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实验用健康青紫兰家兔,麻醉后暴露颈部左侧迷走神经,一组电刺激迷走神经;另一组耳静脉注射阿托品后10min再刺激迷走神经.于刺激前及刺激后不同时间采血.检测外周血中T细胞百分率和PHA诱导的淋巴细胞转化率,结果表明:电刺激迷走神经能显著提高外围血中T细胞百分率和淋巴细胞转化率,而注射阿托品后,外周血T细胞百分率在刺激后4h才有升高,而淋巴细胞转化率在4h内无显著变化.提示:迷走神经兴奋后可显著增强机体的细胞免疫功能.而这一作用可能是通过M受体实现的.  相似文献   

本文采用免疫学方法和电生理实验技术,研究了免疫反应产物对迷走神经离中端放电频率的影响。结果表明.静脉注射白细胞培养的上清液后,迷走神经离中端放电频率显著增加;注射IL—2,也引起放电增强现象。证实迷走神经传入纤维末梢可能是某些免疫反应产物作用的位点之一,迷走神经传入纤维在向神经中枢传递免疫反应信息方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

对5只成年健康科尔沁细毛羊延髓主要神经核团的形态、位置和细胞构筑进行了研究,结果表明:迷走神经背核长130mm,细胞密度3290个/mm3,闩以后主要由梭形细胞构成,细胞面积为84623±8340μm2,闩以前主要由椭圆细胞构成,细胞面积为43283±4826μm2;疑核长79mm,细胞密度125个/mm3,中段较粗,前后两端较细;三叉神经脊束核长234mm,细胞密度194个/mm3,以小型细胞为主,不分嘴侧部、极间部、尾侧部;后橄榄核长87mm,中部横切面呈“W”形,由小型椭圆细胞构成  相似文献   

壮族古代婚制的“活化石”广西南宁市郊县邕宁中和乡壮族的婚姻习俗与附近汉族基本相同,略为不同的是,出嫁娘临出门前举行与兄弟拜堂剪断红绸的仪式。其过程就是出嫁女子在要离开娘家之际,必与自己的弟弟在厅堂内一起礼拜祖宗,并剪断一条红绸,各拿一段披于肩上,然后...  相似文献   

“发展”一词在词典上的解释是:事物由小到大,由简单到复杂,由低级到高级的变化;扩大(组织、规模等)。前一种意思说的是一切有机现象都有生命或自然发展过程,有生长,有终结;后一种意思说明这种成长是线性的。发展所需的必须的条件是生产力水平的提高和人类社会交往活动范围的扩大。  相似文献   

略论稿件退改艺术徐寿军(哲里木畜牧学院学报编辑部)编辑接收的稿件,经初步审阅处理后,可以把稿件大致分为三类:一部份是高质量的,对文字图表稍加处理即可利用;一部份是低质量的,需退给作者另行立意重新撰写;而绝大部分稿件则处于中间状况,即虽没达到退稿的程度...  相似文献   

新中国建立前,由于历代统治阶级实行民族压迫和民族歧视政策,加上自然条件严酷等原因,保安族的生产力发展水平低,教育发展落后。建国后,在党的民族政策光辉照耀下,进行了民族识别,保安族才开始拥有了自己的民族教育。从保安族教育发展的历史可以看出,保安族教育类型主要有四种:一是以个体或家庭为形式向受教育者进行的生产生活和社会规范的实践教育;二是以经堂教育为主要形式的伊斯兰教教育;三是以学校教育为主要形式的近现代普通教育;四是多种形式并存的成人教育、职业教育和社会教育。  相似文献   

目的:观察C反应蛋白(CRP)与充血性心力衰竭(CHF)程度的关系.方法:对连续入选的2007年2月~2008年5月住院患者,其中充血性心力衰竭57例,对照18例,均于入院次日及治疗2周后各抽静脉血一次,测定CRP.结果:CHFⅢ与Ⅳ级组CRP阳性率显著高于时照组和CHFⅡ级组(均P<0.01);对照组与CHFⅡ级组间无显著差异;CHFⅢ与Ⅳ级组间也无显著差异;CHFⅢ与Ⅳ级组治疗后CRP阳性率较治疗前显著降低(均P<0.01);对照组与CHFⅡ级组治疗前后无显著差异.结论:根据测定的CRP水平可以判断CHF的严重程度及疗效.  相似文献   

