45至60周岁以内,且不再生育和收养子女的家庭;二是独生子女意外伤残,其父母年龄在45至60周岁以内,且不再生育和收养子女的家庭;三是计划生育手术并发症且没有享受最低生活保障的家庭。《意见》还同时规定了对救助对象的救助申报程序和不同对象的救助额度。江苏省高邮市对计生特困家庭实施社会救助@范习岭$江苏省高邮市计生局!225600  相似文献   

上海市对“支出型”贫困群体的综合帮扶研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海市民政局首次提出"支出型贫困",表明官方甄别穷人的方式发生改变。上海市建立市民收入核对系统,探索社区居民综合帮扶机制;深化分类施保,实行"保基本、可叠加、多组合"的救助套餐;健全就业、保险、救助和慈善的"四环联动",与各类社会保障制度无缝衔接。上海市民政部门还在实践中创建出几种综合帮扶模式,如长宁区的"四医联动"基本医疗保障模式,虹口区的四项帮扶机制,徐汇区的"五可"帮困救助运作方式。  相似文献   

深入了解农民工的信仰、理想及对己、对人、对社会问题的态度与看法,对于政府强化社会管理、制定相关政策具有重要的现实意义。调查显示,一半多的农民工认为自己"还是农村人";近1/3的人认为"农民工"这个称呼"是带有侮辱性的称号";60%的人打工目的主要是养家糊口;最不满的社会问题是"以权谋私、钱权交易",大多数农民工眼里的幸福是"得到社会尊重";一半多的新生代农民工认为劳动所得与付出相比不合理;近一半的新生代农民工"什么也不信仰"。总地看来,农民工的人生态度较积极,能够关注社会问题,但自我身份认知比较模糊、信仰缺失、与其生活的城市"融合程度不够"还是普遍存在的现象。  相似文献   

城市贫困家庭儿童生活状况与需求──来自上海市的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前的城市居民最低生活保障制度只是以家庭为基本单位来实施的,并没有深入到家庭内部去关注不同的家庭成员(譬如老人、儿童、残疾人等)的不同需要。本课题试图通过在上海市的入户问卷调查,用调查统计数据对贫困家庭儿童的生活状况和需求作出描述和分析。调查研究的目的是使政府和社会都更清楚地了解贫困家庭的儿童在接受了社会救助以后的实际生活状况以及他们尚未能够得到满足的基本需求,并对政府进一步审视和修订现行社会救助政策以及社会各有关方面进一步采取社会帮困措施提出了有用的建议。  相似文献   

中国传统社会救济与城市贫困人口社会救助理念建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国传统社会救济是现代社会救助不可回避的历史基础 ,其救济思想源于道义性。城市居民社会救助制度是对传统社会救济的根本性改革 ,其基本原则与传统社会救济截然不同 ,即强调社会救助中政府的法定责任、公民的法定权利和对应义务的统一。然而 ,传统社会救济思想以其强大的惯性力量影响着现代社会救助理念建设 ,使其表现出一定的滞后性 ,主要为 :对政府责任和公民权利强调不够 ;对民众社会救助义务宣传不力。理念建设的滞后使部分民众和工作人员对社会救助认识模糊、混乱 ,阻碍了社会救助制度健康发展。  相似文献   

钟逢干 《南方人口》2007,22(4):1-12
论文从"社会发展史一定程度上是人与生物圈关系史"和"文化是人实现人同自然之间双向适应关系的方式"的认识出发,论证了中国人口理论研究是高层次的文化活动;继而,以追求人与生物圈关系和谐的理论为工具,透视生育文明从古到今的发展.生育文明的本质,就是人通过在婚育方面的文化创造,既增进人自己生命素质又促进人与生物圈关系的和谐,而这也属于中国人口理论的文化内涵.  相似文献   

春运问题的人口社会学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
春运是近十多年来在中国形成的一大独特的社会现象,因在短期内集中引发诸多问题而成为人们日益关注的社会问题。春运既是当代中国社会结构变迁的产物,又蕴涵着丰富的传统文化意味,春运问题实质上是现代与传统冲突的结果。社会结构空间上的人口流动、社会发展的不均衡以及制度性约束是春运问题产生的根源,因而要从根本上解决春运问题,必须加快城乡、区域的均衡发展,同步推进城市化与农村建设,促进社会结构的日趋合理与稳定。  相似文献   

中国城市老年群体的社会分层及其结构——以长春市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国老龄化社会早已到来,但养老保障制度的改革却相对滞后,究其原因在于人们没有准确把握膨胀的养老需求和有限的养老能力之间的矛盾。据此,从社会分层的视角以收入水平为标准对庞大且复杂的城市老年群体进行层级划分,深入分析养老需求,为保障制度的建构提供依据。由于经济体制改革、社会政策调整、离岗方式等多方面原因,导致当代社会城市老年群体内部由于对经济资源占有的不同而呈现出明显的"战斗机型"层级结构。  相似文献   

罗芳  曾荣青  王慧艳 《西北人口》2007,28(2):45-47,50
社会城市化是城市化一个重要方面,但由于我国处于社会、经济激烈的转型中,社会城市化一直没有得到足够的重视。本文通过分析我国社会城市化的现状与存在的问题,强调在城市建设中要“以人为本”、加大对社会城市化的重视,并提出“以人为本”城市化的相应对策。本文强调城市化的最终目的应该是包括城市居民、流动人口和农民在内的所有人都能享受城市文明,提高生活质量。这也是构建和谐社会的必然要求。  相似文献   

