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职业经理人泛家族化管理是我国家族企业实现治理转型的关键。本文基于组织身份理论认为泛家族化在某种程度上会导致家族身份泛化和家族成员对家族身份控制的冲突和矛盾,通过全国私营企业抽样调查数据实证结果表明:企业主家族主义观念较强、家族股东涉入程度较高以及具有传承意愿的家族企业具有较强家族身份控制需求,导致在经营上表现较低的泛家族化管理。进一步研究发现正式组织制度有利于提高泛家族化程度,同时正式组织制度的完善也减弱了核心家族身份维持、企业所有权家族身份的控制与延续对泛家族化的负向效应。研究结果厘清了家族企业中阻碍实现职业经理人泛家族化管理的家族身份因素,揭示了家族身份色彩越浓厚,其越难以打破原有家族边界进行泛家族化管理,对我国家族企业制定治理转型决策具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

技术创新是企业竞争力的源泉。公司治理结构与企业技术创新密切相关。公司治理结构是一种制度安排属于生产关系的范畴,企业技术创新属于生产力的范畴,企业技术创新决定了公司治理结构,而公司治理结构影响着企业技术创新。本文的分析表明,公司治理结构通过股权结构、董事会规模和结构以及企业家影响着企业技术创新资源和动力的获得和创新战略的形成。  相似文献   

企业集群现象受到越来越多的关注,如何理解其生成发展的机制,关键在于识别这种企业群体的协调或治理关系。本文认为,企业集群是不同于战略网络的一种企业组织协调方式,其关系治理主要是通过企业家而不是网络间的股权与非股权联系实现的。区别于钱德勒的“管理协调”,企业集群组织是“企业家协调”,这是以企业家精神的相互学习、创新为核心而形成的关系治理。本文通过对珠江三角洲专业镇企业集群的企业家特征与过程分析,揭示了企业家协调的本质。  相似文献   

中小型民营企业的法人治理结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民营企业主要包括从商品零售业、小作坊或中低档产品加工业起步的个体私营企业,改革开放以后发展起来的乡镇企业,还有近年来经营陷入困境的中小型国营、集体改制转化企业。从民营企业的主体看,它们的创立和发展大都带有明显的短视性和随机性,发展到一定阶段后,“大企业”与小机制的矛盾日益突出,加上浓厚的家族化色彩,构成了一个“家族圈”式的法人治理结构。这种治理结构带有明显的家族化、组织和管理无序化、人员素质业余化,并未形成完整意义上的法人治理结构。“家族圈”式的法人治理结构人员之间的关系比较特殊,效率高、运行成本低…  相似文献   

"亲属抱团"的家族化治理模式在中国家族企业中广泛存在,这不仅是一种经济活动,更是根植于中国传统宗族观念下的文化现象。本文利用家族企业实际控制人籍贯地族谱数据,考察宗族文化对家族化治理模式的影响。结果发现,实际控制人的宗族观念越强,其亲属参与公司治理的程度越高,这一结论在经过内生性检验后依然稳健;并且证实,宗族文化内含的亲属间信任及团结互惠是两条作用机制。进一步研究发现,实际控制人的宗族观念越强,亲属参与的差序格局愈明显;此外,宗族文化的影响在宗族影响力越大、外部监管环境越差时更突出,当实际控制人经历过"文化大革命"、拥有海外经历时则被削弱。最后本文发现,在宗族文化的影响下,亲属参与对股东与管理层间代理成本的缓解作用得到加强,有助于提高企业的成长性和市场表现。本研究为理解在正式制度有待完善背景下,中国改革开放以来民营经济的增长奇迹提供了来自传统文化视角的证据。  相似文献   

消费者对电子商务企业信任保持过程中体验的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消费者对企业的信任不足是我国电子商务发展的一个重要障碍。本文以认知发生理论、自我知觉理论和技术接受模型为基础,结合我国社会信任建立特点,提出了消费者对电子商务企业信任维持过程中体验的作用机制概念模型及研究假设。现场收集调查数据,并通过结构方程模型检验模型及假设。结果表明,信息搜索满意度与网络购物满意度均通过感知的企业网站的易用性、安全性和有用性影响消费者对电子商务企业的信任。这反映了体验的满意度在消费者维持对电子商务企业的信任过程中具有积极意义,企业可以藉改善体验的满意度来维持消费者对本企业的信任。  相似文献   

