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多元文化教育的批判与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多元文化教育是体现或内化了“多元主义”价值观的文化教育。它倡导平等、差异、合作的思想和理念。它启迪我国民族教育对外与国际教育接轨,并实施多元文化课程来反映多元文化教育的价值观。多元文化主义及其教育是一种新的种族主义,并把复杂的社会问题简单化为文化问题,进而否认文化的先进性和落后性之分,反映了它的僵死的文化观,因此对其必须进行批判,同时对一些观点和提法进行必要的反思。  相似文献   

何伟业 《回族研究》2002,24(4):96-100
本文回顾有关近代西方伊斯兰人类学发展的理论争议和前瞻以及当今最前沿的研究动向。在有关理论争议上,本文简介和评议过去几个主要的研究伊斯兰社会和文化的人类学观点,其中包括理解伊斯兰为社会符号、伊斯兰为受访者的主观演绎、伊斯兰为高等文化和民间信仰的钟摆现象、伊斯兰为独特的宗教传统、伊斯兰为殖民主义的建构等。另外,本文亦展望西方伊斯兰人类学的发展,如当代伊斯兰研究已逐渐朝跨科际的方向发展,消除已往人类学与社会科学对立的学术鸿沟。最后,本文指出在后现代、后殖民和全球化的急速社会转型下,当代西方伊斯兰人类学已从单一的地域研究转向多面向的跨科际、跨地域研究,惟有这种学术转向,一些新兴和复杂的课题(例如:跨国伊斯兰运动、伊斯兰与传媒)才能在多角度下被诠释。  相似文献   

从古至今,藏族民众在喜庆的集会上祝颂,在生和死的仪式上祝颂,在出征打仗时祝颂,在凯旋归来时祝颂……祝赞词广泛地存在于藏族社会生活的各个方面,是藏族人民在长期的生产中创造的富有高原特色的精神财富。藏族祝赞词与藏民族信仰、民俗、仪式、节日等关系密切。随着时代的变迁和文化的发展,藏族祝赞词的内容越来越丰富,形式越来越简捷。祝赞词的吟诵表达了藏族人民乃至全人类的共同心愿:希望生活幸福美满,万事吉祥。  相似文献   

邓小平民族法制思想,是其民主与法制思想的重要组成部分。民族法制建设是我国社会主义民主和法制的重要组成部分,是协调我国民族关系,搞好民族工作,促进民族发展的重要途径和重要手段。研究邓小平民族法制思想,对于依法治国、全面建设小康社会,具有重要理论意义和现实意义。即:确立了民族平等的民族法制基本原则;促进了我国民族区域自治制度的建立、发展和完善;丰富和发展了民族区域自治的现实内涵。  相似文献   

本文对元明两个朝代中的蒙古语词语的读音和词义做了系统的注释和考证.它对蒙古语史、汉语与蒙古语关系研究以及元明戏曲研究有很重要的史料价值.  相似文献   


Using ethnographic research in Norway and in Poland, this article focuses on the dynamics of multiple belongings of Polish migrants. It explores their experiences of belonging in relation to social class, gendered identities, and their different strategies of transnational mobility between Poland and Norway. By approaching belonging ‘from below’, we posit that it is a dynamic, processual, and socially and culturally constructed attachment to places, times, and communities, which includes experiential, practical, and affective dimensions. Considering the importance of questions of belonging and home-making in migrants’ lives, always contextually produced and read through performative reiterations, we focus on migrants’ daily routines and migratory practices, and argue that belonging is a multifaceted process, which takes on diverse forms and meanings of ‘who’ belongs to ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Following intersectional perspective, the article aims at problematizing dependencies between mobility, gender, class, and migrants’ multiple belongings, and thereby, enhancing the understanding of the notion of belonging and its embeddedness in the inter-related social, cultural, economic, and political realms.  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares ethnic identities of the Chechen and the Uighur, and their relations with Russia and China, respectively. The Russian–Chechen relationship, which has seen centuries of intense hatred and intolerance, appears to be entering a period of peace and some acceptance. In contrast, the Chinese–Uighur relationship has been mostly begrudgingly stable for a century, but rising tensions in Xinjiang could spell disaster in the years to come. We argue that identities of the Chechen and the Uighur and their interactions and conflict with Russia and China are consequences of historical legacies and social, religious and political forces. Our research supports scholarly arguments that a strong sense of marginalization endured by Muslims and trauma and anger experienced by Chechen and Uighur Muslims all play major roles in the violence and terrorist behavior conducted by both the Chechen and Uighur.  相似文献   

