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“曼荼罗”符号在佛教(尤其是密宗)和印度教中都有“现象”上的同品运用,但符号所具有的所指意义,以及符号组合和内核的能指寓意并不相同.从佛教和印度教的发展历史和教义来看,曼荼罗符号有着交叉点,也存在各自的独立空间,主要体现在象征寓意、宗教思辨及灵修实践、寺院建筑布局等方面.  相似文献   

刘俊哲 《民族学刊》2020,11(2):77-83, 138
宗喀巴指出,佛陀所创正法,唯在于“教”“证”两种,“教”是指佛教教理,“证”为修道中的证悟。宗喀巴《密宗道次第广论》具有鲜明的“教”与“证”相结合的特色。此著在“教”方面体现为本体论、佛性论、人生论、道德论、方法论等哲学思想,贯穿于《密宗道次第广论》的哲学主线是中观应成派一切诸法缘起性空论。通过灌顶、诵咒、观想及借助坛城、法器等修各种瑜伽,以亲证或体现这些哲学思想。诸如此类的哲学思想是《密宗道次第广论》所论述的各种修行实践的深刻内涵,而各种修行实践是其外在表现形式。  相似文献   

西藏西部佛教石窟中的曼荼罗与东方曼荼罗世界   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国考古工作者在西藏西部的东嘎、皮央等地调查发现了一批佛教石窟,这一发现不仅极大地丰富了西藏高原佛教艺术的宝库,也填补了我国石窟寺艺术在空间分布上的空白,引起国内外学术界极大的重视与关注。 西藏西部石窟壁画中有大量的密教美术题材,其中尤其是以东嘎洞窟所绘的大幅密宗曼荼罗图最为精美、最为丰富多彩。作为一种特殊的密教图案,曼荼罗在东方佛教美术世界中占有十分重要的位置,在南亚印度、尼泊尔等国以及东亚的中国、日本等国历史上都曾经一度甚为流行。但现存于世的曼荼罗图案,却仅在藏密系统的中国西藏、尼泊尔、拉达克,以及称之为“东密”的日本密教中得以保存流传至今。本文拟通过对于西藏西部石窟壁画中的曼荼罗遗存与这些地区密教曼荼罗图像的比较研究,揭示东方曼荼罗世界在表现形式与精神象征等方面的异同,进而探讨其文化上的相互关系。  相似文献   

天人合一的藏传佛教密宗曼荼罗艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对藏传佛教密宗曼荼罗艺术的发展源流、种类形式、表现内容、风格特色、宗教 象征意义、审美内涵、艺术特色等作了较全面的探讨和论述。  相似文献   

据密宗典籍说,曼荼罗是密宗修行者通过这种形式在其精神世界里交通"神灵"的一种神圣场所或道场。作为一种宗教艺术纹样,它流传甚广,影响巨大,其制作用料和色彩搭配都有其深刻的民族心理和宗教象征意义。  相似文献   

潘君瑶 《民族学刊》2021,12(4):41-51, 115
“百年未有之大变局”下遗产话语与实践正面临危机,基于历史学、民族学、社会学、符号学、文化学等梳理并构建跨学科理论逻辑体系,用社会建构的视角探讨我国遗产话语横向共时性的中西方平等对话、纵向历时性的文化符号表征与文化记忆的形成,提出“遗产社会建构框架”与“遗产共建共享:文化‘活态化’传承与传播的社会实践路径”,强调只有在对话与交流的基础上,以人为本、以文化为核心,对遗产文化符号进行“神圣化”“重复化”与“现时化”的阐释与展示,才能讲好中国传统文化故事,形成文化记忆,“活态化”传承与传播遗产文化,塑造民族文化自觉、文化自信与文化认同。  相似文献   

佛教分大乘和小乘,大乘佛教中又分显宗和密宗。由印度传人西藏并广为传播的是大乘佛教,其中密宗较为兴盛,提倡显密共修,先显后密。藏语称密宗作“桑俄”,意为“秘密真言”。密宗的发达是藏传佛教重要特点之一。十三世纪初,佛教在印度泯灭后,唯有藏传佛教保留了密宗四部修习的完整形态。藏传佛教密宗有自己的传承,在所重经典、修习次第、仪轨、制度等方面也有其独到之处。  相似文献   

