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随着社会经济的快速发展,市场环境发生了巨大变化,经济体制的改革也不断深入,这使得在企业发展中工会管理的作用越来越重要。工会也称工人联合会,指的是为共同利益自发组织的社会团体,目的在于维护员工合法利益。在企业发展中,工会管理具有重要的影响作用,但现代企业制度的日趋完善,提高了工会管理要求和标准,企业工会管理中存在的问题也日益突出,需进一步发挥企业发展中工会管理的价值。本文以工会管理在企业发展中的价值作为切入点,分析了目前我国企业工会管理存在的主要问题,探讨企业发展中工会管理价值的进一步发挥。  相似文献   

对于中国当代工会的经济职能缺失、行政化倾向严重的现状,本文试从宏观、微观和内在逻辑三个层面对其成因进行剖析。宏观层面上,工会是资本主义市场经济发展的产物,中国市场经济发展不充分导致中国工会失去发挥经济职能的土壤;中观层面上,中国社会利益结构一元化格局导致工会发育缺少社会空间;微观层面上,与中国共产党的紧密联结促使其发展成为政党政治的组织性资源,成为依附于政党和政权制度的准国家机关。  相似文献   

以远东控股集团为例,通过对质性资料的三重译码分析,得到的研究结论是:远东品牌成长存在着“领导特质→企业文化→价值承诺→组织、制度和结构→管理行为与利益相关者价值创造→利益相关者满意度与积极合作→品牌成长”之间逐级影响的基本路径,并总结出远东品牌成长的五大机制,即建立价值承诺型企业文化、坚持员工是推动品牌成长的核心、导入“全面品牌管理”模式、建立品牌-利益相关者之间良好的互动关系以及努力为利益相关者创造价值.  相似文献   

胡国栋  王天娇 《管理世界》2022,38(2):188-207,239
以股东利益至上为治理逻辑的现代股权激励制度,具有物质报酬本位和短期行为色彩,难以从根本上打造企业与员工的利益共同体.如何避免股权激励中的机会主义行为并长期激发员工的组织认同感以促进企业可持续发展,是现代企业面临的重要治理难题.基于社会嵌入理论,本研究运用建构扎根理论对乔家字号身股激励进行理论挖掘,乔家字号以儒家共同体思想为社会价值观基础,以儒家义利观为商业伦理,将情感、信任等社会因素嵌入于经济组织之中,其身股激励形成了构建"地缘文化共同体—社会身份共同体—经济利益共同体"的生成路径,在此基础上抽象出中国古典企业的共同体式身股激励以"价值生成—制度耦合—利益强化"为逻辑进路的内在机理.本研究深化了对于中国古典企业股权激励制度的认识,对于修正股权激励以物质利益为本位进行理性计算的制度逻辑,从社会嵌入角度改进企业治理方式和员工持股办法具有启发意义,有助于解决员工激励的稳定性、综合性与长期性问题.  相似文献   

 工会公民行为对工会广泛联系员工、切实发挥各项职能有着积极作用,当工会发挥作用保障了工作场所的公平、公正时,可以引发员工的工会公民行为。在此过程中,已有研究关注到人所具有的不同动机,分别通过经济性和情感性作用机制对这一过程进行解释。但因不同员工个体的生活经历、教育背景和个性特质等差异,这两种机制在现实中发挥作用的强度也不尽相同,这一点鲜少受到已有研究的关注。        基于情景理论对人的解释,分别以工会工具性信念和工会支持感作为中介变量,引入公平敏感性作为调节变量,构建员工工会公平感影响工会公民行为的实证研究模型。以307名非公有制企业的工会成员为样本,构建层次回归模型,深入分析对公平偏好不同的员工受到经济性和情感性作用机制不同程度影响的变化规律。        研究结果表明,①工会公平感与公平敏感性的交互作用可以分别对工会工具性信念和工会支持感产生程度不同的影响,高公平敏感性员工易产生更强的工会工具性信念,低公平敏感性员工则会产生更强的工会支持感;②在公平敏感性由高到低的变化过程中,工会支持感的增强程度大于工会工具性信念的减弱程度。        研究通过实证方法验证了在工会公平感影响工会公民行为的过程中,对公平偏好不同的员工所受经济性与情感性机制影响存在强度差异,为工会公平感与工会公民行为的关系做出了适应不同情景变化的解释。而在调节作用的影响下,情感性机制的变化程度大于经济性机制,这与当前中国工会维稳职能强于维权职能的现状相符合。结合研究结果和中国工会的现状,分别为工会、企业和政府三方提出了按需提供帮助、增强工会-企业合作、进一步完善劳动法律体系等政策建议,以期推动工会更好地发展。  相似文献   

