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农村大龄未婚青年婚配困境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村大龄青年婚配困境是农村婚姻变迁中的突出现象。农村婚姻变迁不仅体现在传统通婚圈向婚姻市场的外在转变,婚配方式、婚姻行为乃至婚姻观念都在发生快速而根本的转变。在男女性别比失调这一人口结构背景下,农村婚姻市场通过个体化的婚姻选择、婚姻竞争的物质转化、婚姻达成的家庭支持、婚姻市场结构失衡与社会排斥等运作机制,在结构与行动两方面形塑了农村大龄未婚青年的婚配困境。农村大龄未婚青年群体有进一步扩大的趋势,其婚配困境影响大龄未婚青年本体性价值和社会价值的实现,对农民家庭再生产有序进行以及社会稳定都造成不利影响,应当给予更多关注。  相似文献   

当前农村青年婚姻市场上,以"家庭地理位置"和"家庭经济条件"为分层标准,农村男青年被划分为不同的层级。不同层级的男青年在婚姻市场上有着不同的处境:较高层级的男青年拥有较大的择偶主动权,中层的男青年也基本能够进入婚姻,较低层级的男青年择偶困难,成为大龄未婚男青年的风险较大。因此,形成不同层级的原因是性别比失衡使得农民经济上的分化在婚姻市场上凸显出来,市场经济冲击下的农民择偶观念理性化,打工潮加剧了农村婚龄人口性别比的失衡。  相似文献   

“双重外来者”的生活——女性婚姻移民的生活经历分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
一、前 言伴随着经济体制的改革 ,流动和迁移席卷中国大地 ,其中源自农村的流动和迁移尤其引人注目。对于农村迁移者来说 ,男性与女性的一个显著不同在于 ,尽管大部分女性谈到她们迁移到城市的主要原因和目的是出于经济上的考虑 ,比如 ,为了寻找工作或为了挣更多的钱 ,但是 ,婚姻和家庭显然是女性迁移者生活中比男性更为重要的部分。另外 ,对未婚迁移妇女来说 ,进入城市或其他农村劳动力市场的同时 ,也进入了当地的婚姻市场。寻找婚姻伴侣、建立家庭也是女性流动和迁移的直接或间接目的之一。1 990年的人口普查数据表明 :将近三分之一的女…  相似文献   

婚姻市场是指婚龄期男性与女性择偶关系的总和,它是将经济分析的方法引入到社会行为中的分析,它表现为在一定时间和空间内,在婚姻领域人们对婚姻配偶的供给和需求关系。只有在一定时间和空间内婚龄期的男性和女性供需保持平衡,才能使婚姻市场保持基本的平衡,使处于婚龄期的男性和女性能够顺利找到婚配的对象。20世纪80年代,我国人口出生性别比失调初见端倪,而后继续攀升。随着80年代出生的人口步入结婚的年龄,婚龄的男性明显多于女性,婚姻市场出现了大龄男性青年找不到婚配对象的现象,并且因为我国人口出生性别比一直在攀升,后出生的人口随即进入婚配年龄,这个问题会更加突出。  相似文献   

中国十四省市农村妇女基本状况及其生活简析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据中国14省市农村婚姻、家庭调查所得3027女性个案资料分析了农村妇女生活基本情况。随着农村实行生产责任制后,妇女普遍参加生产和经济活动,妇女的收入在家庭收入中的比例提高,因而在家庭中的发言权也有所增加。但女性受教育状况仍是个值得重视的问题,全部被调查女性中文盲占36.3%。被调查女性中77.5%从事种植业,目前种植业在农村仍居于收益较低的行业,从事各种专业和进入乡镇企业的妇女仍属少数。调查表明农村家庭的当家人绝大多数还是男性,丈夫对家庭事务的决定权仍较大。半自主的婚姻占绝大多数。重男轻女的生育意愿普遍存在。农村妇女在争取婚姻完全自主、离婚自由及受教育权利等方面尚面临不少问题。  相似文献   

现代化理性主义渗透社会各个领域,社会的延续变迁不能离开对婚姻的探讨,当代农村婚姻出现很多新现象,男性婚姻压力增大、远亲婚恋、闪婚闪离等现象,这些都与女性家庭地位有很大关系,同时也离不开人们所依存的现代理性社会,基于女性家庭地位的变迁的视角对现代农村婚姻新现象进行分析,探讨这些现象的原因以及农村婚姻未来发展趋势,并试图给予可行性的建议。  相似文献   

“中英大龄女童技能培训和能力建设合作伙伴项目”是英国国际发展部第一次与全国妇联实施的合作伙伴项目,由英国国际发展部提供2500多万 元人民币,项目执行周期至2006年。该项目通过对贫困地区大龄女童提供一定的文化知识和技能培训以及开展社会宣传和研究工作,将为改善我 国云南、四川、甘肃三省贫困地区大龄女童状况,提高大龄女童素质,促进大龄女童更多地参与到当地经济和社会发展中起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

