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资本积累和技术进步所推动的产业转型会对社会劳动生产率及各类要素价格产生深远影响,引发劳动报酬份额波动。基于2006—2017年中国省际面板数据构建相关模型,分析结果表明:现阶段资本深化对劳动报酬份额的影响已由负转正,但影响并不显著。主要是因为:一方面,新型工业化下多数企业向高附加值环节延伸,价值链垂直升级,促使整体效率和竞争力提升,劳动者实际收入增加;另一方面,第三产业由于产业结构落后,人力资本存量偏低,未能有效带动收入提高。此外,在要素分配中,资本偏向性技术进步扭曲了要素产出,抑制了劳动要素价格。相关部门需要从调整产业结构、优化要素配置、提高人力资本存量、统筹劳动力市场等方面着手改进。  相似文献   

俞文蜜 《浙江社会科学》2012,(8):147-151,119,160
本文以浙江省为例,对劳动收入比重变动的机理进行了分析。在机理分析中,对劳动收入比重的变化率进行了分解,得出三个主要因素:系数大小、人均资本及要素偏向型技术进步。与此同时,运用"动态最小二乘法"对浙江省的劳动弹性进行测算,并对浙江省1985-2007年的劳动收入比重变化进行了实证分析。通过研究发现:人均资本增长能够提高劳动收入比重,系数则缩小了资本对劳动收入比重的正向拉动作用,造成浙江省劳动收入比重下降最主要的原因是要素偏向型技术进步,提高私营企业投资占总投资比重以及人均资本存量可以提高浙江省劳动收入比重,而工业化进程加快、FDI以及劳动偏向性技术进步等因素则降低了浙江省劳动收入比重。  相似文献   

基于时变弹性生产函数,当规模报酬不变时,资本产出弹性等于资本收入份额,劳动产出弹性等于劳动收入份额,并将全要素生产率分解为偏向型技术进步和中性技术进步,采用1978—2013年我国东、中、西部的数据进行实证分析。结果表明:1979—2013年各地区全要素生产率在大部分年份呈下降趋势,全要素生产率增长总体上还是以中性技术进步模式为主;1997年前各地区技术进步表现为劳动偏向型,而1997年后表现为资本偏向型;1997年后资本偏向性技术进步对东部地区全要素生产率增长具有促进作用,而对中、西部地区全要素生产率增长具有抑制作用。技术进步偏向直接影响到我国各地区全要素生产率的增长,提高劳动产出弹性、降低资本产出弹性有助于减缓中、西部地区全要素生产率增长速度的下滑,进而促进各地区经济向集约型发展模式转变。  相似文献   

利用1978-2013年的数据测算我国的全要素生产率增长和技术进步偏向,并基于新古典理论的分析框架,将就业增长分解为资本增长、全要素生产率增长(中性技术进步)和技术进步偏向三部分,分析表明:1979-1989年,我国技术进步的偏向不太明显,但在1990-2013年,我国技术进步明显偏向资本;资本投入对就业增长的贡献度远大于技术进步偏向和全要素生产率增长对就业的贡献度;因此,资本深化、技术进步偏向资本是我国就业增长严重滞后于经济增长的主要原因.为促进我国就业增长,应优先构建以促进就业增长为目标的宏观政策体系,大力发展与我国资源禀赋结构相匹配的劳动密集型技术,并加快中小企业的发展.  相似文献   

基于要素增强型生产函数构建技术进步偏向对就业增长影响的理论模型,并利用1987—2013年中国制造业数据进行实证检验,分析表明:制造业部门中资本与劳动之间呈互补关系;1987—2013年整个制造业的技术进步是偏向资本的,并且其各行业的技术进步也基本偏向资本;技术进步偏向资本对整个制造业就业增长具有抑制作用,但与1987—1999年相比,2000—2013年技术进步偏向对就业增长的影响明显下降;大多数制造业行业的技术进步具有较强的资本替代劳动特征,其中劳动密集型行业技术进步对劳动的替代较小,而工资上涨进一步诱导行业技术进步偏向资本。为保障就业稳定增长,应加强对前沿技术引进的宏观调控和管理,降低资本替代劳动的速度,实现技术进步与就业增长的良性互动。  相似文献   

