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科层制下运行的人事管理模式主导了工业时代的人事管理活动。随着时代的发展,这一模式日益暴露出弊端,在理论和实践中陷入困境。但是,作为理性化的产物,科层制在我国具有适应性。积极的做法是理性地对待科层制,在借鉴国外批判经验和新公共管理理念的基础上确立起完备的科层制,并在这一过程中加强制度建设、优化管理程序、重构激励机制,从而完善我国科层制下的人事管理模式。  相似文献   

管理学的发展以科层制的产生和发展为主线,科层制管理模式以排除人性化因素为显性内容,但人性化管理模式始终存在。两种模式的关系涉及人存在的二重化。关注人的精神存在便易于使用人性化模式,只看到肉体存在则倾向于加强科层制。现代企业管理发展的方向应当是两者的结合,而结合的关键在于恰当处理道德与理性经济人的关系。  相似文献   

应该说,科层组织制度是个合理的制度,它所发挥的功能是与现代社会的庞大组织的复杂化、大规模化相适应的。但如果不是适当地制止科层制的各种功能的发挥、而是任其自身发展的话,那本来是合理的制度就有可能成为办事拖拉、公文旅行、无通融性、无主体性、互相扯皮等官僚主义作风产生的祸根。李小宁同志的文章从社会学的角度出发,就科层制的组织制度与官僚主义作风问题作了理性的探索。  相似文献   

欧阳静 《社会》2009,29(5):39-63
乡镇政权运作的悖论在于其形式上的科层制设置与实质上的非正式运作,这不仅体现在权力运作的技术和策略上,更表现在乡镇对自身结构的转换上。本文以桔镇为典型个案,通过桔镇政权的职能与机构的组织配置以及“财”与“政”的运作,清晰地展现了乡镇政权非正式运作的实态,进而透析了其非正式运作的内在逻辑。研究发现,乡镇政权的非正式运作源于乡镇的一种“上下之间”的独特处境,即乡镇既位于一种自上而下的压力型科层制之下,又被置于一个非程式化的乡村社会之上。这种处境使乡镇嵌入三种关系之中:压力体制与科层体制的关系,压力性任务与资源匮乏的关系,以及程式化科层组织与非程式化乡村社会的关系。这三种关系的存在使乡镇政权组织必须在压力型体制、科层制和乡村社会的胶结状态中寻求自洽的生存之道,并最终型塑了乡镇政权运作的逻辑与特征。  相似文献   

孙文营 《探求》2009,(2):61-67
认识中华民族精神的特征可分别从时空维度、内涵维度和功能维度三个层面进行:第一,从时空维度来看,中华民族精神历史悠久,坚韧顽强,具有极强的民族融合创新力;第二,从内涵维度来看,中华民族精神具有以联系和发展观为主要内容的辩证理性特征、以人性论为基础的丰富的道德理性色彩,以及以创新自强为特征的经世致用倾向;第三,从功能维度来看,中华民族精神有极强的民族凝聚能力和广泛的普世性价值,是维护中华民族大一统,促进人类文明进步的重要精神力量。  相似文献   

超越正式与非正式的界限--当代组织社会学对组织的理解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
翁定军 《社会》2004,(2):12-15
众所周知,理想类型是韦伯学说的核心概念之一,韦伯从理想类型的角度揭示了现代组织的重要特征——科层制:组织是具有明确目标、明确分工的阶层等级体制,开创了正式组织研究的先河;稍后的人群关系论创始者梅约在其著名的霍桑研究中注意到了组织中的人际关系,发现在正式组织中存在着无形的、自发形成的“非正式”组织。由此在组织的研究史上形成了两条平行发展的研究线索:一是从正式关系的角度去研究组织结构,把组织看成是由一系列的部门和职位组成的清晰结构,由一系列的规章条例协调部门之间和职位之间的关系,组织的边界是封闭的、明确的,组织内强调命令与服从,一切照章办事,其含义等同于科层组织;另一是从共同观点、爱好、情感等非正式关系的角度去研究集体行动,认为集体行动是一种非正式的组织,它自发形成,没有正式的结构,没有等级,边界模糊不清,它对人的行为影响有时比正式组织还大。前者重视的是人们的理性逻辑,后者重视的是人们的情感逻辑(Friedberg,1997:2)。它们具有不同的理论框架,使用不同的研究方法,探讨的好像是两个不同的领域,给人的印象似乎是存在着两种不同类型的组织,一类是按一定意志建立起来的正式组织或正式结构,另一类是自发形成的非正式组织。  相似文献   