中国已进入老龄化社会,人口老龄化问题引发了一系列社会问题,贫困农村地区的养老问题更加特殊和复杂。在精确扶贫政策背景下,贫困农村地区的养老问题直接影响到精准扶贫的效果。当前,我国农村贫困地区老年人在经济生活、生活保健和心理健康方面仍存在一些问题,有必要建立以家庭养老和多种养老方式为基础的制度,关注农村贫困地区老年人的心理状况,在精准扶贫的政策背景下实现"精准助老"。  相似文献   

中国式的婚姻观重视家庭与亲属关系,个体对婚姻的满意程度往往脱离不了家庭系统而独立存在。对当代青年婚姻满意度的影响因素调查显示,无论个体对婚姻满意程度高低.同配偶同住以及发生矛盾冲突时,配偶所采取的态度是影响婚姻主观评价的重要因素之一.而同时配偶之外的家人互动和社区互动关系也对婚姻满意度具有重要的影响作用,并且在纳入家庭因素后,模型的解释力更强。这说明"婚姻满意度"作为一种主观判断,不仅要靠其与配偶之间的关系衡量,还需要将它放在整个社会文化结构下才能真正了解婚姻的社会定位。  相似文献   

牛芳 《现代妇女》2010,(6):132-135
女童教育是女性发展的基础,是关系到民族素质能否提高的大事。对贫困地区失辍学大龄女童的培训是一种补救性的非正规教育措施。本文以甘肃省实施“中英大龄女童合作伙伴项目”的实践和行动研究为基础,探讨分析了妇联组织在培训西部贫困地区失辍学大龄女童工作中的经验,以期引起妇联组织和更多的有识之士对贫困地区失辍学大龄女童这一弱势群体的关注,并借鉴甘肃省实施“中英大龄女童合作伙伴项目”的经验去教育和培训更多的大龄女童。  相似文献   

Exercise is consistently related to physical and psychological health benefits in older adults. Bandura's social-cognitive theory (SCT) is one theoretical perspective on understanding and predicting exercise behavior. Thus, the authors examined whether three SCT variables-self-efficacy, self-regulation, and outcome-expectancy value-predicted older adults' (N = 98) exercise behavior. Bivariate analyses revealed that regular exercise was associated with being male, White, and married; having higher income, education, and self-efficacy; using self-regulation skills; and having favorable outcome-expectancy values (p < .05). In a simultaneous multivariate model, however, self-regulation (p = .0097) was the only variable independently associated with regular exercise. Thus, exercise interventions targeting older adults should include components aimed at increasing the use of self-regulation strategies.  相似文献   

To examine flexible work scheduling of married workers a conceptual framework was developed and tested using the 1997 Current Population Survey Work Schedules Supplement. Odds of flextime use were higher for married males, non-Hispanic whites, those with relatively higher levels of education and income, those with a preschool aged child, residents of the Midwest or West (as compared with the South), managers or professionals, and employees of the federal government.  相似文献   

The study examines differences in self-rated health and perceived quality of life (QoL) among young working people according to occupation and education level. Subjects were extracted from a cross-sectional data set, covering questionnaire responses of people aged 20-74 years from the Swedish region of Osterg?tland, and addressing individual environmental and health conditions. The emphasis was on males and females in paid employment aged 20-34 (n = 863). Differences in self-rated health items and in perceived QoL were subjected to a series of t-tests. Two measures of individual socioeconomic position were considered - occupation and education. No education-based differences were found, and there were few differences based on occupation. Among males, manual workers reported significantly higher scores with regard to pain and physical function than did non-manual workers. Male and female manual workers scored significantly lower on current perceived QoL than non-manual workers. In the case of females, the differences between manual and non-manual workers also applied to former perceived QoL. Yet, after applying the Bonferroni correction, none of the differences observed remained significant. In line with some earlier studies, it appears that -- among young working adults -- the manners in which health status and QoL are perceived are not strongly conditional on socioeconomic position.  相似文献   

This paper examines a wide range of determinants of retiree well-being of retirees. Using data from the 2000 Health and Retirement Study, increases in economic factors such as income lead to higher well-being, although relative income has a larger effect than absolute income. The strongest predictors are the voluntariness of entering retirement, pension characteristics, and health. Retirees “forced” to retire or have defined contribution pensions or bad health have significantly lower well-being. The results suggest a more nuanced approach in addressing retiree well-being than just a focus on the economic well-being of retirees.  相似文献   

