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 在线社交网络的持续发展和公民健康意识的不断增强促进了在线健康社区的兴起和繁荣。健康社区为用户提供了一个获取医疗资源并分享知识、经验和情感的开放式平台。由于其在为用户和患者提供丰富的医疗信息和知识资源、满足用户间的社交需求等方面表现突出,近年来,国内外在线健康社区都出现了蓬勃发展的态势。        在社区的各种行为中,发帖和回帖是社区中用户社交行为的重要体现,是维系社区繁荣的根本,因此对社区中用户回帖行为的影响机理进行研究具有重要的意义。        以糖尿病在线健康社区甜蜜家园网站为研究对象,基于该网站2015年1月~6月的社区发帖和回帖数据以及所有用户的个人信息数据,构建健康社区的用户回帖有向网络,该网络包含边和节点两部分属性信息;运用指数随机图模型,探讨该网络中网络结构和节点属性对回帖网络形成的影响机理。        研究结果表明,回帖网络同时具有互惠性和传递性特征,互惠性表明社区中的用户倾向于互相回帖,传递性表明该网络有很好的发展潜力。节点属性对用户回帖行为的影响机制较为复杂,其中,用户倾向于对同质性(类型同质性)用户回帖;社会资本(如好友数量、活跃度)高的用户能获得更高的回帖概率;大量给他人回帖的用户和新用户更易获得他人的回帖。        研究结果进一步丰富了在线健康社区中用户行为机理的研究范式,以及电子健康、在线社交网络、健康社区、论坛回帖行为等领域的研究,并对社区的管理有一定的启示作用;有利于指导社区的设计机制,如鼓励新人多发帖、引导有较大影响力的用户(如管理者和活跃度高的用户)发帖互动、进一步促进同质用户间的信息交流等,这些机制进一步促进和引导论坛中用户间的信息交互,对论坛持续繁荣发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

  目前社会化电子商务对用户分享行为的激励措施单一,缺乏吸引力,急需个性化的、有针对性的激励方式。社会化电子商务网站上,除了普通用户分享产品和购物信息外,一些电子商务卖家也分享产品相关信息以吸引消费者,拥有不同身份属性的用户被不同因素所激励。因此,为了设计个性化的激励方式,社会化电子商务平台需要进一步了解激励用户信息分享行为的关键因素的影响强度是否随着卖家与非卖家身份属性的不同而有所差异。         基于社会认知理论提出影响用户分享行为的关键因素,包括预期个人结果、预期社区结果和自我效能。采用目标理论,认为卖家为自我卷入型用户,非卖家为任务卷入型用户,并对卖家和非卖家不同身份用户的信息分享行为影响因素的差异建立理论研究模型。采用问卷调查法收集1 177位社会化电子商务用户的信息分享意愿及其影响因素的相关数据,运用Spss 19.0进行测量模型和t检验分析,以验证假设。         研究结果表明,结果期望和自我效能对信息分享意愿的影响强度在卖家与非卖家之间有显著的差异,卖家的分享意愿更多地受到预期个人结果和自我效能的影响,非卖家的分享意愿受到预期社区结果的影响。         研究结果拓展了社会化电子商务领域关于信息分享行为的相关研究,为后续研究提供了可能性。建议电子商务网站运营者在制定和实施激励计划时,应充分考虑用户的不同身份属性,有针对性地提供激励,以最大化地鼓励用户参与,保障网站健康发展。  相似文献   