创新已经成为国内通信服务企业的竞争利器,探讨创新影响企业内部运作、外部顾客满意度和企业绩效的路径和模式.本文以河南省新联通为例,运用调查研究方法和案例研究方法,探讨基于东方管理的服务创新与员工满意、顾客满意和绩效之间的关系.本文得到如下结论:(1)基于东方管理思想的"内部服务创新-员工满意-顾客满意-企业绩效"的服务利润链路径得到验证,但强度较弱,这表明东方管理思想和服务创新理论在国内通信服务企业的应用是有效的,但其作用有待提升;(2)内部和外部服务创新通过直接和间接两条路径影响企业绩效;(3)内部创新影响路径(内部服务创新→员工满意→顾客满意→企业绩效)的强度小于外部创新影响路径(外部服务创新→顾客满意→企业绩效)的强度,表明针对员工的内部服务创新还未成为当前国内通信服务企业创新的重点;(4)除了创新对绩效的间接影响外,内部服务创新和外部服务创新会直接影响企业绩效,这表明国内通信服务企业的创新可能仍倾向于绩效导向,而非顾客导向,即表现出行为短期化.  相似文献   

核心技术创新与管理创新的适配演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于适配理论,从成本、知识整合和创新文化3个维度分析后发企业核心技术创新与管理创新之间的静态适配和动态适配演化关系,通过中兴TD-SCDMA技术创新的案例进行实证检验。研究结果表明,后发企业的高可变度核心技术创新表现出与外主内辅管理创新的适配特征,低可变度核心技术创新表现出与内主外辅管理创新的适配特征;同时技术创新和管理创新之间存在动态的适配演化关系,管理创新的实施使后发企业的技术创新由高可变度向低可变度转化以及后续的贴近市场创新,技术创新路径表现出的规律为高可变度技术创新→技术池1→低可变度技术创新→新的高可变度技术创新→技术池2→新的低可变度技术创新→…,管理创新表现出随着企业技术创新的开展而逐渐拓展和深化的态势。  相似文献   

由于中国工会职能与欧、美等发达国家工会职能存在差异,欧、美等发达国家的工会实践对企业绩效影响的研究结论不能完全适用于中国。在对国内外文献梳理的基础上,通过深度访谈等研究方法,探索性地构建中国情境下以消极劳资关系氛围和积极劳资关系氛围为中介变量的工会实践对企业绩效影响概念模型,重点对工会实践的维度和企业绩效影响的机理展开分析,以433名非国有企业的员工为研究样本,运用SPSS和AMOS对模型进行验证。研究结果表明,工会实践的参与职能、教育职能和维护职能与企业绩效呈正相关关系,且参与职能和教育职能对企业绩效的影响比维护职能更显著,建设职能与企业绩效无显著相关关系;工会实践与积极劳资关系氛围呈显著正相关关系,与消极劳资关系氛围呈显著负相关关系;积极劳资关系氛围与企业绩效呈显著正相关关系,消极劳资关系氛围与企业绩效呈显著负相关关系;积极劳资关系氛围和消极劳资关系氛围在工会实践与企业绩效间起部分中介作用。研究结论不仅可以指导中国社会经济转型条件下企业与工会关系的建设实践,而且对中国构建和谐的劳资关系氛围具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

现代经济的发展,许多新的企业也在不断建立。新建的企业需要考虑管理、建设的内容十分丰富,不仅包括资金、人员、设备、行政手续等,还包括建立企业的工会。企业的工会是指以共同利益为基础,自发组织的社会团体,其作用在于为企业的员工服务,包括组织各项活动、要求企业优化员工待遇、提高工资、改善工作环境等,解决普通员工的困难,维护其合法利益等。但是由于各种因素的影响,在建设工会时,也存在较多的难点,亟待解决。本文简单的分析了工会建设主要难点,如相关行政部门不重视、企业经营者抵触、企业员工认识不足、工会干部或党员干部能力有限等,并针对上述难点提出了几点相应的对策,包括重视基础活动、坚持结合实际的原则、做好宣传工作、提升工会干部的综合素养,为从事工会建设的人员提供一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