Past research has examined various state-level measures that predict state economic growth and other economic and social indicators. This research has largely ignored the potential role of family structure in contributing to state-level outcomes, despite the extensive literature on links between family structure and economic outcomes at the individual level. We estimated a state-level panel model and found that both the proportion of adults and the proportion of parents who are married are strongly related to important state-level economic outcomes, including economic growth, median household income, median personal income, and poverty.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present three‐wave study of 72 developing countries, we use growth curves to examine how changes in fertility and level of fertility mediate the effect of women's social status on women's health as measured by infant mortality, maternal mortality, and female life expectancy. We find that level of female education, average age at marriage, and the percentage of married women using contraceptives influence attained level of fertility, with controls for economic growth and dependency status. Change in fertility, however, is predicted only by average age at marriage and by level of education. Change in fertility, in turn, predicts improvement in all three women's health indicators, while the level of fertility predicts improvement in maternal mortality and infant mortality. In addition to the mediating effects of fertility, both age at marriage and education contribute directly to reduced level of infant mortality; level of primary education contributes directly to reduced levels of maternal mortality; and use of contraceptives contributes directly to improvement in female life expectancy. These findings provide strong evidence that women's social status makes direct contributions to women's health which cannot be attributed to economic growth, dependency status, and/or the mediating effects of level and change in fertility. The policy implication for developing countries is that greater gains can be made in women's health, particularly maternal health, by improving women's social status, especially in rural areas.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(2):79-85
Andropause (also known as androgen decline in aging males) has implications for the reproductive health and quality of life of older males. Very few studies have, however, been reported among the Nigerian population on andropause-related issues. This study assesses the perspective and level of awareness of married men in Ile-Ife, South-west Nigeria, of andropause. We also assessed their experience of erectile dysfunction, using a questionnaire based on the review of the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction. The study involved 355 married men, aged between 30 and 70 years. Our result shows a high level of misconception about andropause among our respondents, with 38.9% indicating that it is a myth, and another 23.6% attributing it to various causes other than being a natural aging process. We recorded a prevalence of erectile dysfunction of 43.8% (8.0% severe dysfunction and 35.8% moderate dysfunction). The prevalence of erectile dysfunction increased significantly with age, varying from 38.5% for age 31-40 years to 63.9% for the older age group of 61-70 years. The trend in prevalence of erectile dysfunction with age was significant (p < 0.05). An odds ratio of 2.82 (95% confidence interval 1.19-6.76) was recorded for the prevalence of erectile dysfunction at age 61-70 years compared with age 31-40 years. Our findings indicate a need for health education about andropause in Nigeria, and increased attention to the reproductive health concerns of males, and the older population.  相似文献   

Most researchers support the notion that a direct negative relationship exists between married women's labor force participation and fertility behavior, yet female employment shows no consistent, general relationship with declining fertility at individual and societal levels. Specific conditions under which employment lowers fertility are therefore explored for the case of Bangladesh. The economic, sociological, and world-system theoretical approaches to the relationship and empirical studies in developing countries including Bangladesh are reviewed. 1975-76 Bangladesh Fertility Survey data on births, deaths, nuptiality, and family planning knowledge and practice for 5772 currently married women of 6513 ever married women under 50 sampled are subjected to multivariate analysis for the study. Analysis revealed that women's modern and traditional occupation as well as higher and secondary education significantly lower their fertility, and that higher age, Islamic religion, use of modern contraceptives, and husband's occupation in transitional and modern sectors have significant positive effects on fertility. The correlation between higher fertility and contraceptive use may be due to women's delay in practicing family planning until reaching desired parity and/or high infant mortality driving women to cease practice in order to replace lost offspring. Future research should be conducted with larger samples and also consider occupations of both husbands and wives. Societal attitudes about women's education should be reformed in support of opening rural schools for women. With 90% of women residing in rural areas and women with traditional occupations having lower fertility, more traditional sector opportunities for women in cottage industry and agriculture production are also recommended, and would help balance skewed urban growth and hypertrophication of the tertiary sector. Finally, motivational efforts should be focused upon encouraging younger instead of older married couples to limit fertility.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether the perception of unequal relationship recognition ‐ a novel couple‐level minority stressor ‐ has negative consequences for mental health among same‐sex couples. Data were analyzed from a dyadic study of 100 same‐sex couples (200 individuals) in the United States. Being in a legal marriage was associated with lower perceived unequal recognition and better mental health; being in a registered domestic partnership or civil union—but not also legally married—was associated with greater perceived unequal recognition and worse mental health. Actor partner interdependence models tested associations between legal relationship status, unequal relationship recognition, and mental health (nonspecific psychological distress, depressive symptomatology, and problematic drinking), net controls (age, gender, race and ethnicity, education, and income). Unequal recognition was consistently associated with worse mental health, independent of legal relationship status. Legal changes affecting relationship recognition should not be seen as simple remedies for addressing the mental health effects of institutionalized discrimination.  相似文献   

China's rapid economic growth and significant increase in divorce and remarriage rates since the early 1980s provide an excellent case for studying the divorce and remarriage patterns in economic transition. Following extremely low divorce and remarriage rates in the 1960s and 1970s, China's crude divorce rate increased from 0.33 in 1979 to 1.59 in 2007, and the percentage of remarriages among the people who married each year increased from 3.05% in 1985 to 10.24% in 2007. Our graphical and econometric analyses based on the most recently available data suggest that the variations in divorce rate and remarriage rate across regions and over time were associated with regional factors, per-capita income, and education level. Also, there was a positive trend in both divorce and remarriage rates across all regions in China over the study period.  相似文献   

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