宗教和迷信都是对自然的演说,二者无疑有着本质上的区别,其最大的区别在于其理性与非理性的本源和转化。此外,宗教与迷信在具体的表现形式、组织形式、活动方式以及对社会历史文化的作用等方面也存在着很大的区别。本文仅从宗教与迷信的二元素入手,对其理性抽象和具体形式两方面作一区分性探讨和分析。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on different heritage centers established by individuals and groups of activists from the Palestinian community in Israel to independently record, preserve and organize their history and cultural heritage through educational and cultural activity. It reviews the historical developments that have occurred in this challenging voluntary work, pointing up a significant awakening that has occurred since the 1990s and proposing new directions and a framework for the expansion and deepening of the preservation of Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel. Consequently, the paper discusses projects of academic researchers that aim to preserve Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel, leading naturally and substantially to a genuine and egalitarian collaboration between Jews and Arabs. This collaborative effort in academic projects creates a firm foundation for the development of mutual respect and recognition concerning the unique historical and cultural roots of each side and could enrich civil coexistence in Israel.  相似文献   

契约在我国有悠久的历史,它在不同时代而称谓不同。契约是当事人设立、变更和终止民事关系的一种具有凭证性质的法律文书,也是契约当事人权利义务关系的一种设定。西夏在学习借鉴和吸收中原王朝契约精华之后,制定了比较严密的契约制度,在规范西夏商品交换和市场秩序方面发挥了重要作用。为此,本文结合目前已经考释公布的西夏汉夏文契约实物和《天盛律令》的有关条款规定,从西夏契约成立的要素和西夏契约的法律规定两个方面进行了比较深入细致的探讨,为学界研究西夏契约提供了一些素材。  相似文献   

西藏岩画和唐卡绘画作为极具藏民族传统特色的绘画遗迹和绘画艺术样式,虽然在特征、类型、产生时代等方面有所差异,但相同的地域性和内在延绵的精神倾向又使二者之间在产生原因、表现题材及表现形式和绘制技法等艺术属性上有着不同程度的相似性,解读和研析这些相似点,有助于我们了解和体味藏民族绘画艺术动态的嬗变轨迹与独特的审美价值。  相似文献   

和谐的民族关系、良好的民族社会秩序是和谐社会的坚实基础.以信任、互惠规范和关系网络等形式存在的社会资本能够增强民族地区的凝聚力和认同感;为民族内部和谐稳定提供良好的社会规范与秩序,为民族区域自治提供参与网络.通过民族间的信任与合作,巩固民族团结、增强民族互助、促进各民族共同繁荣发展,从而确立和发展平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系.  相似文献   

近代以来,随着开埠通商与内外贸易的扩展,位处珠江上下游的广东与广西之间经济往来日益密切,双方依据自身经济的发展进程的特点和需求,围绕着人力、资金、技术、商品物资等方面,建立了长期而频繁的交流,通过双方的分工与互补,一定程度上弥补了自身发展过程中的不足,共同推动了近代珠江流域经济的整体发展.  相似文献   

文章认为明清统治者根据藏区的历史实践经验和社会现实情况,以土流参治作为藏区土司政治体制构成的基本原则与行政模式之一,构建了藏区土司地区的一种集权统治网络,并以此研究了明清时期藏区土司地区土流参治的行政建制、土司和地方各级流官的关系、土流参治的特点及其政治功能,认为藏区土司地区的行政建制以都司卫所制为主,府州县制为辅。明代土流参治,总体而言,土司由于势力较大,独立性相对较强,除了甘青藏区土司基本上受流官节制外,西南藏区土司则流官不能节制,流官形同虚设,甚至有的流官逗留省城,不敢赴任;清朝大多派往土司地区的流官不仅有职,而且有权,土司要受流官节制。  相似文献   