王雷 《管理科学》2014,27(5):50-68
基于控制权收益交互作用视角,研究创业投资模式下的异质性创业企业控制权治理问题,分析控制权共享收益和私人收益综合影响下投资家投资专用性和合作双方信任度对创业企业剩余控制权和特定控制权治理的作用机理,以193家不同产业类型创业企业为样本,运用混合回归模型,实证检验投资专用性、信任及其交互作用对异质性创业企业两类控制权治理的影响。研究结果表明,由于异质性企业的控制权收益类型和大小存在差异,导致投资专用性和信任对不同产业类型创业企业控制权治理的影响存在差异;创业企业家控制权私人收益较大、创业投资家的战略收益较小时,创业投资家获得的剩余控制权与其投入资本的专用性、合作双方间的信任度呈非线性倒U形关系;创业企业家控制权私人收益较小、创业投资家的战略收益较大时,创业投资家获得的剩余控制权与其投入资本的专用性、合作双方间的信任度呈非线性U形关系;投资专用性与合作双方信任度的交互项与创业投资家拥有的剩余控制权和特定控制权负相关,在高新技术创业企业样本中交互效应尤为显著。  相似文献   

目前,中国家族企业通常采用泛家族化治理模式,但是家族企业未来必然还是向现代企业演进,这一过程由于缺乏社会信用制度的支持而陷阱重重,因此建立健全的职业经理规范制度是目前亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于企业家视角的企业管理理论--整体管理.与管理科学或科学管理理论不同,整体管理更注重企业家的头脑,注重意志、信念、激情、信任等因素的作用.与流行的三权分立机制保障企业健全运行的思维不同,整体管理注意到三权分立机制的逻辑缺陷和现实局限性.与经济学的一般均衡论假定不同,企业家更能看到市场在空间和时间上的种种不均衡,从而看到种种投机的作用.与制度决定论不同,企业家更注重培养一个有信任和默契的领导团队.由此认为,管理科学是技术,而不是管理.科学管理只注重制度,而缺乏领导艺术.西方企业现代化的不是管理,而是技术.  相似文献   

杨建君  刘华芳  吴春鹏 《管理学报》2012,9(9):1330-1337
分析大股东对经理人信任如何影响企业新产品开发绩效,并对比不同控制方式下,信任对新产品开发影响的差异。基于150家制造企业的实证研究表明,大股东对经理人越信任,越有利于企业新产品开发绩效的提高;大股东对经理人信任通过促进企业家导向,间接作用于企业新产品开发绩效;财务控制倒U型调节信任与新产品开发之间的关系;战略控制正向调节信任与企业家导向之间的关系。  相似文献   

We study how organizations change their corporate governance in response to negative publicity in the media. We build on insights from the literature on interpersonal trust to theorize how organizations respond to different types of trust‐damaging information. We suggest that organizations are likely to replace key individuals involved in the corporate governance process when trust‐damaging information provides evidence of low integrity. In contrast, organizations are likely to make changes in how the governance process is organized when trust‐damaging information provides evidence of low benevolence. We test our hypotheses by using data on publicly traded Korean firms from 2006 to 2013. Our results provide general support for our argument about corporate governance changes that organizations initiate in response to different types of trust‐damaging information. We also explore how foreign ownership and state ownership moderate organizational responses to trust‐damaging information.  相似文献   

A fundamental element of planned economies is the idea that exchange between units and firms should be planned by authorities remote from the performance of the exchange. The institutions, where plan governance is the main mechanism, are therefore assumed to affect how trust is developed and maintained in an economy. However, when the planned economy undergoes institutional changes and plan governance erodes, trust is likely to play a different role. The paper proposes a model for analysis of development of trust depending on the institutions involved and the exchange characteristics. The model suggests that both inter-unit exchanges and inter-firm exchanges contain three dimensions, which are influenced by the degree of plan governance: knowledge use, interaction, and dynamics. Depending on the plan governance, the use of the knowledge produced takes different forms, but the plan governance also influences the interaction in the exchanges. Moreover, it is proposed that plan governance has an effect on the exchange dynamics. A 10-year longitudinal one-firm case study from the Russian printing industry is divided into two periods: the planned economy between 1987 and 1991 and the transition economy from 1992 to 1997. It shows that plan governance in various degrees influenced the exchanges, which, in turn, gave a different level of importance to the role of trust in the economy.  相似文献   

