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特殊区域的人口预测,需要用特殊的方法。结合特殊区域人口的个性特点,创造性地应用间接估计技术进行人口预测,是人口学的一项重要任务。对我国经济技术开发区人口发展进行科学预测,对促进开发区社会经济持续、稳定、协调发展具有十分重要的战略意义。杭州经济技术开发区具有独特的个性,但应用间接估计技术进行特殊区域人口预测的原理和方法,却有普遍的意义。结果表明,只要方法得当,参数科学,特殊区域的人口发展态势和规律同样可以进行科学的预测,为特殊区域规划建设提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

人口预测是在现有人口状况的基础资料上,考虑未来各种因素对人口发展的影响,运用人口变量及相关因素之间的内在联系,建立数学模型,进行运算,取得的未来人口发展势趋的基本资料。 人口预测的科学与否,应该首先建立在人口状况的基础资料上,人口现状基础资料是制约人口发展的客观因素。当然人口预测也不能因此而忽视影响人口发展的其它因素,如计划生育方针政策、社会经济、思想意识等因素,但它们仅仅是相关因素。目前国内进行人口预  相似文献   

(一)人口预测是根据现有人口状况,利用科学方法推算和确定未来时期的人口规模和发展趋势的一种方法.人口预测的方法很多,有简有繁,各有利弊.本文介绍利用高珀茨曲线预测未来人口总数.高珀茨曲线模型是研究社会经济现象的有效工具.它是由数家高珀茨于1825年首先提出的,最先应用于保险事业。后来又应用于商业统计和人口统计,对于人口预测,它不需要了解人口运动系统的出生率和死亡率就可以预测未来人口,是一种简便而精度较高预测方法.其方程式为:  相似文献   

编制人口规划的目的,是为了做到使人口有计划地增长。而为了控制人口的增长,必须掌握未来人口发展趋势。因此,编制人口规划首先要进行人口预测。从广义来说,人口规划的编制过程就包括着人口预测,作为它的基础和重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在人口再生产过程中,同出生一样,死亡起着极其重要的作用。人口平均预期寿命(下面简称人口平均寿命或人口寿命)是人口分年龄死亡率的一个综合指标。它在人口预测中是一个重要参数。探查世界各国人口平均寿命的增长过程,了解影响人口平均寿命的各种因素,正确估计未来人口平均寿命的增长趋势,对于人口总数及人口年龄构成的预测具有十分重要的意义。 在人口再生产过程中,同出生一样,死亡起着极其重要的作用。人口平均预期寿命(下面简称人口平均寿命或人口寿命)是人口分年龄死亡率的一个综合指标。它在人口预测中是一个重要参数。探查世界各国人口平均寿命的增长过程,了解影响人口平均寿命的各种因素,正确估计未来人口平均寿命的增长趋势,对于人口总数及人口年龄构成的预测具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

七十年代以来,随着我国计划生育工作的广泛深入开展,人口预测活动也在全国各地广泛展开。从1974年开始,结合计划生育工作的要求,对全国和各地的未来人口增长趋势做了各种预测。现在,人口预测已成为国内人口研究和实践的一个重要方面。对于未来人口发展进行预测,在我国还是一件比较新的事情。有人对预测是否可靠尚持怀疑态度。有人把人口预测神秘化,误认为只有掌握高深数学才能进行。这都是由于对人口预测的性质和内容缺乏了解。因此,有必要对人口预测的某些基本问题进行简单探讨。  相似文献   

2、人口预测世界人口趋势和预测莱昂·塔巴著 杨魁信译 人口研究1981·增刊·3人口预测方法述评舒宝刚 科研中的方法1981.1 .40“晚婚、晚育”与“早婚、早育”对今后人口增长影响的比较—据广东省未来100年人口发展趋势预测朱云成等 人口与经济1981.2 .26对浙江省三个县的人口预测庄炳瑾等 人口研究1981.3 .32.人口与未来杨家良 人口学刊1981.3 .38一个有较大差异的人口在形成 《美国新闻与世界报导》编辑部著 朱纯译 人口学刊1981 .3 .78世界人口趋势预测中文江 未来与发展1981.4 .32人口预测方法暴奉贤 未来与发展1981.4 .35利用指数、函…  相似文献   

我国人口预测应该是在人口自身发展与社会经济战略目标相适应的原则下,对人口未来发展趋势进行的科学测算工作。它是人口计划实施的前提和依据,在社会经济未来发展中均占有重要地位。在我国控制人口数  相似文献   

人口预测就是根据基期资料,按照一定的数字模式和科学方法,来推算未来的人口。人口增长是一个自然现象,它可以是正的,也可以是负的。正的人口增长,就意味着人口增加,负的人口增长,就意味着人口减少。全世界和各个国家的人口增长各有其一定的增长率。有的国家人口增长得非常缓慢,有的国家则异常迅速。根据联合国最新人口资料表明,1980年7月1日全世界的人口总数为4,414,000,000人。当前世界上每30秒钟内就有117个人  相似文献   