赵菁  许媛萍 《民族学刊》2022,13(3):101-111, 149
以“共同意识”作为切入点,采用较为深度的泛文本语境方法,对“十七年”时期少数民族题材电影作品进行叙事层面的剖析,尝试对其间的话语策略进行归纳,并着重探讨其如何通过影像化、故事化叙述共同历史、共同故事,诠释民族关系和党的民族理论与政策,探讨影像与时代话语间的互动关系,分析个体身份与中华民族认同的建构路径。这一时期有着独特的叙事话语方式,总是倾向于以国家话语统合族群、家庭观念,以家国情感取代个体情感,以阶级认同重构他者阵营、以阶级矛盾替代故事冲突从而实现国家意识形态融入民族题材的书写;其间旖旎多姿的少数民族地域风光再现、与汉杂糅的少数民族民俗风情再造、敢于斗争的少数民族女性形象塑造,又在一定程度上成就了民族话语对国家话语兼容之下的“黄金年代”,并成为时代符号而深深嵌入一代观众的集体记忆当中;还多采用黑暗与光明的象征、身体与疾病的隐喻、身份与认同的建构等方式进行共同文化的叙事。经由国家话语的规训、民族话语的兼容以及“国族、家国同构”的话语体系,如何建构关于新中国的文化想象与共同体想象,塑造出一个通过异域空间、民族风情、人物形象等景观展示出来的“共和国”,将各民族同胞通过少数民族题材电影凝聚在一起,通过“讲述过去”“讲述当下”,进而“塑造未来”,从而印证“意识形态工具是‘十七年’时期少数民族题材电影的话语本质”这一结论。  相似文献   

藏传密宗瑜伽修法(二)噶尔仁波切著李钟霖译注编者按:“密宗”是藏学研究中的一个十分重要的内容。目前,世界上正在掀起一股“密宗”研究、修炼的热潮。本文对“密宗”研究有一定的参考价值,且译文流畅,注释详尽,特予发表,以飨读者。本译文之一,见《青海民族学院...  相似文献   

《格萨尔》作为一部曲折表现藏族人民认识世界、解释世界和改造世界的英雄史诗,承载了藏族民间的信仰文化,藏族人的真、利、善、美、圣观念在其中被体现得淋漓尽致,因而使其思想性和艺术性获得了高度的统一。也正是这种统一性,使得历史与现实的“真”和文学的“真”,通过以表现史诗主人公格萨尔金戈铁马一生所获得的现实的“利”与幻想的“利”的故事为载体,以善、美、圣为意义的支持而得以实现。文章从探讨存在于《格萨尔》中藏民族的真、利、善、美、圣观念及其相互支持、相互诠释、相互渗透、相互依赖的关系入手,企图从整体上考察藏族文化何以形成被社会各阶层普遍认同的凝聚力,何以有延续千年而不衰的活力。  相似文献   

The use of the categories ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ to differentiate between those on the move and the legitimacy, or otherwise, of their claims to international protection has featured strongly during Europe’s ‘migration crisis’ and has been used to justify policies of exclusion and containment. Drawing on interviews with 215 people who crossed the Mediterranean to Greece in 2015, our paper challenges this ‘categorical fetishism’, arguing that the dominant categories fail to capture adequately the complex relationship between political, social and economic drivers of migration or their shifting significance for individuals over time and space. As such it builds upon a substantial body of academic literature demonstrating a disjuncture between conceptual and policy categories and the lived experiences of those on the move. However, the paper is also critical of efforts to foreground or privilege ‘refugees’ over ‘migrants’ arguing that this reinforces rather than challenges the dichotomy’s faulty foundations. Rather those concerned about the use of categories to marginalise and exclude should explicitly engage with the politics of bounding, that is to say, the process by which categories are constructed, the purpose they serve and their consequences, in order to denaturalise their use as a mechanism to distinguish, divide and discriminate.  相似文献   

在"文明间对话"被各国学界极为重视的当代,特别值得关注与研究的是,17-18世纪的回儒学与日本德川儒学之间的具有价值和意义的对话.刘智和伊藤仁斋是同时代不同文化背景的两位思想大师,同时受到朱子学影响,并吸收融合而产生出自己独特的思想体系.本文将探讨这两位思想家对朱子学"理"、"气"思想的重构特色.进一步想说明,不同文化...  相似文献   


