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鉴于个体感知到的差错反感文化影响员工创新行为,因此,通过建立差错反感文化、创新自我效能感、工作嵌入感和员工创新行为的理论模型来进行分析研究.研究结果表明,个体感知到的差错反感文化负向影响员工创新行为;创新自我效能感和工作嵌入感正向影响员工创新行为;个体感知到的差错反感文化完全通过创新自我效能和工作嵌入感的中介作用对员工创新行为发挥负向影响,且个体感知到的差错反感文化还会通过创新自我效能感影响工作嵌入感,进而影响员工创新行为.  相似文献   

母子公司管理控制方式及其影响因素的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究目的是探索母子公司管理控制方式的构成类型及其影响因素.通过开发并检验“母子公司管理控制方式量表”,得出母子公司管理控制方式包括目标管控、活动管控、结果管控和文化管控等方面.研究表明,总部价值创造能力是影响母子公司管理控制方式的最重要因素,其次是子公司创业精神和子公司相关性.环境不确定性对母子公司管理控制方式没有显著影响,但对目标管控维度有显著影响.本研究为母子公司管理控制方式的设计和调适提供了新的理论依据.  相似文献   

本文首先以威廉姆森的交易三维度作为分析工具,讨论哪些因素会对跨国公司海外子公司管理层人员的选拔产生影响.海外子公司管理层人员的选择需要考虑诸多成本,如甄选和招聘成本、培训和内部化成本、控制和评价成本以及违约执行成本等等.究竟选择母公司外派还是当地人员担任海外子公司经理,决定于哪种方式的总成本更低.并通过实证分析对理论假设进行了验证.7个假设中有5个得到了验证,表明实证结果和理论推导是比较吻合的.  相似文献   

正近些年来,随着时代经济的飞速发展,大型集团规模逐渐扩大,进而涌现了大量的延伸子公司,对于如何做好集团公司对子公司的精细化财务管理始终是当前企业界共同关注的焦点之一。基于计算机技术及网络技术的不断进步,常规的、结构化较强的会计工作都由计算机自动完成,会计人员更多的需要从事那些非结构化的、非常规的会计控制及分析业务,通过远程监控和现场管理,以更主动的身份参与企业的经营管理,更充分地发挥其管理职能,为子公司以及集团  相似文献   

冯米  路江涌  林道谧 《管理世界》2012,(2):73-81,147,188
随着我国市场经济的成熟,越来越多的企业开始向集团化和多元化方向发展。以往研究发现多元化战略和组织结构匹配的企业通常能够获得较好绩效,但较少探讨企业多元化战略与组织结构匹配程度的影响因素。本文以我国台湾地区1981~1998年间100家最大企业集团为样本,探讨影响企业集团多元化战略和组织结构匹配的因素。研究表明,行业集中度、金融市场制度以及所有权结构对企业集团的战略—结构匹配有显著影响:市场竞争越激烈、企业集团上市子公司越多、外国投资者所有权和政府投资者所有权所占比例越高,企业集团战略与结构的匹配程度就越高。本文的研究结果对我国企业集团未来的发展有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在母子公司管理体制中,经常会出现子公司员工组织归属感低的现象,导致这一问题出现的原因是子公司员工对母公司文化的不认同,母公司未能有效地利用文化控制手段来管理子公司。本文从文化控制角度分析了子公司员工组织归属感问题,并提出了一系列相应对策。  相似文献   

王颖 《经营管理者》2015,(8):188-189
虽然集团公司向下属子公司派遣编制隶属于母公司的管理人员存在着子公司工作人员同工不同待遇导致矛盾、对外派人员管控困难、由于子公司员工上升通道不畅导致的能动性不足、外派人员不容易适应子公司所在文化与生活习惯、跨地区外派总体成本高等问题,但向子公司直接派遣依然是母公司管理子公司的重要手段,特别是Ouchi(1979)当母公司对子公司组织绩效难以衡量且任务复杂度较高时组织无法以行为控制及产出控制直接影响员工会特别重视"人员  相似文献   

张晓燕 《管理评论》2012,(1):26-31,66
在跨国公司(MNCs)子公司演进模型中,子公司有着明显的自主愿望,自主权可以超越母公司的控制,引起对闲置资源的很大兴趣,激发子公司的积极性和创造性,但母公司也常常担心子公司的自主行为带有投机性,有可能偏离母公司的资源配置目标,使得MNCs迷失方向。而本论文认为母公司的有限理性是管理子公司自主性活动的主要交易成本,而非子公司的机会主义,母公司除了利用传统的克服机会主义的控制和协调工具之外,还应当重视使用内部市场机制和社会化方法,来减轻母公司的有限理性约束,形成母子公司间共同的认知地图,达成有意义的双方互利的联盟,从日益增多的子公司自主性活动中受益。  相似文献   