梁东黎 《江海学刊》2012,(1):84-91,238
劳动报酬份额和服务业比重之间存在复杂的互动影响关系,须通过一般均衡分析,对劳动报酬份额和服务业比重在理论上做出均衡决定。在劳动报酬份额是服务业比重的减函数情况下,社会分工深化、国内企业竞争力提高导致服务业比重提高而劳动报酬份额下降。在劳动报酬份额是服务业比重的增函数情况下,社会分工深化、国内企业竞争力提高、技术"生产"部门扩大、劳动价格提高的影响小于劳动生产率提高的影响,导致劳动报酬份额下降且服务业比重下降。由于劳动报酬份额和服务业比重是相互影响的,旨在提高劳动报酬份额的政策和提高服务业比重的政策必须统筹安排。  相似文献   

李爱  盖骁敏 《西部论坛》2021,31(6):34-48
生产资料的不断积累和更新带来经济系统中各产业的资本深化,资本深化又带来资本体现式技术进步,有偏技术进步则使不同要素的技术效率发生不同的变化,影响各要素的投入结构和产出效率,进而推动产业升级.采用1998—2019年中国35个工业行业的面板数据,运用标准化供给面系统方程估计要素替代弹性,并测算各行业的劳动技术效率和资本技术效率,结果表明,多数行业的劳动技术效率高于资本技术效率,且劳动技术效率呈现上升趋势,而资本技术效率先上升后下降.进一步采用中介效应模型分析发现,要素技术效率在资本深化促进产业升级中具有显著的部分中介效应:资本深化、劳动技术效率提高和资本技术效率提高均可促进产业升级,资本深化可以通过提高劳动技术效率促进产业升级,但也可能通过降低资本技术效率抑制产业升级.因此,要加快技术进步,提高人力资本水平,适度推进资本深化,优化要素配置,充分发挥要素技术效率提高对产业转型升级的促进作用,进而通过产业升级推动经济高质量发展.  相似文献   

资本偏向技术进步是否影响了中国城乡收入差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1999-2008年间的省级面板数据,从偏向型技术进步视角,讨论了中国城乡收入差距形成和扩大的原因。研究发现,在中国城乡要素积累差异化的现实背景下,资本偏向型技术进步放大了中国城乡收入差距。具体而言,资本偏向技术进步引起资本和劳动要素边际生产力提升非对等,致使资本要素在初次收入分配中更为有利,从而放大了城乡要素积累差异导致的中国城乡收入差距。本研究为不断扩大的中国城乡收入差距提供了新的解释,也为从初次收入分配角度构建缩小城乡收入差距的公共政策提供了可供借鉴的启示。  相似文献   

要素禀赋与技术选择具有"相依性",偏向性技术进步是影响要素禀赋结构及要素生产率的重要因素。在要素替代弹性的框架下构建异质性区域随机前沿模型,通过要素禀赋结构与技术选择结构的适配性来剖析TFP动态变化趋势,结果显示:东部地区要素禀赋与生产技术水平相匹配,有效要素组合使生产处于经济区域,但技术选择惰性使得技术效率与规模效率呈负增长;中部地区要素投入结构与技术进步结构的匹配失当;西部地区技术进步与禀赋结构低效匹配,丰裕的劳动资源未得到充分利用与开发;东北三省要素禀赋与技术选择低效匹配源于有效资本与劳动的双重短缺。  相似文献   

技术进步要素偏向影响经济波动的内在机理是在“价格效应”的作用下,技术进步在萧条时期偏向资本的程度增加,在繁荣时期偏向劳动的程度增加,这有利于在经济萧条时期扩大投资需求和消费需求,实现经济复苏,而在经济繁荣时期抑制社会需求过度增长,防止经济过热。利用我国30个省、市、自治区1993-2013年数据测算结果表明,我国的技术进步为资本偏向型,且沿海地区偏向资本的程度高于内陆地区;从变化趋势看,沿海地区偏向资本的程度先上升后下降,内陆地区与之相反。再进一步的实证分析发现,在全国样本范围内,技术进步偏向资本程度的波动同经济波动存在稳定负向关系,说明技术进步偏向资本程度的波动能起到熨平经济周期的作用;但分地区讨论表明,沿海地区技术进步偏向资本程度的波动显著平抑经济波动,这种影响在内陆地区具有一定滞后性。  相似文献   

