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The film “Made in Dagenham”, produced by the British director Nigel Cole, focuses on the turbulent times of the first labor dispute led by women in British history. The sewing machinists strike at the Ford Dagenham plant in 1969 was a major step towards gender equality in the workplace and initiated the “Equal Pay Law” which was passed in 1970 in England. The film is a cinematic monument to women and at the same time an adorable comedy characterized by a typical British sense of humor. This contribution addresses the continuing discrimination of women in employment as well as the male chauvinist culture of trade unions.  相似文献   

The analysis presented in this paper attempts to shed some light, in the context of the Italian labour market, on wage based gender discrimination effects and on the potential impact of gender occupational distribution on wage determination. The results obtained provide some useful insights for Equal Pay legislation and on the efficacy of Comparable Worth (CW) type policies. The wage equation estimates are broadly in line with results obtained elsewhere in the literature. A discrimination effect of nearly 17|X% results when an exclusively male occupational structure is considered. The gender wage gap showed to decrease as female intensity increases. In terms of the framework used, two competing interpretations have been proposed and their implications discussed. The implication of different policy measures which, in recent years, generated much discussion among scholars and in political arenas have been considered, namely: CW and Affirmative Action (AA) policies. Future research should consider a structural model of discrimination so as to discriminate between competing models and policy options.  相似文献   

Jill Rubery 《LABOUR》1993,7(3):117-131
Equal pay for work of equal value has come to be seen as the policy most likely to reduce the gender earnings gap. This paper explores the theoretical basis for widespread undervaluation of women's work and argues that institutionalised discrimination in the labour market also affects internal pay and grading structures. Recent recognition of the scope for discretion in pay determination undermines the “market forces” argument against equal value. The current wage structure reflects an outdated model of social and family organisation. Much poverty is now the result of women seeking economic independence in a market which rewards them as subordinate family members. However, the main obstacles to equal value lie in labour market institutions. The increasing fragmentation of pay bargaining and moves to performance-related pay will reduce rather than promote the relationship between pay and job content.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a growing societal concern that often spills over into the workplace. However, employers are not recognizing the spillover of domestic violence as a workplace issue. This is problematic considering the serious financial, legal, and ethical consequences for organizations. We analyzed six cases involving domestic violence that were litigated under specific legal bases: Violence Against Women Act, discrimination laws including Title VII, Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Social Security Disability, Occupational Safety and Health Act, and associated state and municipal ordinances. We chose cases that illustrate the problems of companies meeting the legal standards but not necessarily reaching ethical expectations. Our approach is congruent with the perspective that both legal and ethical analyses should be used in organizational decision making. We suggest for future research the analysis of additional litigated cases, other ethical perspectives, and additional sources of data. In addition, we suggest that companies who are striving for corporate social responsibility should integrate the ethical treatment of domestic violence victims.  相似文献   

This review highlights some of the principal issues and debates surrounding age discrimination at the workplace. Essentially, the existing research in this area can be divided into three broad, although somewhat overlapping, categories. The first explores the underlying causes and consequences of age discrimination at the workplace from one or other theoretical tradition. The second broad body of literature encompasses empirical studies which document the nature and extent of age discrimination, based on the use of official statistics, and/or firm‐level survey evidence. The third explores the effects of various governmental initiatives to reduce the incidence of age discrimination and policy options in this area. Even though age discrimination is widely accepted to be prevalent, its causes are rather more contentious. Age discrimination has variously been ascribed to market imperfections, the product of rational choices and the effects of long‐term changes in the nature of the economy. Policy interventions may be prompted by economic pressure, demographic changes or cultural shifts, and have involved voluntary codes as well as legislation. Although voluntary codes have generally proved ineffective, the literature indicates that more formal regulations may still have only limited efficacy, underscoring the deeply rooted nature of age discrimination in society.  相似文献   

On 18 December 2015, the spatial planning bill was finally passed by the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan. That was a special moment for planning community and authority since they had anticipated this moment for more than two decades. However, this is not the end of the story. On the contrary, the battle between the economic development promoters and environmental conservation supporters just starts. The Act introduces several new changes to secure its goal of nationwide sustainable development, but the introduction also raises some tensions. This article reviews the tensions and their socio-political context, and gives some suggestions to the Taiwanese government.  相似文献   