Updating our earlier work on Brussels as the paradigm of a multi-level, multi-cultural, multi-national city, and in the context of Brussels’s recent troubled emergence as the epicentre of violent conflict between radical political Islam and the West, this paper sets out the paradoxical intersection of national (i.e. Flemish and Francophone), non-national and ethnic minority politics in a city placed as a multi-cultural and multi-national ‘urban anomaly’ at the heart of linguistic struggle of the two dominant Belgian communities. Brussels is one of the three Regions of the Belgian federal model alongside Flanders and Wallonia. It is also an extraordinarily diverse and cosmopolitan city, in which a mixed language Belgian population lives alongside very high numbers of resident non-nationals, including European elites, other European immigrant workers, and immigrants from Africa and Asia. After laying out the complex distribution of power and competences within the Belgian federal structure, we explore whether these structures have worked over the years to include or exclude disadvantaged ethnic groups. To better understand these processes, we introduce our view of the multi-level governance perspective.  相似文献   

This article will focus on the development of Irish and Ulster-British nationalisms through examining five factors that had the greatest impact on the creation and growth of these nationalisms: the geographic and topographic setting; demographic changes; sociocultural factors; economic and class factors; and the impact of the colonial power. The article will show that nationalism is driven by variables that originate from broader processes extending beyond the national group.  相似文献   

民俗变异与民俗学者的立场   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现今中国的经济变革正在引起包括物质、精神、社会等层面上的民俗的复杂变化。作者认为民俗学者应当站在学术、社会和人文的立场上来对待、研究这一现象。  相似文献   

本试验研究了不同季节(舍温变化)对母猪生产性能及仔猪发育情况的影响,以及温度对生长猪日增重的影响和断乳仔猪的生长规律。试验结果表明:军牧一号母猪冬季窝产仔数多,但仔猪的成活率、健仔率低,夏季窝仔数少,但成活率和健仔率高,春秋季成活率、健仔率偏低,与其它两季比较差异不显著(P>0.05),仔猪初生重和断乳体重大。  相似文献   


This article proposes a reconceptualisation of regionalism, nationalism and globalisation as simultaneous and causally connected phenomena, which first peaked in the early decades of the twentieth century. Focusing on figures such as Hermann Muthesius, Fritz Schumacher and others active in the Deutscher Werkbund, it examines how competition in the global market inspired a search for modern yet uniquely national forms that derived their 'authenticity' from vernacular culture. Yet paradoxically, the visual vocabulary of Heimat was frequently inspired by English and American models. This article interprets the aesthetic and political translations which the peripatetics of localism entailed, and shows how consumer goods 'made in Germany' came to be invested with a sense of cultural mission.  相似文献   

在盛行一夫一妻制的大理州洱源县西山乡白族传统社会中,婚姻之外还存在着结交情人的"采百花"习俗。"采百花"习俗在当地白族传统社会中呈公开而普遍的存在状态,与其他绝大多数社会为维护婚姻家庭和谐稳定所规定的伦理道德和法律规范相悖。本文作者对"采百花"习俗进行了长期的田野调查,深入分析研究了大理洱源西山白族传统社会中"采百花"习俗的历史文化背景、基本特征、群体认同、社会规范及其在当代社会中发生的变迁,为探求白族传统婚俗文化提供了一个民族志个案。  相似文献   

A growing body of work considers sport and the social construction of identities. Drawing from that research, this article considers how football clubs are involved in the construction of national identities by making explicit the connections between sport, identity and place. The first part of the article examines the literature addressing sport and collective identification/representation and considers critical approaches that uncover the power relations that frame the sport/identity nexus. The second part of the article applies these ideas to a discussion of Football Club Barcelona's role in the social construction of Catalan nationalism and national identity from 1899 to 1975.  相似文献   

In 2010, the French parliament passed legislation banning the concealment of the face in public in response to a highly publicised debate over the place of the full-face Islamic veil in French society. This essay explores the thus far unexamined relationship between Jewish-French philosopher Emmanual Levinas' ethics of the face-to-face encounter and France's so-called burqa ban. It draws particular attention to the role vision plays in the articulations of ethical comportment between French citizens that were used to justify the burqa ban. In his writing on the face, Levinas remarked more than once that ethics for him is an optics. I seek to demonstrate that his understanding of vision in relation to the face of the Other is a very different optics from that advanced in French anti-burqa discourse.  相似文献   

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