 随着全民健康意识的提高,人们开始使用智能健康硬件进行个人健康管理,智能健康硬件的采纳和使用行为也逐渐受到学术界和业界的广泛关注。然而,当前智能健康硬件采纳和使用行为的研究主要集中于用户在静态时点上的持续使用或中止行为,忽略了用户在中止使用智能健康硬件后重新使用的现象,即间歇性中止行为。        基于矛盾态度和情绪波动的视角,构建智能健康硬件用户间歇性中止模型,并检验态度不稳定性在矛盾态度与间歇性中止之间、情绪唤起波动在情绪效价波动与间歇性中止之间的中介作用,进一步检验模型各路径的性别差异。通过问卷调查的方法,收集428份智能健康硬件用户数据,进行结构方程模型分析。        研究结果表明,用户对智能健康硬件的矛盾态度将带来态度不稳定性,并进而影响用户的间歇性中止行为,态度不稳定性也部分中介矛盾态度对间歇性中止行为的作用;用户对健康硬件的情绪效价波动正向作用于情绪唤起波动,进而促进用户的间歇性中止行为,情绪唤起波动完全中介情绪效价波动对间歇性中止行为的影响;对于间歇性中止行为的性别差异检验发现,男性样本中各路径的作用均显著强于女性样本。        研究结果阐述了矛盾态度和情绪波动对智能健康硬件用户间歇性中止行为的深层次作用机制,具有重要的理论和实践意义。①将当前技术中止的概念拓展到用户间歇性中止,并厘清了间歇性中止的关键研究问题、概念内涵、变量维度及其与技术完全中止的区别,进一步丰富了技术采纳后行为的研究框架。②基于态度和情绪的理论框架,从矛盾态度和情绪波动的视角探讨智能健康硬件用户间歇性中止行为的影响因素。由于消极态度和负面情绪仅可以解释技术中止行为,无法准确解释间歇性中止,因此矛盾态度和情绪波动的引入,一方面为解释间歇性中止提供了新的视角,另一方面也丰富了当前信息系统领域个人情绪和态度的理论研究。③性别差异的检验有助于加深当前对于不同性别用户采纳和使用智能健康硬件的理解和认识。此外,研究结果有利于智能健康硬件服务商准确理解并把握用户购买后行为,为电子健康行业的发展提供实践和理论指导。  相似文献   

 新生代农民工的频繁跳槽给企业正常用工秩序带来负面影响,也对农民工自身职业发展和城市融合进程产生阻碍。已有研究分别从企业内组织支持和企业外社会资本两个方面分析新生代农民工离职意愿的影响因素,但鲜有研究揭示两者之间的交互影响。新生代农民工社会资本除提供工作信息之外,还表现出更加多元化的作用,从而对组织支持感和离职意愿产生与以往截然不同的影响。        基于组织支持理论和社会资本理论,将新生代农民工组织支持感和社会资本纳入统一分析框架,考察二者对农民工雇佣关系质量的交互影响。采用问卷调查方法,对457份样本数据运用多元层次回归模型检验组织支持感对新生代农民工离职意愿的影响以及社会资本对两者间关系的调节作用。        研究结果表明,①组织支持感对新生代农民工离职意愿具有显著的负向影响;②新生代农民工社会资本,无论是原始社会资本还是新型社会资本,对组织支持感与离职意愿之间的负向关系产生强化作用。社会资本有助于新生代农民工更好地理解组织意图、掌握职场规则、增强相互信任、恪守职业伦理,从而强化组织支持改善雇佣关系质量的积极作用。        新生代农民工离职意愿受企业内组织支持和企业外社会资本的双重影响,两者交互影响表明,社会资本除提供工作信息等前程作用外,包括影响、强化、规范、信任等功能在内的后程作用能够促进新生代农民工产生更高的组织支持感,进而降低其离职意愿。关注农民工社会资本的这一变化,无论对于企业提供有效组织支持,还是在宏观政策制定中更好地引导社会资本构建都具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

 在线医疗健康服务作为线下医疗健康服务的补充对缓解医疗资源相对不足等问题有着重要的意义,而信任作为人际关系的基石对在线的医患关系有深刻影响,因此有必要研究在线医疗健康服务中的医患信任问题。        有诸多因素影响医患信任,医患信任的提升对患者的行为意向也有积极影响。以在线医患信任为核心,重点从患者角度研究在线医疗健康网站中医患信任的影响因素,分析个人、网站、医院和医生4个方面的影响。同时,感知风险和感知收益从宏观上也会影响在线患者信任和患者行为意向,也将其纳入分析。基于此,以信任模型的概念框架以及感知风险和感知收益等理论为基础构建模型,提出9个假设。以有在线医疗健康网站中服务经验的用户为研究对象,使用问卷调查的方法进行调研,获得271份有效样本,利用结构方程模型的实证方法对研究假设进行检验。        研究结果表明,除个人信任倾向外,医患信任影响因素中的网站、医院和医生的可信度均对在线患者信任有显著影响,其中网站因素的影响程度最高,在线患者信任也显著影响患者行为意向。感知收益和感知风险对在线患者信任也有显著影响,但对患者行为意向的影响不显著。        将医患信任的研究从线下延伸至线上,探讨在线患者信任的影响因素。研究结果为研究在线医疗健康服务中的患者信任提供理论依据,同时为在线医疗健康服务的发展提供参考策略。  相似文献   