Islam and Muslims in Sri Lanka have a history of more than a millennium. During this long period their economic and religious experience had been one of fluctuating fortunes beginning with harmony and prosperity under Buddhist monarchs to repression and misery under Western colonialists. Economic freedom under native rulers, mercantilist restrictions under the Portuguese and Dutch and open economy under the British brought alternative episodes of economic affluence and depression to Muslims. After independence, however, under a democratic polity the community adopted a pragmatic approach to a new situation, which allowed Muslims and Islam to enjoy once again decades of peaceful coexistence and relative prosperity, until political and economic circumstances of the country changed dramatically to create an environment of anti-Muslim and anti-Islam phobia. What follows is a historical narration of these vicissitude retold from a religio-economic and political perspective.  相似文献   

浅论非物质文化遗产的分类保护   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
非物质文化遗产的保护要注重因类而宜,实施各不相同的分类保护方法。对民俗文化的保护,可在合理开发民俗旅游中盘活民俗文化资源,创建民俗文化保护区,利用高科技手段记录和保存。对民间文学的保护,既要加强理论研究,又要宣传推广和开发利用其资源。对民间表演艺术的保护,要营造好文化生态环境,提高民间艺术工作者和艺术骨干的素质和水平等。对传统工艺美术的保护,主要应做好优秀传承人的认定和保护工作,通过多种方式使他们的技艺得以传承和发展。  相似文献   

This article explores the contrasts between the flexibility and openness of interethnic and diasporic identifications and the fixity of class distinctions in contemporary Britain. The author draws on fieldwork conducted in the Midlands area and a suburban town in the south east of England and traces the ways in which project participants mobilised their biographies and ancestries to express feelings of empathy and relatedness across black, white and Asian identities. The author discovered the same people articulated a strong sense of classed distinction between themselves and others who were thought to lack respectability, social ambition and mobility. These observations have led me to reflect upon the theoretical contrasts between what Stuart Hall has famously called ‘new ethnicities’ and what the author calls ‘old classities’.  相似文献   

Substantial research and reporting have been conducted on the position and dynamics of religion in the historically and culturally Muslim parts of the old USSR. Yet the question whether the reported increase in religious identification and practice in some sectors of society has led to the emergence of a faith-based social sector remains relatively under-examined. Through a detailed case study of Hajji ?lgar ?bragimo?lu and the Cüma Ehli in Baku, Azerbaijan, this article discusses the social base and modus operandi of Baku's new Islamic social activists, and sets this against the social and ideological changes and shifts that have occurred since the country and its society were confronted with and integrated into the current phase of globalization.  相似文献   

Mega-events increasingly shape and reinforce the identities and economies of cities and nations. Major sporting events such as the Olympic Games attract enormous interest, consume vast resources and generate substantial material and cultural capital. In what has become a competition of place and identity, an ecology of events can be discerned which highlights the considerable differences that exist between events in terms of their nature and internal objectives and their intersections with the discourses and politics of host cities. Through a study of selected gay and mainstream media coverage of the International Gay Games held in Sydney in 2002, this paper explores the consequences of, and deep contradictions inherent in, an agenda of cosmopolitan advocacy that requires the endorsement of different publics with competing interests. The paper argues that the emphasis on urban sophistication and anticipated economic benefits at the heart of the promotion of the Games to mainstream Sydney were at odds with the identity building and sexual political advocacy agenda of the gay and lesbian community. Through this analysis, the paper contributes to academic understanding of the contemporary event ecology and its wider significance for social identities, cultural formations and political interventions.  相似文献   

西藏城镇居民消费结构分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐伍达 《西藏研究》2006,(2):104-111
近几年西藏城镇居民的消费水平在不断提高,消费结构渐趋合理。享受资料、发展资料越来越受到人们的青睐。但是由于受经济水平的制约,西藏城镇居民整体消费水平仍比较低。研究分析城镇居民消费结构及特征,对拓宽消费品市场渠道、确定经济发展战略、适时调整和正确引导居民消费方向、促进经济增长具有重大意义。  相似文献   

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