Women entered the paid workforce in unprecedented numbers during the 20th century. Yet recent years have been witness to a creeping reversal in women's labor force participation. Why did the revolution stall? In response to debates over a “natural” limit to women's employment, or a cultural backlash against the dual-breadwinner household, we consider an alternative explanation, namely whether immigration has slowed the growth in female labor force participation. Using CPS data from 1998 to 2018, we show that the increase in the share of immigrants and children of immigrants in the population has reduced overall female labor force participation. However, immigration accounts for relatively little of the retreat from the labor force. Instead, the compositional effect of population change is overshadowed by behavioral shifts that affect both natives and immigrants. Lower participation rates among native-born women accounts for most of the overall decline. Despite persistent differences, we also find substantial convergence in the labor force behavior of native-born and foreign-born women, which bodes well for the long-term economic incorporation of immigrants and their children.  相似文献   

Many households regularly outsource unpaid domestic labor by purchasing services and products to help with cleaning, cooking, ironing, and other chores. Despite the prevalence of this practice, scholars know little about how it affects inequalities in the time spent on housework. Drawing on data on 3540 dual-earner households in Spain, this article examines the relationship between hiring domestic work and both the within-household gender gap in housework and the class gap in housework among women. I find that women who hire do about 30 min less housework per day than non-hiring women, but in relation to their partners these women continue to do the same share of housework. Using counterfactual analysis, I find that the absence of paid domestic work is associated with a 20% decline in the class gap in housework among Spanish women.  相似文献   

When faced with a decline in marital satisfaction, are wives constrained from increasing their labor market work time in part because they “do gender?” One of the predictions of the human capital accumulation hypothesis, which assumes no constraints, is that housewives with little work experience will respond to a decline in marital satisfaction by increasing labor market work time (only). In contrast, the gender display hypothesis predicts that, in settings where the evaluations of marriage and wives’ work performance are closely intertwined, a decline in marital satisfaction among this group of housewives will increase both labor market work and housework—and the increase in housework serves as a constraint on the increase in labor market work. To evaluate these contrasting hypotheses, we analyze a panel survey of women in contemporary Japan. Results from multinomial logit regression models are more consistent with the gender display hypothesis than the human capital accumulation hypothesis. Housewives with relatively little work experience are 11 times more likely to increase the time spent on both labor market work and housework when the satisfaction of their marriage declines than when it does not. No evidence is found that, when marital satisfaction declines, these housewives are statistically significantly more likely to increase labor market work only.  相似文献   

运用2010年7月以来的42个月月度数据,分析了日系车萎缩对我国自主品牌汽车的市场影响。回归分析显示,日系车对自主品牌的回归系数在各级别车型上都是显著为负,这说明日系车的萎缩在客观上是有利于自主品牌的,但这种效应主要体现在低档车型上。实际的情况亦表明,在日系车萎缩所产生的市场机会当中,自主品牌主要抓住了低档车型的机会,而基本无力抓住中、高档车型的机会。研究暗示,自主品牌在中、高档轿车市场上的技术能力严重不足。为促进自主品牌的提档升级,需整体设计我国的创新制度,全方位改善我国的创新环境。  相似文献   

本文针对当前经济理论界出现否定劳动价值论的两种倾向,从社会主义经济是商品经济与联合劳动的统一;利润共享、“见物不见人”的双重产权制度的角度,阐明劳动价值理论是坚持、完善社会主义制度的理论基础。同时强调必须紧密结合我国社会主义特征和初级阶段国情特征,来深化认识、充分发挥劳动价值理论对我国经济改革的指导作用。  相似文献   

The impact of labor demand on the decline in labor force participation of older males too young to qualify for Social Security is often acknowledged but seldom measured or incorporated into models of retirement. Using data from Current Population Survey March Demographic files and the periodic employment dislocation supplements, a series of cause-eliminated increment–decrement work life tables captures the impact of employment dislocation and early (before age 65) pension receipt on the employment of older males in a simple overall summary measure: expected work life. Employment dislocation and being offered an early pension are two of the most obvious manifestations of shifts in labor demand that can affect the labor force withdrawal of older males. Consistent with earlier research, I find early pension receipt to be an important factor in early labor force withdrawal but, in addition, employment dislocation has a sizeable direct impact on labor force participation. The findings suggest that employment dislocation and other, yet unmeasured, labor demand factors need to be incorporated into models of retirement.  相似文献   

Studies of economic restructuring frequently use two-dimensional shift share analysis to isolate components of change in labor market categories of theoretical interest. This paper adapts the shift share technique to the analysis of change in occupational sex composition. The adaptation relies on a three-dimensional data array and discusses issues of hierarchically ordering the dimensions. Sex composition change is decomposed by first isolating surplus or deficit occupational change for one sex, and then decomposing the surplus/deficit into constituent components. The model is demonstrated using Current Population Survey data for 1973 and 1987.  相似文献   

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