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影响旅游者主观风险认知的因素及对旅游危机管理的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
安辉  付蓉 《浙江学刊》2005,36(1):196-200
旅游是以前往异地寻求审美和愉悦为主要目的一种短暂体验,由于信息的不对称,旅游者缺乏对目的地的了解,旅游的这一属性就决定了一方面旅游者对旅游风险的认识比较淡漠,另一方面,旅游者又对旅游风险十分敏感,一旦发生了负面事件,就会引起旅游供给和需求的重大波动,使旅游业蒙受重大的经济损失.世界范围内不断发生的负面事件,如9.11恐怖袭击和SARS事件中已经让我们目睹了这一事实.本文考察了影响旅游者主观风险认知的因素,并提出了如何将这些因素纳入旅游危机管理中的建议.  相似文献   

论旅游审美与导游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟维珍 《学术交流》2007,(1):122-124
旅游本质上是一种审美活动。旅游审美文化包括自然审美文化、社会审美文化和艺术审美文化三种类型。中西传统文化的差异决定了中西旅游审美文化的差异,旅游审美主体的差异决定了旅游审美实质和旅游审美价值的差异。导游员在旅游活动中是审美信息的传递者和审美活动的调节者,作为沟通旅游者和旅游目的地的重要的服务中介,对于提高游客旅游审美有重要的作用。  相似文献   

禹杭 《社科纵横》2023,(1):150-154
旅游供给侧视角下旅游目的地形象建构研究的话语转向业已出现,然而现有成果主要集中在国外,且缺乏对形象建构具体话语策略的深究。以隐喻这种话语实践中常见的形象建构策略为研究对象,分析国内旅游大省陕西在对外宣传中介绍旅游目的地时的隐喻使用情况以及通过隐喻建构的旅游目的地形象。研究发现:陕西政府外宣网站在旅游目的地介绍中常用人体隐喻、珠宝隐喻、植物隐喻、建筑隐喻和食物隐喻,它们共同作用,突显了陕西旅游的历史文化特色,最终建构起了文化底蕴深厚、文化资源丰富、文化优势独特的陕西旅游目的地形象,与海外旅游者对陕西旅游的兴趣点相契合。  相似文献   

电影凝视实际上是图像凝视的一个分支,它符合图像凝视理论的大部分原则。用图像凝视理论抽象出它对于凝视主体的作用和意义,以及凝视主体如何运用图像凝视得出意义并生成符号,从而构建认知和印象,进而指导主体脱离日常环境进入旅游模式时,切换到游客视角下,对旅游目的地进行"凝视"构建。此论文从电影凝视入手,探讨如何构建积极的影像/图像认知,对过渡到游客凝视的旅游者进入甘肃旅游时产生良好的影响,令其调动脑海中已经构建好的关于甘肃的影像/图像符号的合集和宏观印象,再一次积极地投射到旅游目的地的凝视中,完成一次畅快的旅行体验,进而推动甘肃旅游体验的整体愉悦感,提升甘肃旅游的软实力。  相似文献   

北京市出境旅游市场消费特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
出境旅游正在成为北京市旅游市场的重要组成部分。本文从旅游需求的角度出发,对北京市出境旅游者的消费特征进行了调查研究和分析,并在此基础上对出境旅游产品的开发与营销提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

郑向敏 《创新》2010,4(2):23-28
旅游目的地有众多类型,目的地旅游安全关系旅游活动的正常开展,对旅游目的地形象影响巨大。分析旅游目的地旅游安全的发生规律、安全事故类型与表现形态,并对都市旅游目的地、滨海旅游目的地、少数民族地区旅游目的地等典型旅游目的地的旅游安全问题进行分析与比较。  相似文献   

民国时期的杭州是为数不多的旅游目的地.以进香为目的的香客主要是来自浙北杭州、嘉兴、湖州和苏南苏州、松江、常熟的乡民,他们的饮食消费成为支撑杭州餐饮业的重要力量.杭州的旅游者在进行餐饮消费的同时还会带走大量的饮食消费品,使得杭州的饮食特产名闻遐迩.旅游饮食消费多呈现临时性,也会出现“宰客”行为.  相似文献   

