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对 2 4 2名吸毒女性施以SES自尊问卷测验 ,结果显示 :( 1)不同家庭背景的吸毒女性的自尊存在差异 ,双亲家庭的吸毒女性的自尊高于单亲家庭的吸毒女性的自尊 ;而非离异家庭女性的自尊得分高于离异家庭女性的自尊得分 ;( 2 )有稳定职业的吸毒女性的自尊得分高于无稳定职业的吸毒女性的自尊得分 ;( 3)坐台吸毒女性的自尊低于没有坐台的吸毒女性的自尊 ,并且存在家庭关系的差别 ;( 4 )吸毒女性的自尊不存在吸毒时间长短的差异。  相似文献   

家庭是青少年社会化的最主要也是最早的基地,父母则是青少年社会化过程中的第一位老师。事实证明,青少年社会化的正常程度和父母与子女间的互动率呈正相关,构成家庭中的各种因素之优劣直接影响着家庭成员尤其是子女的人格特征、心理素质、道德品行及其他方面的发展方向和程度。其中亲子关系对其心理发育、人格形成、情绪完善以及整个一生的心理健康教养的影响尤为重要。  相似文献   

王炜 《阴山学刊》2009,22(5):96-98
青少年犯罪的原因是多方面的,其中特别是家庭因素,对青少年违法犯罪有着非常直接的关系。父母冲突、父母缺陷、破碎家庭、家庭教育方法不当、家庭监管不力、家庭网络环境以及家庭氛围等都会使青少年形成不良个性,甚至走上违法犯罪的道路。  相似文献   

论青少年道德情感的养成与家庭的伦理责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱巧香 《人文杂志》2007,25(1):185-188
青少年道德情感的养成离不开家庭的道德教育,父母对孩子和社会理应承担的义务,构成了家庭伦理责任的客观基础;完善青少年道德情感体系,培育青少年的羞耻感、荣誉感、义务感、责任感等是家庭伦理责任的基本要求;为青少年道德情感的养成创设良好的家庭道德环境是父母应然的伦理责任。  相似文献   

离异家庭子女心理问题产生的家庭影响因素及其教育对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,随着我国离婚率急剧上升,离异家庭子女日益增多,他们的心理健康问题已成为社会普遍关注的热点问题。离异家庭子女在父母离婚后会表现出一系列心理问题,如情绪情感障碍、适应性差、性格缺陷、学习困难、社会性发展不良等。这些心理问题的产生有其多方面的原因,其中家庭影响因素起着举足轻重的作用。要使离异家庭子女同完整家庭子女一样健康成长,关键还在于弥补业已缺损的家庭教育。  相似文献   

刘秀芬 《家庭科技》2021,(10):28-29
家庭教育对青少年道德养成的重要性 是青少年道德养成的起步阶段 从本质上看,家庭是青少年的第一所学校,而父母就是青少年的启蒙老师,家庭结构组成、文明程度、环境及各个成员的文化素养和相互之间的关系都会对青少年道德品格带来不可估量的影响.由于青少年生理和心理还未发育完全,具备极强的可塑性,因此作为起步阶段的家庭教育尤为关键.习近平总书记曾在全国教育大会上表示,家长要给孩子讲好"人生第一课",帮助孩子"扣好人生第一粒扣子",可见家庭教育对青少年道德养成的重要作用.  相似文献   

父母离异,历来把子女判给父亲或母亲,这一千古不易的判决终于被法国打破了。法国有一对离婚夫妇为两个孩子的抚养权和住房居住权而争夺不休,鉴于父母离婚,其最大受害者乃孩子,为保护儿童的合法权益,法官做出了反常规的判决:“父母归两个孩子所有,原有住宅的居住权归孩子所有。离异父母定期轮流返回孩子身边居住,履行天职。”  相似文献   

2000年起,藏区务工型流动人口逐年提升,人口流动引发普通家庭从父亲流动到母亲流动继而父母皆流动的状态,使得家庭关系和家庭功能发生变化。同时,从上世纪60年代之后到现在寄宿制形式成为藏区主要的学校形式。因此,当下藏族青少年的成长环境普遍变为父母流动、家庭弱化和寄宿学校并行交织的复杂社会环境。本研究选择"疏离感"和"家庭亲密度和适应性"作为测量家庭-社会人际关系的量表,以此获取藏族青少年群体对社会和家庭的态度和关系。研究结果发现33.8%的被试呈现高疏离感,同时近一半学生家庭在困境期和发展变化期处于低适应能力。结合访谈数据和田野调查资料,本研究从父母流动、寄宿形式、本土文化课程、传统文化与村落变迁几个角度综合分析导致青少年高疏离感及家庭适应能力低下的原因,并提出改善寄宿制学校藏族青少年社会心理健康教育的具体意见和建议。  相似文献   