统筹城乡的动态人口预测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对未来城乡人口进行科学详细的预测,是统筹城乡发展的基本依据。文章以浙江省为例,简要介绍了以人口普查资料和抽样调查资料为基本依据,考虑城市化进程和城乡、省际人口机械变动参数动态变化的城乡人口预测的方法。并以浙江省为例,说明如何充分利用这些人口预测结果,为统筹城乡发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

超低生育率阶段的区域人口发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国人口转变的实现和完成,越来越多的地方进入了"超低生育率"发展阶段,未来时期的人口发展战略面临着何去何从的抉择。以辽宁省辽阳市为案例总结区域人口转变的阶段和特点,指出辽阳已经出现"意愿性超低生育率"现象,带来了人口发展风险问题。随着计划生育风险家庭和残缺家庭的增多,辽阳的公共财政压力已经感受到巨大挑战。人口安全要求坚守计划生育的"底线伦理",降低计划生育风险家庭和残缺家庭在整个计划生育家庭中的规模和比例。未来的区域人口安全发展战略必须考虑确立的两个基本点是"优先健全人口结构、兼顾控制人口增量",不鼓励农村一女户放弃二胎生育指标,尽快建立独生子女家庭风险防范的社会机制和独生子女困难家庭公益救助机制。  相似文献   

In seeking a solution to its population problem, China, as a developing socialist country, has been making unremitting efforts to develop economy while controlling the rapid growth. The objective is to control rapid population growth so that population growth may be in keeping with socioeconomic development and commensurate with utilization of natural resources and environmental protection. In the past decade, and particularly since 1979, China has made much progress in developing economy and gained remarkable successes in controlling population growth. The natural population growth rate dropped to 1.15% in 1983, from 2.089% in 1973. Living standards have improved with a gradual annual increase of per capita income. All this proves that the policy of promoting family planning to control population growth along with planned economic development is correct. In China family planning is a basic state policy. The government has advocated the practice of "1 couple, 1 child" since 1979. This does not mean that 1 couple could have 1 child only in every case. The government provides guidance for the implementation of family planning programs in the light of specific conditions such as economic developments, cultural background, population structure, and the wishes of the people in different localities. The requirements are more flexible in rural than in urban areas and more so among the people of national minorities than among the people of the Han Nationality. In rural areas, couples who have actual difficulties and want to have 2 children may have a 2nd birth with planned spacing. In carrying out its family planning program, China has consistently adhered to the principle of integrating state guidance with the masses' voluntariness. The government has always emphasized the importance of encouraging the people's own initiatives, through publicity and education, which is the key link in implementing the family planning program.  相似文献   

人口老龄化与区域经济发展之间有着必然的内在关联性。因为生产和消费是区域经济发展中的重要环节,而人口老龄化对生产和消费均有影响,也就必然会影响区域经济的发展。因此,本文首先在梳理国内外相关研究的基础上提出人口老龄化对区域经济发展的双重效应——正效应和负效应;然后以新古典经济增长模型为基础,尝试引入人口老龄化因素从而对该模型进行扩展,分析得到的结论是:①进一步验证了人口老龄化对区域经济发展的双重效应的存在;②不同的区域,人口老龄化程度不同,人口再生产所处于的发展阶段不同,人口老龄化对区域经济发展的经济影响程度,即其正效应和负效应之和也就不尽相同,但存在的一个基本规律是,人口老龄化程度越高,其负效应就越大,其对区域经济发展的减速效应也就越明显。  相似文献   

上海大都市圈人口发展对经济增长贡献的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来上海大都市圈经济的快速发展带动了人口在短时期内的高速集聚。对上海大都市圈人口发展与经济增长关系的定量分析结果表明,在目前粗放型经济占主导的发展模式下,人口增长与经济发展的相关程度较高;自20世纪90年代以来,人口质量总体有了较大提高,但人口素质与经济发展的关系还没有转向良性循环,对经济增长的贡献较小,潜能有待进一步转化。  相似文献   

Chi G 《Demography》2009,46(2):405-427
Recent developments in urban and regional planning require more accurate population forecasts at subcounty levels, as well as a consideration of interactions among population growth, traffic flow, land use, and environmental impacts. However, the extrapolation methods, currently the most often used demographic forecasting techniques for subcounty areas, cannot meet the demand. This study tests a knowledge-based regression approach, which has been successfully used for forecasts at the national level, for subcounty population forecasting. In particular, this study applies four regression models that incorporate demographic characteristics, socioeconomic conditions, transportation accessibility, natural amenities, and land development to examine the population change since 1970 and to prepare the 1990-based forecast of year 2000 population at the minor civil division level in Wisconsin. The findings indicate that this approach does not outperform the extrapolation projections. Although the regression methods produce more precise projections, the least biased projections are often generated by one of the extrapolation techniques. The performance of the knowledge-based regression methods is discounted at subcounty levels by temporal instability and the scale effect. The regression coefficients exhibit a statistically significant level of temporal instability across the estimation and projection periods and tend to change more rapidly at finer geographic scales.  相似文献   