旅游购物市场的购物陷阱一直是制约我国旅游业健康发展的重要问题,而作为利益链分配主体的旅游中介、旅游购物商店和旅游者的非均衡博弈是此类陷阱居高不下的主要原因.文章基于供给侧改革,运用博弈一般均衡分析和信息经济学理论,对旅游购物商店之间以及旅游中介和旅游者的博弈行为进行分析,最后就博弈产生的恶性价格竞争和代理成本问题提出诚信进化和旅游中介创新的相关建议.  相似文献   

随着数字媒介在社会生活的全方位深入渗透,旅游城市品牌主导权逐渐由官方组织向媒介用户和旅游者过渡,旅游目的地的营销环境与模式发生了巨变。网红经济赋予了城市空前的关注度,数字媒介成为传播城市形象、构建旅游城市品牌新的重要途径。哈尔滨旅游爆火出圈证明了数字媒介与具身体验的良性互动是旅游城市构建品牌的有效路径。在数字媒介与具身体验的良性互动中,旅游城市品牌在实体空间和虚拟空间双重空间中的有效传播与塑造,突破了传统媒介语境下主客体二元区分的状态,旅游者也成为品牌构建的主体。通过个人的旅游实践参与和旅游体验分享,城市品牌形象不仅是激情昂扬的官方叙事下的正式表达,也是充满人格特征的个性化表达。因此,随着数字媒介影响力和用户主观能动性持续增加,旅游城市品牌构建急需从政府部门投射城市品牌形象、主导构建品牌的传统模式转向多主体参与、多空间联动的多轮驱动新模式,探索形成以旅游产业为关键主体,联动实体空间和虚拟空间两个空间,兼顾旅游前、旅游中和旅游后三个阶段,激励旅游城市政府部门与行业协会、当地企业与居民、旅游者、数字媒介等多元主体共创共享的城市品牌构建路径。  相似文献   

曲静 《社科纵横》2007,(9):11-12
由于旅游资源的不可移动性,使旅游产品的流通是通过产品信息的传递和旅游者向旅游目的流动来实现,因而旅游的宣传促销活动在旅游产品的营销中占有重要地位。为使更多的人了解甘肃,提高甘肃旅游产品的知名度,我们必须借助各种手段进行宣传促销。  相似文献   

信息社会的临近 ,对年鉴编辑出版工作提出更高的要求 ,而地方年鉴从总体上看明显跟不上时代 ,从框架设计到内容安排都需要创新。创新年鉴的框架 ,实现框架个性化 ,是地方年鉴创新的当务之急 ;充实年鉴的内容 ,增加其有效信息容量 ,是地方年鉴内容创新的主攻方向。在创新过程中 ,要贯彻“双百”方针 ,提倡不同的风格和流派 ,造就一批过得硬的年鉴品牌  相似文献   

论信息传播的道德过滤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过互联网进行的信息传播 ,较之以往的信息传播具有更大的自由性。虽然不能再像以往那样实行过于严厉的信息传播管制 ,但仍然有必要对信息传播予以一定的道德限制。道德过滤是公共信息通道中的外在道德限制 ,尽管它由于具有外在性、他律性而不同于信息传播主体的自我道德限制 ,但却可以弥补信息传播主体的道德自律之不足 ,并能够促进道德自律的形成。构建道德过滤的一般模式 ,应当充分考虑分级、分类、分圈这三方面的要求  相似文献   

Despite the growing emphasis on co‐parenting in family life, little is known about the co‐parenting relationships of adoptive parents. This study examined the contributions of socioeconomic status (SES), child demands and couple relationship characteristics to reported co‐parenting quality among adoptive mothers. Mail questionnaires were administered to 94 adoptive mothers in a Midwestern state. Regression results revealed that SES and child demands were largely unrelated to co‐parenting quality, while couple relationship characteristics (dyadic coping, dyadic adjustment and conflict resolution) contributed significantly to co‐parenting quality. Further, the co‐parenting dimensions revealed different patterns of relatedness with the independent variables, providing support for the notion that co‐parenting is a multidimensional construct. Implications for social work research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A study aiming at presenting the effects of increases in work strain during war and crisis on the home help service organization within the social service sector in Stockholm was carried out in 1991. This has given rise to a discussion about achieving the goals for the organization in war and crisis. Organizations are supposed to encompass qualities that allow them to achieve operative goals even if operative conditions are changed. The principle underlying preparedness planning is the maintenance of peace-time functions in organizations during war and crisis, although such functions may be restricted. Changes influencing preparedness planning within the social service organization include ongoing organizational restructuring in terms of decentralization and increases in private enterprising within the municipal social service sector. Two factors of decisive importance to organizational appropriateness are information generation and information processing. The results from the study show deficiencies within the organization's ability to generate and process information between different organizational levels about demands put on the organization in situations of war and crisis.  相似文献   

