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一、文物遗迹的保护开发与海河文化带的建设 人文历史景观是城市极具活力的视觉要素,是构成城市视觉形象的精神和灵魂.可以说,人文识别(与地缘识别相对的包括历史、文化、风俗、民族等人文状况的识别系统)是一个城市最持久、最具资源潜力和最有文化人类学意义的识别系统.人文历史景观最重要的要素是城市的文化遗迹,它们是城市发展历史形态在物质实体上的表现,是城市的一笔宝贵的文化遗产,是不可再生的文化资源.一棵古树、一座桥梁、一条小街、一座建筑物,都是城市历史发展的文化符号,是城市文化特色的生动体现,都在不经意间透露出城市发展的信息,烙上了时代前进的印迹.通过文物遗迹的保护与开发,可以丰富城市的文化内涵,提升城市形象,为城市创造财富.  相似文献   

一、文物遗迹的保护开发与海河文化带的建设人文历史景观是城市极具活力的视觉要素,是构成城市视觉形象的精神和灵魂。可以说,人文识别(与地缘识别相对的包括历史、文化、风俗、民族等人文状况的识别系统)是一个城市最持久、最具资源潜力和最有文化人类学意义的识别系统。人文历史景观最重要的要素是城市的文化遗迹,它们是城市发展历史形态在物质实体上的表现,是城市的一笔宝贵的文化遗产,是不可再生的文化资源。一棵古树、一座桥梁、一条小街、一座建筑物,都是城市历史发展的文化符号,是城市文化特色的生动体现,都在不经意间透露出城市发展…  相似文献   

在现代发达文明的各个国度中,每一个城市都有其各自不同的色彩、语言和特征来诉说着这座城市的故事,并以自己独特的魅力吸引着世界各地的人们来旅游和观赏.在这其中,城市中的景观雕塑发挥着至关重要的作用,它不仅是城市文化的传播与体现,同时也融入着艺术与视觉风格的魅力与展示.景观雕塑是环境艺术设计的一小门类,古今中外很多著名的环境景观都是采用了景观雕塑的设计创作手法.在全世界范围内,有许多优秀的景观雕塑都已成为了某座城市的标志和象征,以至于雕塑艺术的创作与实践越来越显示出异常活跃的局面,可以说现代城市中的雕塑集合着艺术设计与文化传播两种形态功能于一身,是现代城市文明发展的集中体现.  相似文献   

胡攀 《城市观察》2011,(3):96-103
通过回顾重庆城市建设中历史文化保护的历程和特点,揭示各个时期历史文化保护的阶段性特征,总结重庆历史文化保护的经验,并深入分析了城市建设与保护历史文化的关系,认为城市化和城市建设与历史文化保护不应该是对立的两面,而应当是相互协调、相互包容的共同体。一座城市的个性和魅力,与这座城市的历史文化资源的保护成正相关系。  相似文献   

任致远 《城市》2011,(8):6-12
城市景观是人们认识城市、识别城市、感悟城市和与城市对话并产生心灵共鸣的重要文化要素。每当人们论及某个城市,往往记不住这个城市的经济发展指标、人口结构特征以及它的功能布局情况,却能对它的主要景观留下深刻印象,并津津乐道。究其原因,就是因为景观是最直观的城市文化现象,  相似文献   

正文化是城市的内核和灵魂,它涵养着每一座城市,是城市发展永不衰竭的动力。纵观世界城市的发展崛起,文化的力量都发挥了决定性作用。建设国家中心城市,迈向世界城市,我们必须尊重这座城市悠久的历史和深厚的文化,遵循城市及文化的发展规律,充分发挥和利用文化的力量加快武汉发展,实现复兴大武汉的宏伟目标。以文化的力量推动城市转型发展。我们这座城市依然处于要素驱动的工业化中后期发展阶段,在从要素驱动转向创新驱动,从工业化迈向后工业化的发展进程中,武汉  相似文献   

在当前城市现代化快速发展的时期,必须建设一批最先进的现代建筑,与此同时也要注重对文物古迹的保护,使现代建筑与古建筑协调发展.一个城市的历史遗迹或具有特殊意义的古建筑是城市发展的见证,它标志着当时的文化特点和科学技术水平,只有将这些历史遗迹、风貌建筑完好地保存下来,才能延续一个城市的历史,形成城市特色.  相似文献   

易西兵 《城市观察》2014,(4):184-192
考古遗产是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分。对于一座城市来说,考古遗产是城市发展的记忆,是其历史文化内涵的重要体现。南越国宫署遗址、南越王墓和南越国木构水闸遗址,是考古发现最重要的南越国遗迹,是广州历史文化名城的精华,也是广州最重要的考古遗产。南越国遗迹发现于城市建设过程中,发掘后在原址保护并展示,既展现了广州的深厚历史文化内涵,也成为现代化广州重要的历史文化座标。  相似文献   