家庭是子女的第一所学校,父母是子女的第一任教师.父母的品行修养以及家庭的环境氛围无不潜移默化地影响着青少年的道德行为习惯的形成,家庭伦理道德是个体道德化的摇篮.为了把青少年培养成适合社会主义现代化事业需要的德才兼备的人才,必须进一步深化家庭伦理道德建设,不断提高家庭的道德文明水平.  相似文献   

留守儿童的营养与健康状况会对我国未来劳动力质量产生深远影响,但现有文献关于父母外出异地就业对农村留守儿童营养摄入影响的研究结论争议较大,关键一个原因是以往多数研究在留守儿童和非留守儿童家庭分组上存在严重缺陷。基于父母异地就业和本地就业家庭分离程度差异和照管儿童父母分工差异,通过对农户家庭科学合理分组,利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM),从收入效应与时间效应两方面深入系统揭示了父亲或母亲异地就业对农村儿童营养的影响及差异。研究结果显示:当父亲本地务农时,母亲异地就业对农村儿童的营养摄入没有显著影响,收入效应会被时间效应抵消;而当母亲本地务农时,父亲异地就业的收入效应高于时间效应,能显著提高儿童蛋白质摄入水平和营养结构。  相似文献   

A growing literature reveals that parental divorce and marital discord can have undesirable effects on the mental health and social well-being of children, some of which extend well into adulthood. Our study augments this body of work by focusing on the interplay of divorce and discord in shaping the religious and spiritual lives of young adults. Several discrete subgroups of young adults are identified in terms of parental marital status and degree of parents’ marital conflict, and multiple religious and spiritual outcomes are considered. Data are taken from the National Survey on the Moral and Spiritual Lives of Young Adults from Divorced and Intact Families, a nationwide US telephone survey of approximately 1500 young adults ages 18-35 conducted in 2001. Findings confirm that persons raised by parents in intact, happy, low-conflict marriages tend to score higher on most religious and spiritual outcomes. However, offspring from divorced families and those from intact high-conflict families differ on some outcomes, but not others. Indicators of traditional institutional religious practices and beliefs appear more vulnerable to the effects of parental divorce and discord than personal spiritual beliefs and practices. Overall, findings reveal a rich but complex set of relationships between family background and religious and spiritual lives among young adults.  相似文献   

Using data from 19,839 adolescents from the National Education Longitudinal Study, this study investigates whether the effects of parental divorce on adolescents’ academic test performance vary by sibship size. Analyses show that the negative effect of divorce on adolescent performance attenuates as sibship size increases. On the other side of the interaction, the inverse relationship between sibship size and test performance is weaker in disrupted than in two-biological-parent families. Trends of such interactions are evident when sibship size is examined either as a continuous or a categorical measure. Finally, the observed interactions on adolescents’ academic performance are completely explained by variations in parental financial, human, cultural, and social resources. In sum, this study underlines the importance of treating the effect of parental divorce as a variable and calls for more research to identify child and family features that may change the magnitude of such an effect.  相似文献   

We use the British Cohort Study to investigate to what extent parental resources moderate the association between parental divorce in childhood and lowered child well-being as indicated by maternal reports of child psychological well-being and by academic test scores (reading and math tests). We argue that children of mothers with more years of education suffer less when their parents split up because better educated mothers may be better able to provide a safe and stable environment for their children after divorce. In addition, we argue that having a better educated father could either aggravate or reduce the effects of parental divorce. This is one of the first studies to simultaneously investigate the role of maternal, and paternal resources, and pre-divorce shared resources. Our analyses indicate that the effect of parental divorce on psychological well-being is reduced for better educated mothers and for families with more pre-divorce economic resources, but increased for better educated fathers. For academic test scores we find a protective effect of having a better educated father and higher pre-divorce social resources.  相似文献   