旅游者在旅游过程中会遇到一些负面事件,这些负面事件对旅游者的旅游活动造成一定的影响,目前对这些事件的研究比较缺乏。本文采用深入访谈和问卷调查相结合的方法,并使用发生频度、影响程度和可控制程度作为评价指标,以北京地区为例,研究国内旅游者在旅游过程中遇到的负面事件对旅游者旅游活动的影响,归纳出国内旅游者在北京遇到的主要负面事件,并提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) use on rural child welfare practice using a technology-in-practice framework to derive the social structures that are instantiated by rural child welfare workers (CWWs) and to examine their agency as actors. ICT use was tracked, and interviews were conducted with rural CWWs who work with children and families to gain an understanding of and describe their day-to-day ICT use at the practice level. Findings demonstrate that CWWs enact social structures along four frames: bureaucratic structure, family centricity, ICT context and information–documentation culture. In terms of agency, CWWs not only are constrained by but also exert some influence on the social structures they enact through facilities (material resources), norms and interpretive schemes. These findings have implications for how ICT can be used to facilitate the CWW–client relationship and the need in rural areas for increased infrastructure to support CWWs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing form of knowledge in socialwork over the past thirty years and its implications for theoryand practice. In particular, it considers the impact of newsystems related to a range of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs) and the shift from a narrative to a databaseway of thinking and operating. In doing so, it attempts to identifya series of key challenges and questions which need to be consideredin order to engage with the changes. In particular, it addresseshow far social work is still primarily concerned with subjectsand their social relationships and argues that social work nowoperates less on the terrain of the ‘social’ andmore on the terrain of the ‘informational’. Suchchanges have implications for the relationship between theoryand practice in social work and the nature of ‘social’work itself.  相似文献   

秦广强 《社会》2011,31(4):116-136
本文基于CGSS2005的调查数据,以对角线参照模型为分析工具,考察了阶层代际流动对城市居民歧视性态度的影响。研究发现,在工作歧视和邻里居住歧视上,代际流动本身能够产生独立于流动者出身阶层与现处阶层的影响;随着年龄的增长,相对于出身阶层,流动者现处阶层对其歧视态度影响程度明显增强;进入社会歧视氛围更低的阶层能够显著降低流动者的歧视态度;相比向上流动,地位下降者对外来人口的歧视程度更高。研究指出,分层与流动研究不仅要考察客观社会结构及其开放状况,也要重视分层及流动对个体行为与态度所带来的主观层面影响。  相似文献   

Growing demands on welfare services, arising from expanding populations of older people in many countries, has led policy makers to consider the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) as a means to transform the cost-effective delivery of health and social care. The evidence for these claims is examined by reporting the main findings of a review of worldwide published literature documenting the adoption of health informatics applications to improve health and social care for older people. It focuses around two dimensions of the UK government's programme for 'modernising' public services, which emphasise the use of ICTs to facilitate the sharing of health and social services information and its potential to foster person-centred approaches to independent living. Findings suggest that there is little evidence that these dimensions have been realised in practice and the perceived incompatibility between them is more likely to produce expensive and ineffective health informatics outcomes.  相似文献   

树立正确的人生价值观必须经过长期不懈的自我修养和锻炼的过程,如何处理好贡献与索取、自我设计与“社会需要”、科学价值与道德价值的辩证关系,是人们在对待人生价值观上值得探讨的几个问题。本文在充分阐明其辩证关系的同时,人们必须注重对崇高价值目标的选择。  相似文献   

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