胡建兵  顾新一 《管理学报》2006,3(4):407-411,426
网间价格歧视是电信运营企业的一个重要竞争手段,运用系统动力学分析电信运营市场的这种价格竞争,结果表明,对于市场中的主导者来说实行网间价格歧视有利可图,对于追随者出于理性只能选择不实行网间价格歧视。这种主导者实行-追随者不实行的均衡,对增加社会福利是有利的。企业的市场地位是相对的概念,因此对于某些企业来说可能会表现为一个相对强势和相对弱势同时并存的局面,这使实行或不实行网间价格歧视成为一个两难选择。  相似文献   

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1989 continues the recent tradition of including far-reaching legislation in what ostensibly is a budget act. The Physician Payment Reform section of OBRA '89 amends Part B of Title XVIII of the Social Security Act by the addition of Section 1848. This article reviews the major substance of the amendment and analyzes the economic effects of the new section on the stakeholders (payers, providers, and consumers).  相似文献   

Popular clothing retailer Abercrombie and Fitch (A&F) is well‐known for hiring attractive store sales clerks. While the economic benefits of this hiring practice for the company are undeniable, many commentators contend that it constitutes wrongful discrimination against unattractive job seekers. In this article, I explore the ethics of A&F‐style lookism and challenge two common perspectives on this issue. I argue that on one hand, looks‐based hiring cannot be defended based on its economic benefits alone, as race‐based hiring also can be profitable in some circumstances. At the same time, I reject arguments that looks‐based hiring is not “job relevant” given its economic impact in many contexts. Through a comparison between race‐ and looks‐based hiring, I conclude that at least for businesses that are relevantly similar to A&F—firms for which lookism produces clear economic benefits—looks‐based hiring is permissible.  相似文献   

王伟红 《管理评论》2012,(8):154-159
2002年度美国出台的《萨班斯法案》全方位地对安然等事件暴露出来的问题作出相应的调整性规定,必将对公司治理产生深切的影响。《萨班斯法案》对审计委员会提出了修正性和提高性要求,本文选择外部董事、女性董事、财务专家、CEO兼任董事会主席、CEO在提名委员会任职等指标进行分析。实证分析结果说明:《萨班斯法案》有效消除了董事会和管理层任人唯亲的现象,董事会的独立性和专业性均有所提高。其实,《萨班斯法案》颁布之前就有加强公司治理的要求,公司治理就有改进的趋势,但《萨班斯法案》关于审计委员会方面的明文规定加速了公司董事会的变化,使得公司治理改革超越了法律的既定要求。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper analyses the influence of sport performance (productivity) and other variables measuring the economic contribution of soccer players, upon the coach's decision of selecting a particular player. Using as dependent variable the proportion of time that individuals play in the Spanish professional soccer league, the paper concludes that players' economic market value does significantly affect the coach's choice, revealing the existence of other aims different from maximizing sport performance. We also examine the type of discrimination associated with lower chances of playing, which leads to smaller earnings and poorer career opportunities. The empirical evidence does not support discrimination due to nationality.  相似文献   

Bernd Frick 《LABOUR》1996,10(2):407-430
ABSTRACT: It has often been argued, that within the German system of co-determination the works council has an unparalleled participative role, which goes well beyond any voice function of trade unions in the Anglo Saxon tradition. Nevertheless, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence, whether and to what extent works councils influence employers’dismissal and employees’quit decisions. Analyzing a representative sample of private sector firms that have to obey the Dismissal Protection Act of 1969 and the Works Constitution Act of 1972, the paper finds that firms with a works council have an annual dismissal rate which is 1.6 percentage points lower than the one experienced by firms wthout a plant-level interest representation. At the same time, firms with a works council have a quit rate which is 1.5 percentage points lower than the one in firms without such interest representation. Union density, on the other hand, has no statistically significant influence on either the dismissal or the quit rate. Apparently, it is the works councils that in both cases act as a collective “voice institution”, serving as a direct channel of communication between workers and management. Although it is difficult to reach a safe conclusion about the net economic impact of works councils on the employment behavior of firms, the findings lend some support to the following assumption: since hiring and training costs are usually higher than firing costs, firms on average benefit from the presence of a works council with regard to their user costs of labor: the “savings” due to avoided voluntary quits apparently more than compensate for the additional spendings for severance payments and the costs of co-determination.  相似文献   