时下,有人把衡量一个单位的好坏分为四类:一类是既有权又有钱的;二类是虽无仅仅有钱的;三类是虽无权无钱但工作清闲的;第四类是既无权无钱工作又不清闲的;在主观选择上,人们对前三类的单位尤其是前两类的工作单位自然是趋之若骛,削尖脑袋往里钻,而对后一类的工作单位除非万般无奈,否则,是死活也不肯去的。这里说的“肥缺”与‘座差”,就是指因工作单位和岗位的不同而导致待遇上的差异。虽然,它是一样的官,职是一样的职,工资是一样的工资,但事实上,不同的单位,不同的职位,其“含金量”也就大为不同的。比如,同样是科级干…  相似文献   

列宁关于多民族国家规模建制理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文评述了列宁在十月革命前主张建立统一的民主集中制共和国,原则上反对联邦制,同时提出民族自决权原则并考虑了联邦制在某些条件下的可行性的思路发展过程;分析了十月革命后布尔什维克面对强大的民族分离运动,作为一种让步而不得不选择联邦制作为各民族走向完全统一的“过渡形式”的利弊得失;探讨了列宁在十月革命前后提出民族区域自治思想的出发点以及这一思想与鲍威尔的“民族文化自治”论的本质区别。  相似文献   

Unlike many of its western counterparts, Australia has been spared powerful surges of the extreme right throughout its history. While the nineteenth and twentieth centuries saw European democracies threatened time and time again by movements relying on ethno-exclusivism and thriving on capitalist crises, Australia suffered only relatively weak extreme right bursts whose impact remained marginal. Even the rise of the One Nation Party in 1996, as sudden as it was impressive, showed the limits in the Australian context for organisations which have proved long-lasting in Europe. This brief outline could bear a simple conclusion: Australia is immune to the extreme right. However, through a study of some of the most important extreme right failures in Australia, this article shows that rather than being immune, the country was spared an extreme right because of the policies put in place by mainstream parties and governments. By analysing mainstream politics in times of extreme right resurgence, this article highlights that by negating the extreme right's ability to appear as an alternative to the power in place, Australian mainstream politicians suffocated it. The conclusion of this article demonstrates that while the Australian extreme right has been mostly inaudible since 2001, extreme right politics, such as ethno-exclusivism, still play a crucial part in the shaping of Australian politics, notably during election campaigns.  相似文献   

哲里木盟地区自1980年到1998年猪病的发生和传播出现如下特征:新的传染病(如猪呼吸—综合症)不断增多,旧的传染病以并发、非典型性为主。细菌性传染病、遗传性疾病及代谢性疾病是增多趋势。因此,猪病的防治是一个系统工程,应统筹规划,重点防治,制定科学的免疫程序,科学地使用抗菌药物,并深入研究和利用中草药及各类生物制剂,为防治猪病提供新的手段。  相似文献   

Data from the Baseline Survey of the Hurricane Katrina Community Advisory Group Study (Kessler 2009) were used to explore the predictors of posttraumatic growth and posttraumatic stress among black (n?=?265) and white (n?=?715) adult survivors of Hurricane Katrina. We focus on the perceived quality of the governmental response and cognitive processing related to the response on posttraumatic outcomes, and whether there were racial group differences. We also consider the impact of demographic factors and severity of stress. Results of hierarchical linear regression showed that being black, older, having lower educational attainment, and experiencing greater perceived stress and loss during Katrina positively predicted greater posttraumatic growth. Being female, living below the poverty line, and experiencing greater perceived stress and loss positively predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms. More positive views of the governmental response were associated with greater posttraumatic growth and more negative views with greater posttraumatic stress symptomology. Moreover, it was found that race significantly moderated the effect between perceived quality of the response and posttraumatic stress. Subgroup analysis corroborated the interaction effect and showed that while perceived quality of the governmental response significantly predicted posttraumatic stress for black survivors, it was not a significant predictor for white survivors. This study sheds light on some of the factors and conditions under which positive and negative post-trauma outcomes occurred after Katrina. We propose that racial group differences in the impact of perceived quality of the response on posttraumatic stress may be related to views among some black survivors that the emergency response was discriminatory.  相似文献   