中国传统文化影响下的个人与组织契合度研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
魏钧  张德 《管理科学》2006,9(6):87-96
个人与组织契合度已经成为组织文化研究的热点,许多研究发现员工的个人与组织契合度越高,员工的组织承诺、工作满意度、组织信任也越高.中国传统文化对组织价值观影响深远,为此,开发了中国传统文化影响下的个人与组织契合度量表.通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析显示,中国传统文化影响下的个人与组织契合度为8维度结构,分别命名为"客户导向、社会责任、创新精神、变中求胜、争创一流、遵从制度、平衡兼顾、和谐仁义",不同维度上的个人与组织契合度对组织承诺、工作满意度、组织公民行为、离职意愿均有显著的预测力.同时,量表的信度和效度也得到了证实.  相似文献   

工作激情能够通过角色认同、自我效能、创新意愿等自我认知对员工创新产生积极影响。基于此,领导者应积极完善工作激情影响员工创新的认知路径,营造激情组织文化,提升员工工作激情水平,构建完善的员工自我认知引导机制,发挥工作激情与自我认知对员工创新的共同作用。  相似文献   

Absorptive capacity is frequently highlighted as a key determinant of knowledge transfer within multinational enterprises. But how individual behaviour translates into absorptive capacity at the subsidiary level, and how this is contingent on subsidiaries' social context, remains under‐addressed. This not only limits our understanding of the relationship between individual‐ and organizational‐level absorptive capacity, but also hampers further research on potentially relevant managerial and organizational antecedents, and limits the implications we can draw for practitioners who seek to increase their organization's capacity to put new knowledge to use. To address this shortcoming we conduct an in‐depth comparative case study of a headquarters‐initiated knowledge transfer at two subsidiaries of the same multinational enterprise. The findings demonstrate that social interaction is a prerequisite for subsidiary absorptive capacity as it enables employees to participate in the transformation of new knowledge to the local context and the development of local applications. The findings also illustrate how organizational conditions at the subsidiary level can impact subsidiary absorptive capacity by enabling or constraining local interaction patterns. These insights contribute to the absorptive capacity literature by demonstrating the scale and scope of social interaction as a key link between individual‐ and organizational‐level absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

Self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) who work for a subsidiary of a multinational enterprise from their country of origin and hence are familiar with both countries' language and culture can be expected to act as boundary-spanners between the assigned expatriates sent from the parent country and host country nationals, and between the headquarters and the subsidiary. We develop a new model of boundary-spanning that encompasses both individual and organizational antecedents and validate the model using survey data from Japanese-affiliated companies in China. We find that familiarity with Chinese language and culture and the potential dual allegiance of SIEs contribute to enhancing their boundary-spanning behavior. We also find that relationships of trust among the parties concerned (social capital) and global career opportunities for such self-initiated expatriates (geocentric staffing) have positive influences on their dual allegiance. Finally, normative and systems integration of human resource management are associated with increasing levels of social capital and geocentric staffing.  相似文献   

王世权  王丹  武立东 《管理世界》2012,(6):133-146,162,188
针对理论上关于母子公司关系网络作用于子公司创业的内在机理尚缺乏更细致的解释的现实,基于海信集团的访谈、问卷及公开数据本文对此进行了案例剖析。研究认为,在母子公司关系网络内,子公司的网络嵌入性对子公司创业有重要的影响;联合价值创造和价值攫取在网络嵌入性对子公司创业影响中具有中介效应;子公司自主权在子公司网络嵌入性对子公司创业的影响中具有调节效应。在此之上,构建了母子公司关系网络影响子公司创业内在机理的理论模型,并指出未来理论研究应重点关注"母子公司关系网络内外部环境作用于子公司创业的内在机理"、"母子公司关系网络规模对子公司创业的影响"与"基于双层治理理念的母子公司关系网络治理机制设计"三方面内容。  相似文献   

Headquarters of multinational corporations can be involved in their subsidiaries and help with the development and transfer of innovative ideas. However, headquarters involvement might not always be desired or needed, and it can thus be perceived as interference with local activities, potentially reducing local willingness to go the extra mile. We address the lack of knowledge about subsidiary manager behavior by answering the following question: How does headquarters involvement influence the proactive behavior of subsidiary managers to push for new and innovative ideas? Using data from 120 top managers in subsidiaries of multinational corporations, we find that the negative relationship between headquarters involvement and their subsidiary managers' support for initiatives can be reduced when socialization mechanisms such as a common corporate culture or rotation programs are put in place.  相似文献   