This paper explores the consequences of supposing that consumers see a firm as fair if they cannot reject the hypothesis that the firm is somewhat benevolent towards them. When consumers can reject this hypothesis, some become angry, which is costly to the firm. The desire to appear benevolent can lead firms to adopt third‐degree price discrimination based on the income of different consumer classes while foreswearing third‐degree price discrimination based on differences in the elasticity of demand. It can also explain why prices seem to be more responsive to changes in factor costs than to changes in demand that have the same effect on marginal cost. Lastly, if consumers experience regret or disappointment when faced by increased prices, the model can explain why prices can be more rigid in response to disasters that increase demand dramatically than they are when there is a less substantial increase in demand.  相似文献   

Unemployment as a factor of economic and social life is likely to be with us for some time, and may well double within the next few years. The author makes a critical review of the traditional remedies and suggests ways in which the situation might be alleviated or dealt with in a positive fashion.Resignation in the face of the crisis will only lead to new crises. Proposals for new patterns of growth are suggested and a new attitude to planning within the situation.  相似文献   

Technology transfer is essential in the economic development of developing countries. Problems created by technology transfer are often identified in the literature. The mode of implementation to achieve success of technology transfer has not been adequately treated. It is the author's contention that some developing countries fail to identify the “appropriate” technology which will suit their needs. In order to achieve successful technology transfer, the right type of technology must be identified. At times, the different types of technology may not be mutually exclusive. This requires the ranking of the different technologies for a particular country. The priority ranking will help developing countries determine how to allocate their limited resources to achieve their overall goal of successful technology transfer. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is suggested as a method to determine the appropriate technology.  相似文献   

The Food Quality Protection Act and the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act are two of the most recent examples of legislation calling for protection of susceptible subpopulations. As regulatory deadlines draw nearer, controversies in scientific and policy arenas increase about incorporating susceptibility in risk assessment. The previously accepted working definition of "susceptibility" has already been called into question. Part of the controversy results from different disciplines conceiving of susceptibility in different ways. Understanding the conceptual differences embodied within definitions can provide a basis on which a revised working definition may be developed across disciplines. The purposes of this article are to describe the varying definitions of susceptibility, discuss the differing concepts incorporated in the definitions, and recommend ways in which susceptibility may be defined and framed to meet current risk assessment needs. The present analysis of definitions from the fields of ecology, biology, engineering, medicine, epidemiology, and toxicology revealed different emphases that relate to the underlying perspectives and methods of each field. It is likely that susceptibility will need to be formally defined for public policy purposes, but until that time, the use of more informal communication and decision-making processes is suggested to develop and utilize a new working consensus on the definition of susceptibility.  相似文献   

A number of scientists have recently conducted research that shows that tropical cyclone intensity is likely to increase in the future. This would result in an increase in the damage along with a decrease in economic productivity due to precautionary cessation of the economic activity of the affected areas during the passage of the cyclone. The economic effect of this stop in economic activity is a phenomenon that has not received much attention in the past, and the cumulative effect that it can have on the Japanese economy over the next 75 years has never been evaluated. The starting point for the evaluation of the economic risks is the change in the patterns of tropical cyclone intensity suggested by Knutson and Tuleya.( 1 ) The results obtained show how a significant decrease in the overall productivity of the country could be expected, which could lower GDP by between 6% and 13% by 2085.  相似文献   

JR Mace 《Omega》1977,5(5):567-582
Identification of optimal reporting method by analysis requires that a criterion be available for selecting those ‘best’ practices which are to act as the norms for standardisation. ‘Predictive ability’ has been suggested as such a criterion. This article argues that ‘predictive ability’ should be rejected in favour of an overriding economic criterion for the design of reporting methods and information systems. An information system is only valuable as part of a wider system. This article proposes that the wider system in which we are interested must be ‘more valuable’ in contemplation of change than without it, if changes in information systems are to be justified.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the reasons why banks and insurance companies have been accused of discrimination, and shows that this is by and large a false accusation. Economic analysis demonstrates that racial discrimination is not a profit‐maximizing strategy. Actually, unwise public policies are actually precluding many consumers from the market.  相似文献   

As we move beyond the 1980s, it is worth reflecting on the rise and fall of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-360). Hailed by nearly everyone at its passage as both sensible and needed, it died less than two years later without ever becoming viable. Attacked vigorously by the elderly whom it was designed to serve, the measure finally succumbed to political pressure and passed from the scene, except for some items relating to Medicaid, on the first day of this year. This article examines the Act and the circumstances that led to its demise.  相似文献   

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