朱卫东  张超  吴勇  库泉  张帆 《管理科学》2019,22(2):112-126
传统的股东单边治理模式难以平衡并确保利益相关者的利益, 基于共生的共同治理模式满足了这种需求, 而利益相关者共生的逻辑起点是共同创造与分享增加价值.此时, 如何在现有种群规模下平衡利益相关者关系并保持其动态增长成为值得研究的科学性问题.首先分析员工与股东共创与共享增加价值机理, 并运用生物学中的Logistic增长模型构造基于增加价值的利益相关者共生演化一般模型;然后得出员工与股东的劳资共生演化动力模型, 并利用均衡点、依存系数的不同取值对劳资共生行为模式及稳定性进行分析, 给出合理的经济学解释及映射现有的管理实践;最后, 以海尔为例分析了“人单合一”创新模式改革前后劳资共生行为模式阶段性变化及对企业价值增值的影响, 验证构建劳资共生模型的合理性和必要性.  相似文献   

基于制度同构理论,探究家族企业通过对外直接投资嵌入到国内和国外互不兼容、甚至相互冲突的制度逻辑时对其治理结构的影响,提出对外直接投资给家族企业带来制度同构压力,进而影响其职业化管理水平。运用中国沪深上市家族企业2005~2019年的面板数据,研究发现:家族企业对外直接投资的规模和广度越大,高管团队的职业化水平越高;东道国与母国之间的制度距离会增强家族企业对外直接投资对职业化管理的促进作用;企业所在地区的外商投资水平则会削弱家族企业在对外直接投资中提升职业化管理的动力。通过研究组织同时嵌入不同制度逻辑时对治理结构的影响,深化制度同构行为的分析框架,对家族企业的国际化成长和治理转型具有实践意义。  相似文献   

From an international perspective, Australia has been one of the leading jurisdictions for corporate governance reform. Its first corporate governance code predates the Cadbury Report, and Australia is also one of the few countries internationally to have been only marginally affected by the recession that ensued after the Global Financial Crisis. Considerable governance reform has occurred since 2007–8 in Australia, however; much of it occasioned by pressure brought to bear by institutional investors as a reaction to both traditional governance failings and also social and environmental concerns such as a growing awareness of climate change. Institutional influence is primarily associated with the compulsory retirement income system that emerged in the 1980s in light of an economy‐wide union campaign. While governance structures are becoming more homogenous, institutional logics reflecting trustees’ concerns are driving and shaping this ongoing process. A new approach to corporate engagement has emerged under the influence of investor representative bodies such as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors that is driving corporate governance change.  相似文献   

Collaborative governance (CG) is becoming the common currency of decision‐making, able to surmount existing institutional constraints to effectively address challenges related to sustainability and social and environmental corporate behavior. CG approaches may however result in institutional complexity. As an illustration of CG in the domain of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the ISO 26000 standard is a legitimate point of reference for organizations worldwide. The standard represents a pluralistic institutional logic that resonates several tensions arising from the domain it tries to standardize, the nature of its development process, its interpretation of CSR and the type of standard it represents. This article aims to identify and examine strategic responses to ISO 26000 by various standards‐related organizations (including national standardization institutes, certification organizations, and service providers) and to contribute to the understanding of strategic responses of organizations to pluralistic institutional logics that result from CG.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an emergent process of institutional change in which institutional entrepreneurs are unintentional contributors to the change process. Our theory suggests how change in the predominant institutional logic of corporate governance at public U.S. companies resulted not from deliberate attempts by corporate leaders to change the criteria by which governance is evaluated, but from the cumulative efforts of top executives to provide “impression management support” (IM support) for individual leaders of other firms. We first discuss how IM support has spread among corporate leaders through generalized social exchange. Then we suggest how individual leaders, in seeking to persuade journalists about the quality of corporate leadership at particular other firms, tend to invoke evaluative criteria that deviate from the prevailing institutional logic of governance. We further suggest how the rhetoric of IM support instigated a cascading social influence process that has contributed to changing perceptions about corporate governance among a broad range of other corporate stakeholders. We discuss the implications of our model for sociological perspectives on corporate governance and the corporate elite. Finally, we consider how the occasional negative commentary by corporate leaders about their peers, in combination with IM support, helps to sustain the credibility of the social system in which leaders, journalists, and other information intermediaries operate.  相似文献   