陈闯  吴晓晖  卫芳 《管理科学》2016,19(5):1-13
 近年来在线购物出现了向社会化协同购物发展的趋势,已有关于计算机支持的协同工作和大量群体决策的研究表明,同步性是影响群体协作绩效的一个重要因素。协同购物作为一个以计算机为媒介的群体协作活动,媒介同步性必然起到重要的作用。        以计算机支持的协同工作和以计算机为媒介的交流为视角,基于媒介同步性理论和技术灵魂理论,考察在线协同购物环境下用户对媒介的选择问题,探讨媒介同步性、产品类型和购物阶段3个变量之间的交互作用如何影响用户对媒介的选择偏好。进一步,设计一个实验室实验收集用户行为数据,并通过重复度量方差分析验证上述关系。        实验结果表明,如果可以自由选择,用户会更偏好使用同步媒介而不是异步媒介。当协同购物的对象是搜索品时,媒介同步性和购物阶段之间不存在交互作用;当协同购物的对象是体验品时,媒介同步性与购物阶段存在显著的交互作用,即与初选阶段相比,细选阶段的用户更偏好使用同步媒介。        关注媒介同步性这一在线协同购物的全新研究视角,拓展媒介同步性理论的适用范围,为应用技术灵魂理论研究信息技术的使用行为提供一个范例;通过引入技术灵魂理论,说明为什么即时通信工具和E-mail在能力差别不大的情况下仍然可以被划分为同步性截然不同的两种媒介;将协同购物分为初选阶段和细选阶段进行研究,打开了购物过程的黑盒子,进一步深化了对协同购物过程的理解;将媒介同步性、产品类型和购物阶段放在同一个模型中,探讨在线协同购物环境下用户对媒介的选择行为,并着重关注它们之间的三向交互作用。研究结果对协同购物网站的设计者和运营者有重要意义。  相似文献   

  基于理性认知的经典技术接受理论已经难以全面解析用户对于支付服务的使用行为和意愿,与此同时,用户附着在各种移动支付服务上的情感却存在很大的差异,对于一些新兴小众产品,用户投射在其上的情感强度很可能潜在地成为其在商业上取得成功的关键。作为一种小众支付服务的Apple Pay,自上市以来,用户的使用意愿低一直是其发展过程中遇到的最大问题,因此,有必要研究情感因素与理性因素如何相互作用并影响用户对Apple Pay的使用意愿。         基于计划行为理论,结合情感依恋视角,构建用户对Apple Pay使用意愿的理论模型,并探究情感依恋影响用户使用意愿的机制。为验证研究假设,在线收集202份有效问卷,采用SmartPLS 2.0软件进行实证分析。         研究结果表明,①感知收益、社会规范和移动支付经验对用户使用Apple Pay的意愿有显著的正向影响;②情感依恋对用户使用Apple Pay的意愿有显著的直接作用,还会显著削弱感知收益和移动支付经验对用户使用Apple Pay意愿的正向作用,并边际增强社会规范与用户使用Apple Pay意愿之间的关系。         在理论层面,界定了情感依恋对于用户采纳Apple Pay的影响,在一定程度上拓展了技术接受理论,并将情感依恋和计划行为理论统一到一个理论框架内。同时揭示了情感依恋会降低用户采纳Apple Pay时的条件要求,可以为后续对非理性因素的研究提供思路。在管理实践层面,研究结果也对Apple Pay这类小众产品在技术趋同而又竞争激烈环境下的推广具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