城市特征形象识别系统是在深入研究城市的理念、行为和视觉等形象要素内在的相互关系和外部环境条件的基础上,制定一整套最佳的、可行的方案,整合城市各要素及其所构成的系统,改善和提高它们的性能,推广城市形象,提高城市形象认知度。美誉度等。当然这不是一个单向的过程,其中包含各环节之间的反馈以及必要的修正和补充。 一、城市特征形象识别系统的内容 城市特征形象识别系统(CIS)包含城市理念识别系统(City Mind Identity System)、城市行为识别系统(City Behaviour Identity System)和城市视觉识别系  相似文献   

伊拉克是一个约有7000年文明的古老国家,留下了上万处重要文化、历史遗址、遗迹以及无数的文物珍宝.历史上,伊拉克的文化、历史遗迹与图书、文稿和文物等曾多次遭到战争的毁坏,但人类进入今天的文明时代,现存的伊拉克珍宝却再一次遭到被标榜为世界最文明的美英等国发动的战争的毁灭性破坏.目前,国际社会的方方面面正在联手,以拯救人类这一最古老的文明.  相似文献   

Traditional notions of citizenship have focused on formal membership, including access to rights, in a national community. More recent scholarship has expanded this definition beyond citizenship as a legal status to focus on struggles for societal inclusion of and justice for marginalized populations, citizenship as both a social and symbolic boundary of exclusion, and post‐colonial and post‐national citizenship. In this article, I review conceptions of citizenship that involve more than legal rights. After reviewing this scholarship, I discuss the theoretical framework of cultural citizenship – a move to center the cultural underpinnings of modern citizenship in analyses of citizenship as a boundary of inclusion and exclusion. I use the example of France as one site to locate the connections between citizenship and culture and the cultural underpinnings and implications of citizenship more broadly.  相似文献   

The immigrant family: cultural legacies and cultural changes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"This article examines the way family and kinship patterns change in the process of immigration--and why. Offering an interpretative synthesis, it emphasizes the way first generation immigrants to the United States fuse together the old and new to create a new kind of family life. The family is seen as a place where there is a dynamic interplay between structure, culture, and agency. New immigrant family patterns are shaped by cultural meanings and social practices immigrants bring with them from their home countries as well as social, economic and cultural forces in the United States."  相似文献   

Data on the social structural characteristics, sexual attitudes and sexual practices of thirty preindustrial and industrializing societies are examined in an attempt to identify some of the major sociological (as opposed to purely psychological) correlates of impotence. Results suggest two major conclusions: First, socio‐cultural characteristics are clearly related to the incidence of impotence reported across societies; second, among the variables investigated those reflecting the degree of a society's sexual restrictiveness were most predictive of incidence of impotence.  相似文献   

The paper provides a framework for how culture affects happiness. According to self-determination theory, well-being is driven by the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness and competence. We assess if, and to what extent, trust and the values of obedience and respect influence Europeans’ satisfaction of these needs, controlling for income and education. We find a positive and significant impact for generalized morality (high trust and respect, low obedience), which is robust to different checks for endogeneity, including instrumental variable regressions at country, regional and individual level. Results suggest that lack of trust, high obedience and low respect not only reduce the wealth of nations, but also constrain the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, thereby hindering the individuals’ fulfilment of happiness.  相似文献   

苑焕乔 《城市》2007,(6):73-76
伦敦作为国际化大都市,已有100多年的历史,在此期间的持续、快速发展,对其文化遗产带来巨大的冲击.最初的伦敦城,大约在2000多年前是作为罗马帝国不列颠省的首府而存在,现今仍保留着当时伦敦的商业中心和金融区.对于现代伦敦人来说,100多年前伦敦的景观是难以想象的.  相似文献   

This special section of The Sociological Quarterly explores research on “surveillance as cultural practice,” which indicates an orientation to surveillance that views it as embedded within, brought about by, and generative of social practices in specific cultural contexts. Such an approach is more likely to include elements of popular culture, media, art, and narrative; it is also more likely to try to comprehend people's engagement with surveillance on their own terms, stressing the production of emic over etic forms of knowledge. This introduction sketches some key developments in this area and discusses their implications for the field of “surveillance studies” as a whole.  相似文献   

叙利亚是著名的文明古国之一,她以悠久的历史、灿烂的文化而著称于世.叙政府非常重视文化事业的发展,不断增加文化事业的投资,加速文化设施的建设,以满足广大人民群众对文化知识的需求.叙利亚前总统阿萨德说:"文化是人类的最高需求,生活中所有的需求都是有限度的,只有文化的需求是无止境的."本着这种精神,叙政府先后在文化部设立了文化中心局、电影总局、文物总局以及直属机构阿萨德图书馆、高等音乐、戏剧学院.这些机构是叙利亚人民的主要文化活动机构和领导机关,为叙利亚的文化腾飞起到了巨大的作用.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of work on the field of what is now known as ‘cultural literacy’, but little has been written about its application, and even less on how to teach it in the context of higher education. This article discusses ‘destabilisation’ as an approach to teaching cultural literacy in higher education in the context of the global challenges that universities face today. It defines the characteristics of destabilisation and highlights its advantages in relation to other teaching approaches that have a similar focus on developing cultural competence in students. The article also situates ‘destabilisation’ as a pedagogical term within a spectrum of experiential learning methods and techniques that are focused on developing cultural competence.  相似文献   

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