社会转型期妇女社会地位的边缘化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓燕 《学习与探索》2005,4(4):104-107
直接或间接导致我国社会转型期妇女社会地位边缘化的原因主要有客观建构与主观认同两个方面,即劳动的性别分工、社会性别分层与科层制社会结构、性别权力关系市场化、法律政策规定的性别视角缺乏以及女性对社会性别文化的认同、女性价值观形成与自我期待等等。扭转妇女社会地位边缘化的对策是:完善市场经济,调整家庭分工,提高妇女科学文化素质,构建社会性别文化的新形态和新话语。  相似文献   

杨华  吴素雄 《浙江学刊》2013,(1):116-120
社区公共服务存在行政事务与社区自主两个领域,由此而形成了社区公共服务需求与供给的非规模化与规范化悖论,因而需要建立专门化的社区社会组织整合平台来化解.官办组织会增加成本、模糊产权,降低社区公共服务供给与需求的一致性和供给效能.社区居委会作为行政事务域组织具有典型的科层制特征而无法成为社区自主域组织的有效整合平台,政府需要通过合同制治理建构一种契约型关系的体制外整合组织.  相似文献   

本文着重考察马尔库塞《理性与革命——黑格尔和社会理论的兴起》中的理性概念,揭示其理性观的四层内涵,即否定理性、辩证理性、自由理性和革命理性,认为马尔库塞理性观极大地发挥了黑格尔哲学的革命性,具有批判现实的进步意义。辩证地分析马尔库塞的理性观,弃其糟粕,扬其精华,对于我们今天进一步深刻领会马克思主义的本质涵义,重视开掘理性的批判功能,从而不断对现实进行反思并作出新的建构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

徐晓军 《浙江学刊》2005,(1):152-154
在农业乡镇组织运作中,实际上存在着双重机制,即外在的系统性的科层制机制和潜在的网络性的网络制机制.这反映出系统性的科层制组织方式的过细分工在农业乡镇组织运作上的低效性和乡镇组织实际运作上的创造性变通.  相似文献   

社会资本具有积极功能与消极功能。从宏观上看,社会资本既能促进社会与人的发展,也能给社会和人的发展带来负面影响。为此,应该设法实现社会资本的积极功能,有效地预防其消极影响。  相似文献   

Fulbrook, Julian. Administrative Justice and the Unemployed. Harris, José. William Beveridge. A Biography. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The Tax/Benefit Position of Selected Income Groups in OECD Member Countries 1972–1976 Roemer, Milton, I. Comparative National Policies on Health Care. Shanas, Ethel, and Sussman, Marvin B. (editors). Family, Bureaucracy, and the Elderly Simkins, Jean, and Tickner, Vincent. Whose Benefit? Uncertainties of Cash Benefits for the Handicapped. Statistics Canada. Social Security (National Programs), 1978.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(1):3-18
Parents' emotional functioning represents a central mechanism in the caregiving environment's influence on adolescent affective brain function. However, a paucity of research has examined links between parental emotional arousal and regulation and adolescents' affective brain function. Thus, the present study examined associations between parents' self‐rated negative emotion, parent emotion regulation difficulties, and adolescent brain responsivity to negative and positive emotional stimuli. Participants included 64 12–14 year‐old adolescents (31 females) and their female primary caregivers. Adolescents viewed negative, positive, and neutral emotional stimuli during an fMRI scanning session. Region of interest analyses showed that higher parent negative emotion was related to adolescents' greater ACC and vmPFC response to both negatively‐ and positively‐valenced emotional stimuli; whereas, parent negative emotion was related to adolescents' greater amygdala response to negative emotional stimuli only. Furthermore, parent emotion regulation moderated the association between parent negative emotion and adolescents' brain response to negative emotional stimuli, such that parents with high negative emotion and high emotion regulation difficulties had adolescents with the greatest affective brain response. Findings highlight the importance of considering both parent emotional arousal and regulation in understanding the family affective environment and its relation to adolescent emotion‐related brain development.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(2):431-446
Early life stressors are associated with maladaptive social functioning in childhood and adolescence, but it is unclear whether and how the negative interpersonal effects of stress persist into adulthood. Daily diary surveys were used to examine young adults' social behavior and mood reactivity to social stressors as a function of experiences of early family adversity. Stressful early family environments predicted more daily reassurance seeking, but not aggression, withdrawal, or positive social behavior. Early family adversity also moderated the within‐person effects of social stressors on next‐day mood, such that individuals with high levels of adversity had elevated next‐day negative affect in response to higher than average social stress. Findings highlight the enduring impact of early adversity on social development, with implications for developing targeted policies and interventions.  相似文献   