The field study presented in the article illustrates how trust is operationalized in business practices. It shows that deciding to engage and remain in collaborative relations characterized by high uncertainty is influenced by reciprocal interactions among (i) transactional and relational attributes, (ii) organizational and environmental characteristics, (iii) governance structures and processes, and (iv) acts of suspension. Our framework demonstrates that exchange partners sometimes need to suspend (i.e., accept and embrace) risks in a non-calculative manner. Thus, building on a qualitative study of collaborative software development projects, this paper calls for the dynamic treatment of governance mechanisms in interorganizational relationships.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of governance mechanisms – formal contracts, relational norms and trust – on the performance of exploration and exploitation joint research and development (R&D) projects. While the authors acknowledge the need for a twofold approach, transactional and relational, to understand the interfirm exchange governance, the joint action of formal contracts and relational governance has been caught between the complementary or substitutive forces involved in interorganizational relationships. Using survey data on joint exploration and exploitation R&D projects developed by the European biotechnology companies, the synergies of both mechanisms and their effects in improving project performance are investigated. The analysis suggests that contracts and relational norms and trust act as complementary mechanisms, but while contracts are more effective in exploitation projects, relational norms and trust are more powerful in improving the performance of exploration projects.  相似文献   

组合与单一治理对供应链信息系统价值创造的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对供应链中契约与信任、权威与信任之间的治理作用是互补还是替代关系的争论,对不同治理机制选择与供应链信息系统价值创造的关系进行梳理,运用博弈分析方法探讨组合与单一治理机制选择对供应链信息系统价值创造的影响,通过25家企业的实地调查对博弈分析结论进行讨论.研究表明,当环境不确定性较高时,采用契约与信任、权威与信任组合治理比采用单一契约或权威治理对供应链信息系统价值创造的促进作用更大;当环境不确定性较低时,采用契约与信任、权威与信任组合治理比采用单一信任治理的促进作用更大;当环境不确定性处于中间状态时,难以确定上述组合与单一治理两者的优劣.  相似文献   

The evaluation of trust in economic decision making remains on the periphery of mainstream economic analysis and teaching. Yet business managers use trustworthiness in daily exchanges to create competitive advantages for their firms. An exploratory empirical test of Barney and Hansen’s three levels of trust (weak, semistrong, and strong) and Lewicki and Bunker’s portfolio of governance mechanisms revealed that strong-form trust exists in day-to-day business relationships along with other governance mechanisms. Identity-based transactions were more prevalent than were weak trust market exchanges in important economic transactions.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(5):102240
We study the role of alliance governance in the behavior of partners in alliances with different degrees of competition. Using data from a lab experiment on 1,009 alliances and 31,662 partners' choices, we explore whether and how alliances succeed in different competitive scenarios, contingent on the use of formal governance mechanisms (termination clauses) and the number of partners in the alliance. We find that trust, an informal governance mechanism, emerges as a complement to formal governance in order to establish success in our experimental alliances, especially when competition is high. In particular, we document the significance of “trust-building” in initial stages and “trust repair” in later stages of our experimental alliances.  相似文献   

Nonprofits are a major part of the U.S. economy and they are not immune from corporate malfeasance controversies. Even Congress has expressed concern about the crisis in nonprofit governance. The nonprofit response to Congress has been a historic initiative recognizing critical challenges to nonprofit governance. In contrast to their for‐profit counterparts, nonprofits are committed to missions serving the public benefit and not to shareholder profits. Accordingly, their missions and financial resources are intrinsic to their very existence, which is built upon the public trust. That trust is rooted in fiduciary responsibility and reflected in best practices. This article traces the history of the nonprofit public trust and fiduciary standards and examines principles of Sarbanes–Oxley and other best practices as they apply to nonprofits. The authors sampled 80 health‐care nonprofit corporation web sites from eight asset classes to determine compliance with Sarbanes–Oxley and identification of fiduciary duty, ethical values, and other best practices. Among the very largest health‐care nonprofits, many comply with Sarbanes–Oxley and identify fiduciary duty, ethical values, and other best practices. However, there are substantial deficiencies in such compliance and identification among all remaining seven asset classes ranging from 99.9 million to less than 100,000. The results appear to corroborate the urgent necessity for reform articulated by the Congress and the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit governance has entered a new era where best practices must be implemented to sustain the public trust.  相似文献   

This paper maps institutional trust in Bangladesh and analyzes to what extent citizens perceive public institutions to be trustworthy. According to a number of expert evaluations, public and political institutions in Bangladesh do not stand out as very trustworthy. Yet, despite such expert evaluations, recent survey data indicate that popular trust is quite high in certain major institutions such as the parliament and the central government. Since it is misplaced, the high level of popular institutional trust presents a paradox. It implies some kind of blind or naive trust, which may be dysfunctional for the emergence of a democratic governance system.  相似文献   

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