The business model has been conceived as a commercial logic of value proposition, creation, exchange and capture. However, its underlying conceptual structure of an organizational value logic holds promise also for application beyond a purely commercial context, for partially commercial and even noncommercial organizations. This paper unlocks this potential by conceptualizing homogeneous and heterogeneous organizational value logics shaped by a variety of institutional logics. Homogeneous value logics are dominantly shaped by individual institutional logics, such as the value logic of businesses shaped by an institutional logic of the commercial market, or that of a churches shaped by an institutional logic of religion. Heterogeneous value logics, however, are co-shaped by two or more institutional logics. The application of these concepts is exemplified in the context of sustainability business models, which are built on a heterogeneous value logic that combines elements from commercial, sustainability, welfare and government logics. The paper contributes to the business model discussion by extending it to partially commercial and noncommercial organizations; by creating a conceptual space between value logics and institutional logics; and by proposing the meta-logic of value proposition, creation, exchange and capture, a novel analytical tool for the study of organizations shaped by plural institutional logics.  相似文献   

We aim to investigate the decision process leading to the adoption of corporate governance practice at a cooperative. This paper expands current knowledge by presenting the institutional logics approach as a complement to decision-making process studies. Literature on the decision process grounds the investigation, supported by corporate governance and agency theory. We draw on oral history for collecting and analyzing data from documents, observation and interviews related to the decision process. A total of 19 interviews were conducted with members and employees of the cooperative. We used the Atlas TI software to organize the data and then subjected them to content analysis, based on the historical analytical method. By demonstrating how logics are a basis for the adoption decision, the paper provides evidence of how hybridization operates as a mechanism for balancing actors’ demands in response to contrasting institutional pressures or expectations. In addition, we provide recommendations to management with respect to corporate governance decisions.  相似文献   

Performance management (PM) of employees is an important established practice in multinational corporations (MNC) and therefore one of the key practices to be transferred to subsidiaries. In this study, we use the concept of institutional logics to show how Russian employees experience PM practices that are based on the institutional logic of a Finnish MNC which is contradictory to the one prevailing in Russia where the subsidiaries operate. Our findings contribute to the practice transfer and PM literature by showing how the Russian subsidiaries responded to competing institutional logics by consciously selecting certain elements from each logic, demonstrating “institutional bricolage”, to address both the headquarter's (HQ) requirements and the fast pace of change and uncertainties in an emerging post-Soviet market. Our study also enhances the international business (IB) literature by using the concept of institutional logics in IB and international management (IM) research, where it has been infrequently used.  相似文献   

The paper examined the conditions that allow alternative logics a long standing coexistence, when no one logic predominates in the supplementary health field in Brazil. It contributes to the literature bringing the analysis of the coexistence over several decades of the following competitive logics - professional, public, market, regulatory, and social protection logic, in an institutional order level, while medical groups, insurance companies, and cooperatives established alternative health provision logics in the market level. The state’s incapacity or unwillingness to alienate the private sector is the main reason for the emergence of the various market medical providers with their distinct forms of service delivery.  相似文献   

Institutional complexity is increasingly seen in terms of potential schisms between logics in pluralist fields. However, research into complexity is mostly confined to binary institutional logics that oversimplify settings where more logics interact. The reorganized mental health service we studied brought a range of expert groups together in a highly complex institutional field. Three logics were seen to be continually in play: a health logic based on expert medical values, a care logic of holistic values, and a logic of integration based partly on managerial priorities but also shared more broadly. The paper identifies how the pattern of conflicting and reinforcing inter‐logic relations that underpinned this field was constituted and further explores a number of critical implications for complexity theory.  相似文献   

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