杨慧宇 《社会》2010,30(3):65-82
摘要:本文从信任的角度出发,发现交易中的关系信任和制度信任是交织作用的,并促进了信贷交易,二者都是通过行动者发挥作用,行动者在行动中遵循的是“自我〖CD*2〗情境”策略。制度化的信任在经济生活中凸现出它的重要地位,并具备了一定的独立性,是现代企业的基础,是不可替代的。制度信任的缺陷可由关系信任弥补;关系信任的风险,须制度信任制约。只有建立良好的制度,关系才能更好地发挥其积极意义,克服其负面效应。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this aticle:
Using the Social Sciences by A. B. CHERNS.
The Execution Process Vol. 1. Implementation in a Bureaucracy Vol. 2. Control in a Bureaucracy by ANDREW DUNSIRE.
The Reorganisation of British Local Government by JOHN DEARLOVE.
Introducing Social Policy by D. C. MARSH (ed.)
The Political Economy of the Welfare State by IAN GOUGH.
Economic Welfare in the Soviet Union by ALASTAIR MCAULEY.
The Welfare State in Sweden by DOROTHY WILSON.
Youth in Contemporary Society by CHRISTOPHER MURRAY (ed.)
Housing Improvement and Social Inequality by PAUL N. BALCHIN.
Not Much Improvement: Urban Renewal Policy in Birmingham by CHRIS PARIS AND BOB BLACKABY.
Jobs and Community Action by G. CRAIG, M. MAYO AND N. SHARMAN (EDS.)
Unmet Needs and the Delivery of Care by PAUL CHAPMAN.
Welfare Law and Policy: Studies in Teaching, Practice and Research by MARTIN PARTINGTON AND JEFFREY JOWELL, (eds.).
Perspective on Legal Aid: a Comparative Survey by F. H. Zemans, (ed.)  相似文献   

The distinction between positive and negative goals is important in the psychology of peace because it affects the way people respond to the threat of nuclear war. An orientation toward the negative goal of avoiding war has been a priority because of the great danger of the nuclear threat and also because negative means and goals, being primarily reactive, more concrete, and more oriented to short-term objectives than positive goals, are more conducive to action. However, there are unfortunate consequences of too exclusive a concentration on avoiding war: inadequate conceptualization of a positive, more easily maintained goal of peace, and increased anxiety resulting in poor-quality thinking about ways to achieve peace. Choosing positive means of working toward peace is consonant with peace as a positive goal, and it compensates for some of the disadvantages of an exclusive focus on avoiding a nuclear confrontation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine adolescents’ perceptions of mother–child interactions as correlates of adolescents’ positive, negative, and guilt emotions. Two hundred thirty‐four adolescents (M age = 16.39, SD = 1.17) completed measures assessing parenting practices in response to typical mother–child interactions in both positive and negative contexts. Adolescents also reported on the appropriateness of parenting practices, their parents’ intentions, and their own emotional responses. Multiple regression analyses suggested that in positive contexts, parenting practices, appropriateness, and parental intent were related to adolescent emotions; but in negative contexts, only parental appropriateness was related to adolescent emotions. Discussion focuses on the importance of considering aspects of socialization other than parental discipline when studying adolescent emotions, and it highlights the importance of positive socialization contexts.  相似文献   

Kahana  Nava  Lecker  Tikva 《Theory and Decision》2000,48(1):85-99
The paper examines when unilateral and bilateral pretence may be beneficial distinguishing between positive and negative externalities. Using a two-player single period game and defining altruism, selfishness and meanness as "sentimental continuity" it is shown how the optimal level of the pretended sentimentality is determined. The novelty of the model is that the optimal degree of altruism (meanness) depends on the extent of the positive (negative) externalities.  相似文献   

Although there is interest in the role of peers in children's schooling experiences, few researchers have examined associations and related underlying processes between peers’ emotionality, an aspect of temperament, and children's academic achievement. This study evaluated whether target children's (N = 260) own self-regulation, assessed with two behavioral measures, served a moderating function for associations between peers’ emotionality and children's own academic achievement in second grade. There was a positive association between peers’ positive emotionality and reading scores for children with higher self-regulation. Peers’ negative emotionality was negatively related to target children's reading scores, particularly for children with higher self-regulation levels, but was unrelated to math scores. Peers’ positive and negative emotionality did not predict math scores, and there was no strong evidence for the moderating role of target children's self-regulation in this association. This study highlights the potential role of children's self-regulation in modulating peer effects on academic achievement, particularly reading.  相似文献   

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