离婚亲子关系立法趋势之研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从家族本位到子女本位、从家长权力到父母责任、从家长决定子女的命运到子女最大利益原则,发端于20世纪下半叶的亲子关系立法改革席卷全球,并带动了离婚亲子关系的立法变革,成为本世纪离婚亲子关系立法不可逆转的大趋势。尽管我国离婚亲子关系立法已经考虑到了子女利益,并以保护子女权益为己任,但这种保护仍是以家长和社会利益为视角的,没有充分考虑子女的权利和愿望,没有将他们真正作为权利主体。以"子女本位"审视我国相关法律规定和司法解释,仍然可以发现不少"父母本位"立法思想的痕迹。转变立法观念、完善离婚亲子关系立法势在必行。  相似文献   

This study informs family and child health research by using longitudinal Fragile Families data to assess how family structure and transitions are associated with changes in children’s BMI and weight status between ages three and five. Concerns in family structure literature about biases due to selectivity are reduced through the use of change score models and by controlling for parental BMI. The findings indicate unhealthy BMI gain and an increased risk of becoming overweight/obese among children living with a mother who recently dissolved a union or had been living without a partner for at least 2 years compared with those in stable married parent families. Children with single mothers who entered a new union had significantly healthier BMI trajectories than those whose mothers remained single or recently became single. These results suggest the importance of two-parent family contexts for children’s healthy physical development, and that single mothers may need additional support to better manage their children’s BMI.  相似文献   

Competing explanations of the relationship between family structure and alcohol use problems are examined using a sample of American Indian adolescents from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Living in a single-parent family is found to be a marker for the unequal distribution of stress exposure and parental alcohol use, but the effects of other family structures like non-parent families and the presence of under 21-year-old extended family or non-family members emerge or remain as risk or protective factors for alcohol use problems after a consideration of SES, family processes, peer socialization, and social stress. In particular, a non-parent family structure that has not been considered in prior research emerged as a protective family structure for American Indian adolescent alcohol use problems.  相似文献   

1949年至2000年,河南家庭变迁特征主要表现为:家庭户的逐步增加和家庭规模由小趋大但最终趋小;家庭结构总体上日趋简化,核心家庭日渐上升,多代家庭与亲属和非亲属组成的大家庭越来越少;家庭的生产功能得以恢复和延伸,生育功能逐渐萎缩;家庭收入来源呈多元化趋势,家庭消费水平不断提高;家庭关系中代际关系逐渐趋于疏离状态,纵向的亲子关系逐渐为横向的夫妻关系所代替;家庭婚姻的嫁娶区位越来越广,离婚观和再婚观发生了很大变化等。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of family structure in the financial support parents provide for their children’s college education. Data are from the Health and Retirement Study. We focus on aspects of family structure that affect parental support and estimate shared family variance in investments as well as within-family variation using a multilevel model. Family membership accounts for about 60% of the variance in payment of college costs. Small family size, living with both biological parents (compared to one biological parent and a stepparent), higher parental education, and having older parents are associated with greater parental expenditures.  相似文献   

信佛妇女在接受信仰的同时势必受到信仰的约束,这种约束也一定会对她们的家庭生活带来影响,而这种约束与随之产生的影响主要体现在她们的受戒遵戒上面。唐代在家信佛妇女受的主要是菩萨戒。唐代一些受了具足戒而出家的比丘尼与家庭的关系也值得注意,因为这种关系不仅意味着它也是一种家庭生活,而且还说明了出家妇女对家庭生活的依然参与。这些不仅和社会的环境、宗教本身等因素有关,而且也曲折地反映了妇女提高自身在家庭中形象地位的一种努力,即信佛妇女藉此在礼教的氛围中维护自身的尊严与人格。同时,还显示了中国佛教戒律的情理化。  相似文献   

在中国当代小说创作中,家族小说以其独特的思想深度与艺术力度而独领风骚,它们常常将一个家族兴衰的描写与整个民族历史的书写结合起来,追求文学的史诗品格,借家族之间物质利益的冲突、权力追逐与情感纠葛来表现自己对特定历史的感受与理解,对置身于历史发展过程中个人命运的思考,创作与历史观念的变化使作家能更自由地书写自己对历史事件的重新理解,这样既让读者看到了历史本身丰富和复杂的一面,也给家族叙事增添了艺术的永恒魅力。  相似文献   

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