李嘉  唐洁  蒋玲  陈晋  刘璇 《管理科学》2018,31(1):15-32
 在线健康咨询服务是电子健康领域一个新兴的应用,对于减少医疗成本、提高医疗服务质量和公平性具有重要的意义。平台的繁荣离不开医生的持续参与,而获得满意的金钱回报是医生持续参与的一个重要原因。因此,研究在线健康咨询市场中的价格溢价对医生、平台和病人都具有重要意义。        从信息不对称的视角考察在线健康咨询市场中的价格溢价问题,根据在线健康咨询市场的特点提出地位和声誉两种重要的信号机制;从不确定性角度出发,识别出在线服务年限、疾病隐私程度和疾病严重程度3个对信号机制产生调节作用的重要变量;针对糖尿病、胰腺癌、小儿肺炎和不孕不育4种疾病,从好大夫网上连续收集5个月所有医生的相关信息,验证研究模型和假设。        研究结果表明,地位和声誉对价格溢价均有显著的正向影响。随着医生在线服务年限的增加,地位对获取价格溢价的作用逐渐下降;当用户咨询隐私类疾病时会更加关注医生的声誉,因而愿意向高声誉的医生支付更高的服务费用;当疾病严重程度较高时,用户面临巨大风险,更愿意去线下的大医院当面就诊。由于对平台的不信任导致需求萎缩,因而即使是有非常高声誉的医生,也难以在线上获得更高的价格溢价。        研究结果为在线健康咨询平台上的医生、用户和平台运营商提供若干指导,有助于提供健康咨询服务的医生理解如何获得更高的价格溢价,有助于用户用合理的价格选择合适的医生,有助于平台服务商留住医生(尤其是好医生),促进平台的繁荣。  相似文献   

钱玲  杜兰英  侯俊东 《管理科学》2019,32(3):120-134
  伴随着中国公益事业的快速发展,公益慈善的重要性日渐凸显。以“免费午餐”为代表的微公益这一新型公益参与模式受到社会的普遍关注,并迅速吸引了公众的广泛参与。相关研究表明微公益的某些特征有助于吸引个人参与公益,但大多集中于对微公益的现象描述和概念分析,缺少对微公益促进个人参与公益内在机理的深入探析。         梳理微公益特征和微公益个人公益行为驱动因素等已有研究,运用焦点小组访谈、开放式问卷和结构化问卷识别微公益特征的3个维度,即微公益事项特征属性、社交媒体策略、可参与性。基于微公益特征-信任状态-公益参与行为框架,基于346份有效问卷数据,运用结构方程模型分析微公益特征因素对个人公益参与行为的影响机理。         研究结果表明,认知信任和情感信任搭建了微公益特征与个人公益参与行为之间的桥梁;微公益的3个特征维度在促进个人公益行为中的作用不同,社交媒体策略和可参与性通过认知信任激发个人公益浏览行为,微公益事项特征属性和社交媒体策略通过情感信任促进个人公益贡献行为;个人公益参与者的认知信任影响其情感信任。         通过理论分析和实证检验,系统识别了微公益的3个特征维度,厘清了微公益特征对个人公益参与行为的影响机理。深化了对微公益的认识,拓展了信任理论和个人公益行为理论在非营利组织营销领域的运用。研究结果可指导微公益实践者根据公益目标,组合运用微公益的特征因素,设计具有针对性的公益营销方案,吸引个人的广泛参与;也建议微公益实践者认识到认知信任与情感信任的差异性,更细致地对微公益参与者进行信任管理。  相似文献   