Many countries in Africa are facing severe development problems because of high rates of population growth, stagnant or declining agricultural productivity, and increasing migration of the rural poor to large cities. Most demographic studies of Africa ignore problems arising from the spatial distribution of population and public allocation of investment. Strategic planning of the location of development investments in ways that will prevent or reduce excessive concentration of population and productive activities in large primary cities is becoming increasingly important for many African governments. In this article it is argued that the excessive growth of primary cities in predominantly rural countries can be detrimental to their economic recovery. Policies encouraging more widespread distribution of population in secondary cities and towns and policies promoting investment in physical infrastructure, marketing, small-scale manufacturing, and agroprocessing in secondary cities and towns can provide a stronger base for both rural and urban development in many African countries in the future.  相似文献   

Many believe that linking population growth to the issue of climate change will help to place family planning back into the political realm as an urgent matter of national and environmental security. Others worry, however, that focusing on the environmental impacts of demographic change places at risk the hard-fought and long-developed global consensus that individual rights and empowerment are what matters most in fostering sustainable development and stabilizing population growth. This paper focuses on United States population policy. It presents a brief historical background and summarizes the state of scientific evidence regarding the impacts of population growth on climate change. It then analyzes some of the underlying ethical issues involved in advancing an advocacy argument around increasing family planning as a way to slow population growth and mitigating climate change. Finally, it recommends a way in which advocates can frame the connections between population growth and climate change in a just and ethical manner.  相似文献   

The analysis described here was carried out in response to a political crisis in Australia. In 1994, a Member of Parliament who opposed the use of foreign aid funds for family planning programs blocked the passage of the national budget. The impasse was resolved through a compromise. The use of foreign assistance for population activities was frozen pending an independent inquiry into the impact of population on economic development. A team of nine researchers prepared background papers on population and economic development, health, education, food supply, housing, poverty, the environment, family planning, and human rights. The overall conclusion of the inquiry was that slower population growth will yield more rapid development in most countries, especially in relatively poor, agricultural nations. The purpose of this contribution to the inquiry was to assess how population growth was affecting the housing sector and, in turn, economic development. Among other questions, does population growth increase the demand for residential land, housing, and urban infrastructure? Demographic methods were critical to answering the questions, especially assessing the impact of population growth on the demand for housing.  相似文献   

In the Philippines several steps have been taken to meet the challenge of increasing population growth. Commencing with the Republic Act 6365, known as the Population Act (1971) program directives focus on achieving and maintaining population levels most conducive to the national welfare. In 1978 a Special Committee was constituted by the President to review the population program. Pursuant to the Committee's findings certain changes were adopted. The thrust is now towards longterm planning to ensure a more significant and perceptible demographic impact of development programs and policies. Increasing attention is paid to regional development and spatial distribution in the country. The 1978-82 Development Plan states more clearly the interaction between population and development. The National Economic and Development Authority, the central policy and planning agency of the government, takes charge of formulation and coordinating the broader aspects of population policy and integrating population with socioeconomic plans and policies. At present the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) is implementing a project known as the Population/Development Planning and Research (PDPR) project with financial support from the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). This project promotes and facilitates the integration of the population dimension in the planning process. It does this by maintaining linkages and instituting collaborative mechanisms with the different NEDA regional offices and sectoral ministries. It also trains government planners in ways of integrating population concerns into the development plan. PDPR promotes the use of population and development research for planning purposes and policy formation. The Philippine Development Plan, 1978-82, recognized that an improvement in the level of 1 sector reinforces the performance of the other sectors. Since the establishment of the National Population Program 12 years ago, population and family planning have been successfully integrated with various development sectors, notably, labor, health, and education. Through the policies of integration, multiagency participation, and partnership of the public and private sectors, the Commission on Population uses existing development programs of government and private organizations as vehicles for family planning information and services and shares the responsibility of implementing all facets of the population program with various participating agencies in the government and private sector.  相似文献   

Z Liu 《人口研究》1984,(2):9-12
A correct population policy is very crucial to the solution of the population problem, economic development, and social progress. The real situation in China now is a large population, a high rate of population growth, and low level of productivity. Facing this situation, China's population policy should include control of population growth in quantity, a promotion of population quality, and a match between population growth and social and economic development for the final realization of the Four Modernizations. In recent years, under the leadership of the National Committee on Family Planning, together with cooperation from various offices at the local level, a great change has taken place in China's population situation. The fertility rate has declined gradually, and late marriage, delayed births, and a reduced number of births have also become popular. A change in the age structure of the population has also slowed the pace of population growth. A reduction in the ratio of women of childbearing age is also helpful in the control of population growth, and the natural growth rate for the population has declined. This change shows that family planning is working in China and great results have been achieved. To come closer to the national goal of population control, practical work should be focused on rural areas. The rural population constitutes about 80% of total population and the fertility rate in rural areas is much higher than that of the cities. If population control can be achieved in the rural areas, the overall goal of population control for the country can then be achieved more easily.  相似文献   

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