罗彪  陈帅 《中国管理科学》2016,24(3):117-124
针对子公司角色变化引起的行为变化,将子公司行为细分为探索行为和开发行为,利用委托代理理论进行报酬契约设计,探究企业集团相关决策变量对子公司二元行为努力的影响机理。研究结果表明:总部最优产出分享系数和子公司开发行为努力程度随总部支持的提高而降低、随开发行为盈利水平的降低而降低、随探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高呈"正U"型趋势;探索行为努力程度在探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平较低时随总部支持的提高呈"倒U"型趋势,反之呈线性增长趋势;另外,探索行为努力程度随开发行为盈利水平、探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高而提高。最后,本文利用数值算例对上述结论进行了直观演示。  相似文献   

本文根据影响子公司角色转变的因素,将子公司的角色根据每种因素的强弱不同分为八种类型,即起步者、淘汰者、办事员、支持者、小诸侯、贡献者、直辖领袖和自由领袖.根据该子公司角色划分方法和演化路径分析方法,本文深入研究了一家跨国公司在华子公司-BEC公司的角色演化情况,研究证实了本文得出的角色划分方法和演化路径分析框架的适用性,也得到了跨国公司在华子公司的一个具体演化路径.  相似文献   

We explore the intrinsic ambiguity of speaking up in a multinational healthcare subsidiary. A culture change initiative, emphasizing learning and agility through encouraging employees to speak up, gave rise to paradoxical effects. Some employees interpreted a managerial tool for improving effectiveness as an invitation to raise challenging points of difference rather than as something ‘beneficial for the organization’. We show that the process of introducing a culture that aims to encourage employees to speak up can produce tensions and contradictions that make various types of organizational paradoxes salient. Telling people to ‘speak up!’ may render paradoxical tensions salient and even foster a sense of low PsySafe.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that both the scholarly and the managerial perspectives on intra-organizational conflict in multinational corporations (MNC) between headquarters (HQ) and their foreign subsidiaries have changed. Today, conflict is not necessarily regarded as dysfunctional or the result of inefficient global integration. Instead, conflict is now considered a normal consequence of organizing and managing across national borders. This research advances the literature on HQ–subsidiary relationships by adding new insights to the Headquarters–subsidiary conflict discussion, especially in the so far under-researched case of headquarter initiative rejection by foreign subsidiaries. We specifically focus on subsidiary conflict negotiation tactics, the effects of organizational and individual managerial power, and the characteristics and roles of MNC managers that act as boundary spanners during intra-organizational conflict processes. A qualitative, iterative, multiphase research approach was used to develop new theory pertaining to the phenomenon. The results show that in the presence of boundary spanners, dysfunctional conflict is less common and better overall organizational performance can be achieved for both the subsidiary and the MNC as a whole. The results also indicate that the boundary spanning ability is only partly formalizable and that some MNCs are able to foster boundary spanners better than others.  相似文献   

Addressing calls to integrate insights from institutional theory and the resource‐based view, we bring together dual theoretical explanations from institutional theory and the resource‐based view to examine the effectiveness of transfer of practice and human capital development as two routes to subsidiary performance. Our study of Hong Kong firms with subsidiaries in Mainland China shows that both routes positively affect subsidiary performance. However, our data show that our sampled firms struggled to successfully transfer practices from their parents. We attribute an explanation for this to the characteristics of practices as organizational capabilities in which transfer is made harder by the difficulty in replicating such capabilities. Consequently, developing subsidiary human capital is an important ally to practice transfer as a means to achieve superior subsidiary performance. Our results raise interesting questions about practice transfer and the resource‐based view relevant to future scholarly research.  相似文献   

以网购环境为背景,运用物流服务理论与系统动力学理论,通过对快递物流服务的流程分析,构建网购快递物流服务系统测评体系,对此体系和物流服务质量这一主变量分别进行了因果关系分析,进而构建了物流服务质量下的配送及时率这一附属变量的系统动力学枝模型,并对模型进行了量纲化检验、敏感性检验以及极端条件测试以证明模型的正确性;在此基础上,将申通、圆通、中通以及韵达四家快递企业的数据运用到Vensim软件对枝模型进行实证仿真并得出以此变量为根据的快递企业排名,为网购快递物流服务的测评提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

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