  随着顾客越来越追求个性化服务,提供非标准化的、适合的和创造性的服务是企业与顾客建立长期联系的关键因素。寻求服务创新正逐渐成为服务行业的发展趋势,如何通过服务创新满足中国消费者日益多元化和个性化的消费需求,不仅是理论界在不断探索的“秘密”,也是中国服务企业亟待解决的重要问题。         基于组织支持理论,探讨服务导向高绩效工作系统对员工服务创新的影响机制,引入组织支持感作为中介变量,考察总经理对待服务变革的态度对服务员工的组织支持感与服务创新之间关系的调节作用。以来自54家四星级及以上酒店1 021名一线服务员工的数据为样本,采用Mplus 7.4对数据进行实证分析。         研究结果表明,服务导向高绩效工作系统对服务员工的组织支持感有显著正向影响,服务员工的组织支持感对服务创新有显著的正向影响,服务导向高绩效工作系统通过影响组织支持感进而促进员工服务创新。总经理对待服务变革的态度能够调节服务员工的组织支持感与服务创新之间的关系,即当总经理对待服务变革的态度表现得较为积极时,服务员工的组织支持感与服务创新之间的正向关系增强;当总经理对待服务变革的态度表现得较为消极时,服务员工的组织支持感与服务创新之间的正向关系减弱。         研究结果不仅深化了对服务导向高绩效工作系统和服务创新相关研究的理解,而且丰富了对服务导向高绩效工作系统与员工服务创新之间的作用机制研究,扩展了服务导向高绩效工作系统对员工服务创新作用的边界条件研究,为服务业管理者推行服务导向高绩效工作系统以激励员工进行服务创新提供了理论指导和实践启示。  相似文献   

This article describes the results of an empirical study into the design and effectiveness of the co-pay in Dutch Health care. With a reconstruction of the policy theory and the application of "the instrument theory" of Bressers and Klok, we are able to predict that the co-pay would not be effective. A process evaluation and an effect evaluation show that this is indeed the case. Not surprisingly, the second Kok administration determined that the instrument would be terminated.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that health security systems must be redesigned, in a way that they are better prepared and ready to cope with multiple and diverse health threats, from predictable and well-known epidemics to unexpected and challenging pandemics. A powerful way of accomplishing this goal is to focus the planning on health capabilities. This focus may enhance the ability to respond to and recover from health threats and emergencies, while helping to identify the level of resources required to maintain and build up those capabilities that are critical in ensuring the preparedness of health security systems. However, current attempts for defining and organizing health capabilities have some important limitations. First, such attempts were not designed to consider diverse scenarios and multiple health threats. Second, they provide a limited representation of capabilities and lack a systemic perspective. Third, they struggle to identify capability and resource gaps. In this article, we thus propose a new framework for identifying and structuring health capabilities and support health capability planning. The suggested framework has three main potential benefits. First, the framework may help policymakers in planning under high levels of uncertainty, by considering multiple realistic and stressful scenarios. Second, it can provide risk analysts with a more comprehensive representation of health capabilities and their complex relationships. Third, it can support planners in identifying resource and capability gaps. We illustrate the use of the framework in practice considering an outbreak scenario caused by three different health threats (COVID-19, Ebola, and Influenza viruses).  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(10):2208-2221
Emergency risk communication (ERC) programs that activate when the ambient temperature is expected to cross certain extreme thresholds are widely used to manage relevant public health risks. In practice, however, the effectiveness of these thresholds has rarely been examined. The goal of this study is to test if the activation criteria based on extreme temperature thresholds, both cold and heat, capture elevated health risks for all‐cause and cause‐specific mortality and morbidity in the Minneapolis‐St. Paul Metropolitan Area. A distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) combined with a quasi‐Poisson generalized linear model is used to derive the exposure–response functions between daily maximum heat index and mortality (1998–2014) and morbidity (emergency department visits; 2007–2014). Specific causes considered include cardiovascular, respiratory, renal diseases, and diabetes. Six extreme temperature thresholds, corresponding to 1st–3rd and 97th–99th percentiles of local exposure history, are examined. All six extreme temperature thresholds capture significantly increased relative risks for all‐cause mortality and morbidity. However, the cause‐specific analyses reveal heterogeneity. Extreme cold thresholds capture increased mortality and morbidity risks for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and extreme heat thresholds for renal disease. Percentile‐based extreme temperature thresholds are appropriate for initiating ERC targeting the general population. Tailoring ERC by specific causes may protect some but not all individuals with health conditions exacerbated by hazardous ambient temperature exposure.  相似文献   