对5只健康成年科尔沁细毛羊脑桥主要神经核团的形态和细胞构筑进行了研究,结果表明:蜗神经背核长46mm,细胞密度1950个/mm3,主要由小型椭圆、梭形和多突起细胞构成,细胞排列无明显区域性;蜗神经腹侧核长48mm,细胞密度为3041个/mm3;面神经核长67mm,细胞密度855个/mm3;多为大型多极细胞,可分为5个亚核,其中背内侧亚核、外侧亚核、背侧亚核较发达,中间亚核较小  相似文献   

The vast majority of asylum seekers in the UK are not permitted to enter the labour market. In the absence of the right to work asylum seekers receive welfare support, which amounts to less than a third of the weekly spend of the poorest 10% of British citizens. This article presents new research on the third sector response to the poverty created by this policy regime. Through a four-pronged methodological design we map the scale of this response, and in doing so offer an alternative critical perspective on the inadequacies of government policy, inadequacies which lead to the human rights of some who are within, or who have been through the system, being breached.  相似文献   

Despite much talk about infiltration of ISIS into Latin America and participation from Latino Muslims, there is no concrete evidence yet. Latin America still represents the safest continent on the earth from ISIS threat. When we look at the recruitment strategy of ISIS, social media comes as a surprisingly first way of attracting young people to its ideology. Latin American Muslims are extremely well connected to social media, through which many of them do not only learn about Islam; but also feel close to Arabic or Middle Eastern culture. Yet, the strong presence of Latino Muslims in online spaces did not yield a success attracting Latinos to ISIS via these channels. Are Latino Muslims immune from ISIS’s attractiveness? What makes them keep away from ISIS’s social media messages and recruitment strategies? This article argues that this can only be explained with the nature of the socio-political context in which young and social media addicted Latino Muslims live.  相似文献   

Despite Europe's mass investments in advanced border controls, people keep arriving along the continent's shores under desperate circumstances. European attempts to ‘secure’ or ‘protect’ the borders have quite clearly failed, as politicians themselves increasingly recognise – yet more of the same response is again rolled out in response to the escalating ‘refugee crisis’. Amid the deadlock, this article argues that we need to grasp the mechanics and logics of the European ‘border security model’ in order to open up for a change of course. Through ethnographic examples from the Spanish-African borders, the article shows how the striving for border security under a prevailing emergency frame has generated absurd incentives, negative path dependencies and devastating consequences. At Europe's frontiers, an industry of border controls has emerged, involving European defence contractors, member state security forces and their African counterparts, as well as a range of non-security actors. Whenever another ‘border crisis’ occurs, this industry grows again, feeding on its own apparent ‘failures’. This vicious cycle may be broken, the article concludes, once policy-makers start curtailing the economies of border security underpinning it – yet the challenges are formidable as the industry retrenches along with the political response to the drama it has itself produced.  相似文献   

Ping He 《Social Identities》2013,19(1):127-154

China had developed relatively independently and had been almost immune to Western influences until the 19th century. Its basic way of life, cultural identity and state organization had continued almost uninterrupted from the very beginning of the archaic period. How China has adapted to the modern world since it was forced to be integrated into the modern world and, in the process, how it has changed its perception of self‐identity provide an interesting topic for study.

This paper offers a tentative discussion of the perception of cultural identity in modern China. It first explores the ideas of culture and cultural identity in traditional China, and then examines how these ideas were transformed in the context of the changing social, political and cultural environment of the early 20th century. The final part of the paper is devoted to the recent search in China for new ideas of culture and cultural identity in the context of a series of unprecedented events marked by the opening of China, economic reform, and rapid industrialisation.  相似文献   

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