Even among critics who recognize the role of lesbianism in "Christabel," none consider the implications of lesbianism for the characters. Many readers describe Geraldine as a kind of supernatural power, a demon. But Geraldine's identity is far from clear, and we don't need to explain away the lesbian sexuality as demonically-inspired in order to understand the dynamics of the text. The poem accounts for its characters' interactions on what is a more visceral and less fantastic level, the implications of a lesbian act in the world of "Christabel." In "Making Christabel," I consider the protagonist's social and psychological stresses in terms of an encounter with lesbian sexuality in order to understand the poem's ambiguities: Geraldine's guilt, Christabel's pleasure, the manipulation of gender roles, and the dynamics between Christabel, Geraldine, and Sir Leoline. To this end, I look at how the "unnatural" sexuality between Christabel and Geraldine is marked by a reversal of gender expectations. Sexual transgression is suggested not simply by two women heading off to share one bed, but by the manipulation of gender roles on their way to and within the bedroom. I also read the homosocial bond be tween Sir Leoline and Sir Roland in Part II as a foil. The knights offer the two women a concrete representation of their transgression from the existing power structure. They suggest not only the extent of the two women's deviance from the patriarchy, but a way to reassume an orthodox social role.  相似文献   

敬莉 《西北人口》2006,(2):45-48
党的十六大提出“统筹城乡经济社会发展,”使三农问题上升到了战略的高度。“三农”问题是一个经济发展和社会进步问题,是构建社会主义和谐社会及全面建设小康社会的核心。“三农”问题的形成原因是多方面的,有体制、制度的因素,而根本原因在于中国庞大的农村人口。要解决“三农”问题,需要关注农村人口的问题,需要体制创新、需要结构调整、需要政府支持。  相似文献   

To date, research that has drawn on Meyer’s (2003) minority stress model has largely taken for granted the premises underpinning it. In this article we provide a close reading of how “stress” is conceptualized in the model and suggest that aspects of the model do not attend to the institutionalized nature of stressors experienced by people with marginalized identities, particularly lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals. As a counter to this, we highlight the importance of a focus on the effects of ideology and social norms in terms of stress, and we argue why an intersectional approach is necessary to ensure recognition of multiple axes of marginalization and privilege. The article then outlines the concept of decompensation and suggests that it may offer one way to reconsider the effects of ideology and social norms. The decompensation approach centers on the need for social change rather than solely relying on individuals to be resilient.  相似文献   

The economic and social contribution young people make to society is increasingly important as the population ages. Yet a substantial number of young people face economic and social challenges that have an impact on their current and future well-being. Independent indicators are often used to describe what we know about how young people are faring, but these fail to show how young people are doing holistically, across their whole life. If we are to better understand and improve young people??s well-being and their lives more generally, it is critical that research establishes the connections and interactions between life domains. This paper uses a well-being framework and secondary analysis of national statistics to begin to understand how young people are faring when we cross economic outcomes with other social indicators. It argues that some Australian young people fare poorly across a large number of other social indicators and thus may be walking a tightrope in regard to their well-being and well-becoming. This paper also aims to generate a dialogue about using a well-being framework for future research with and about young people.  相似文献   

Monitoring Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explored how people perceive the causes of poverty. Literature revealed that there are three broad theoretical explanations of perceptions of the causes of poverty, namely individualistic explanations, where blame is placed squarely on the poor themselves; structural explanations, where poverty is blamed on external social and economic forces; and fatalistic explanations, which attribute poverty to factors such as bad luck or illness. To examine South Africans perceptions according to these dimensions secondary analysis was employed on one of the Human Sciences Research Council’s (HSRC) national representative client surveys. Approximately 3,498 respondents across South Africa were surveyed between 18 April and 30 May 2006. The bivariate analysis revealed that South Africans in general attribute poverty to structural over individualistic and fatalistic dimensions of poverty. Ordinary least square regressions revealed that these perceptions of poverty interacted with a host of socio-demographic and economic variables such as race and peoples’ lived experiences of poverty. In this regard, all three ordinary least square regressions showed that lived poverty had a significant impact in predicting respectively structural, individualistic and fatalistic perceptions of the causes of poverty. The second regression predicted individualistic perceptions and showed that being white was the most significant predictor. The third regression predicted fatalistic perceptions and established that being coloured was the most significant predictor.  相似文献   

杨建毅 《西北人口》2008,29(4):125-128
依据恩格斯《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》与以人为本的理念,认识到婚姻、家庭关系是建立在人的社会属性之上,并赋予和表达着人的精神追求;自由、平等的一夫一妻制婚姻、家庭是以人为本的本质需要。探索建立以人为本的婚姻、家庭关系的有效途径,对促进社会和谐具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The concept of anomie is one of the classics of sociological theory. Developed by scholars such as Emile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton, the concept refers to the absence of clear social norms and values and to a lack of sense of social regulation. However, whereas Merton focused on features of relative deprivation that cause anomie, Durkheim was primarily interested in the link between rapid social change and social anomie. According to the latter, normative regulation is threatened with being undermined and people are likely to lack the social and psychological means for adjustment in times of rapid social change. Drawing on survey data from the South African General Household Survey polled in 2002, the article examines the ethnical differences in levels of social anomie in the South African society. In order to do so, we, first, place the South African levels of anomie into comparative context. In a second step, we look at the race specific levels of anomie. Third, we investigate whether the differences in anomie between the races are related to the still existing socio-economic inequalities or whether race can be regarded as an independent factor that impacts on anomie. Finally we scrutinize to what extent socio-economic factors account for different levels of anomie within the races.  相似文献   

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