This study develops a theoretical model and then, using Canadian joint replacement surgery data, empirically tests the relationship between government policies that promote privately funded health care and patients’ waiting time in the public health care system. Two policies are tested: one policy allows opt‐out physicians to extra‐bill private patients, and the other provides public subsidies to private patients. We find that both policies are associated with shorter public waiting time, and that the subsidy policy appears to be more effective in waiting time reduction than the extra‐billing policy. Our findings are consistent with a dominant demand‐side effect in that these policies would provide patients an option, and some incentive, to opt out of the public health system, shifting the demand from the public health system to the private care market.  相似文献   

Fish consumers may incur benefits and risks from eating fish. Health advisories issued by states, tribes, and other entities typically include advice about how to limit fish consumption or change other behaviors (e.g., fish cleaning or cooking) to reduce health risks from exposure to contaminants. Eating fish, however, may provide health benefits. Risk communicators and fish consumers have suggested the importance of including risk comparison information, as well as health risk-benefit comparisons in health advisory communications. To improve understanding about how anglers fishing in waters affected by health advisories may respond to such risk-risk or risk-benefit information, we surveyed Lake Ontario (NY, USA) anglers. We interviewed by telephone 4,750 anglers, 2,593 of which had fished Lake Ontario in the past 12 months and were sent a detailed mail questionnaire (1,245 responded). We posed questions varying the magnitude of health risks and health benefits to be gained by fish consumption, and varied the population affected by these risks and benefits (anglers, children, women of childbearing age, and unborn children). Respondents were influenced by health benefit and health risk information. When risks were high, most respondents would eat less fish regardless of the benefit level. When risks were low, the magnitude of change in fish consumption was related to level of benefit. Responses differed depending on the question wording order, that is, whether "risks" were posed before "benefits." For a given risk-benefit level, respondents would give different advice to women of childbearing age versus children, with more conservative advice (eat less fish) provided to women of childbearing age. Respondents appeared to be influenced more strongly by risk-risk comparisons (e.g., risks from other foods vs. risks from fish) than by risk-benefit comparisons (e.g., risks from fish vs. benefits from fish). Risk analysts and risk communicators should improve efforts to include risk-risk and risk-benefit comparisons in communication efforts, and to clarify to whom the health risks and benefits from fish consumption may accrue.  相似文献   

Many people in developing countries do not have access to effective vaccines, medicines, and other life‐saving health technologies. Shortage of health care workers, severe financial constraints, and lack of awareness are some of the major obstacles that prevent higher access. However, ineffective and poorly designed supply chains for purchasing and distributing the medicines, vaccines, and health technologies are one of the most important barriers to increasing access. We argue that the ineffectiveness of the global health supply chain can be attributed largely to: coordination problems across multiple stakeholders with widely divergent objectives, lack of careful supply chain design, and use of myopic operational objectives and metrics. The operations management research community can contribute to improving this by applying existing knowledge to the field of global health delivery and by researching new frameworks of analysis which would then become the cornerstones for policy advice to those who design, operate, or finance these supply chains.  相似文献   

The management of health risk in the welding industry is considered based on a discussion of the major sources of harm to welders arising from their employment (e.g., accidents and inhalation of fumes and gases). It is shown that present methods neither enable the assessment of the societal and human costs involved, nor permit the specific association of delayed health effects to occupational fume exposures. Reported accidents usually occur early in the working experience and contribute to a large number of working days lost, while fume exposures may contribute to a reduction in life quality which is poorly defined. It is concluded that risk management can only be attempted after much more information is made available concerning the origin, nature, and duration of health effects, especially as related to individual welding technologies and applications.  相似文献   

CEO health     
Using comprehensive data on 28 cohorts in Sweden, we analyze CEO health and its determinants and outcomes. We find CEOs are in much better health than the population and on par with other high-skill professionals. These results apply in particular to mental health and to CEOs of larger companies. We explore three mechanisms that can account for CEOs’ robust health. First, we find health predicts appointment to a CEO position. Second, the CEO position has no discernible impact on the health of its holder. Third, poor health is associated with greater CEO turnover. Here, both contemporaneous health and health at the time of appointment matter. Poor CEO health also predicts poor firm outcomes. We find a statistically significant association between mental health and corporate performance for smaller-firm CEOs, for whom a one standard deviation deterioration in mental health translates into a performance reduction of 6% relative to the mean.  相似文献   

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