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张彬  万敏  孙文斌 《决策与信息》2009,(5):160-160,37
培训迁移效果是企业进行人力资源质量提升行为评价的主要依据,为了对培训迁移效果优化进行探析,本文采用了理论研究与经验研究相结合的方式对培训迁移效果优化的影响因素进行研究。得出研究结论:员工的初始动机、职业生涯规划、工作节奏、培训优化方法的设计、培训目标的设置、培训后干预、同事的支持、学习氛围和时机会对培训迁移效果优化产生影响。  相似文献   

21世纪的人类社会已经进入了一个以知识和创新为主导的时代,竞争的关键是人才.培训是企业培养人才、开发人才、留住人才的重要手段.遇过培训工作的有效开展,可以提升企业员工的竞争力,进而提升企业的整体竞争力.因此,研究影响培训迁移效果及促进培训迁移发生的个人及组织因素,具有十分重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

企业开展培训的最终目的是通过增加员工的技能、改善员工的心态、提高员工的素质来提高组织绩效。由于员工不能有效地将培训所学迁移到实际工作里,会出现培训效果不如人意的局面。所谓培训迁移侧重于培训中学得的行为如何更好地应用于实际,以及是否经过一段时间仍能保持。研究培训迁移的关键影响因素的最终目的,就是为了制定出相应的干预对策,更有效地将培训所学迁移到工作中,最大程度地提高培训活动的效果。本次论文研究的内容主要侧重于受训者的能力、动机等个人特征因素的研究。本文将着重分析个人特征因素对企业培训迁移有效性的影响。  相似文献   

运用世代交叠模型研究了迁移摩擦对城乡劳动力迁移结构变迁的长期动态特征影响. 研究表明,在城乡劳动力市场分割的前提下,迁移成本、城镇失业人员的工资和暂时性迁移工 人的工作摩擦共同刻画了中国城乡劳动力迁移的动态变化特征. 当迁移摩擦变化时,农村迁移 人员会理性地调整对教育的投资,进而会影响到迁移人员的教育结构和数量结构,而教育投资 函数的凹函数性质和迁移人员风险厌恶的特征使得技术工对迁移摩擦变动更敏感, 引起技术 工的劳动供给更明显的变化,进而引起技术工工资更明显变化, 为“迁移之谜”出现提供了可 能. 改善迁移人员的住房条件、医疗保障服务和完善劳动力市场机制,从而降低迁移成本、增加 暂时性迁移工人的就业概率,是加快中国城乡迁移进程和解决中国“迁移之谜”的有效政策.  相似文献   

在城市化进程中失地农民的数量逐步增多,各级政府想方设法搭建就业平台,积极实施就业和教育培训,本文通过借鉴"Trainingtransfermodel"理论,结合玉溪市双江镇双小片区具体实际,构建出"失地农民培训迁移模式",从而实现政府、企业与失地农民的利益最大化。  相似文献   

语言迁移理论兴起于上世纪50年代。已有的研究表明,汉语和英语是区别很大的两种语言,中国学生在英语写作中普遍受到汉语负迁移的影响;本文根据语言迁移的理论对英语写作中汉语负迁移的句法层面做了相关的归纳和总结,并对如何减少大学英语教学中的汉语负迁形提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

迁移是学习过程的一个重要方面。任何人的创新能力均可用这个公式来估计:"创新能力=知识量*迁移能力",新发明源于知识的迁移,迁移现象是十分广泛的,它涉足于生产、生活、学习的各个领域,它表现在知识、技能、情感、态度的各个方面。随着教育事业的发展和对教学质量要求的提高,所以迁移的理论在各科教学活动中都有所体现。  相似文献   

MACS:企业培训模式的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以培训迁移为中心的培训价值是,通过培养学员的创新精神,开发他们的智能潜力,引发学员一系列想象或假设,让他们提出实战性的解决问题的方案,由此可大大提升企业培训的效率和效果。  相似文献   

政府驻地迁移的资源配置效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为改变辖区空间布局的政府行为,政府驻地迁移是否会影响地区资源配置尚未得以揭示。本文在收集市级政府驻地迁移批示时间的基础上,结合中国工业企业数据库,探索政府驻地迁移的资源配置效应。研究发现,政府驻地迁移有利于降低辖区TFP离散度,缓解资源错配。考虑内生性问题后,这一影响依旧显著。总体上,政府驻地迁移的资源配置效应在大中城市更为明显,且与迁移距离存在正向关联。此外,研究还发现,政府驻地迁入会加大该区(县)资源错配程度,迁出影响与之相反。以上研究结论在为政府驻地迁移行为管理提供参考的同时,也为理解政府在地区资源配置过程中所扮演的角色提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

心理学关于迁移现象的研究表明,如果人们学习时,对学过的知识、技能、概念掌握牢固,且又善于分辨,那么就会对另一种知识、技能和概念产生有益的影响或推动,这叫学习的正迁移;反之叫负迁移。在教学中,教师如能利用迁移规律,注意发挥正迁移的作用,不但有利于巩固已学得的知识,而且有利于  相似文献   

This study explores the roles of transfer of training and job satisfaction in the relationship between training and customer service quality. The data were collected from 230 employees and their supervisors and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that training indirectly influences customer service quality through the mediation of transfer of training and job satisfaction. Moreover, training directly and indirectly affects transfer of training through the mediation of job satisfaction, which in turn partially mediates the relationship between transfer of training and customer service quality. Furthermore, perceived organizational support (POS) moderates the relationship between training and transfer of training. This study extends social exchange theory, norm of reciprocity, and goal setting theory. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

在假定投资者存在私人信息的情况下,以投资者行为为研究视角,构建了老股转让前后IPO定、抑价模型,研究了老股转让前后投资者行为对IPO定价效率的影响,并进行了比较分析。理论模型和数值分析表明:在两种不同的制度下,散户投资者越乐观,IPO定价效率越低,且散户和机构投资者之间的分歧越大,IPO定价效率也越低;在投资者情绪相同的情况下,老股转让制度降低了IPO抑价,具有更高的定价效率;然而,当老股转让后投资者之间的分歧大于老股转让前分歧时,则可能导致老股转让后的IPO抑价高于老股转让前的IPO抑价,即老股转让后的IPO抑价更高,IPO定价效率更低。论文以我国2009-2012以及2014年IPO数据进行实证研究,初步统计发现,老股转让后的IPO抑价明显高于老股转让前IPO抑价,得到与理论模型恰好相反的结论;实证分析结果表明,老股转让后投资者情绪对IPO抑价影响明显大于老股转让前的,也就是说,由于老股转让制度反而提高了我国投资者的乐观情绪,从而导致了与理论模型预期恰好相反的结果。因此,加强投资者理性培养对于我国IPO市场化改革的成败至关重要。  相似文献   

As organizations face a rapidly changing marketing environment, they have an increased investment in training programs that aim to improve employees’ hard skills to successfully execute tasks and soft skills for healthy social relationships. Although managers question the transfer problem in hard- and soft-skills training, researchers have limited knowledge on this topic. This study focuses on improving the initial training transfer, an essential phase of the transfer process. Specifically, drawing on signaling theory, we introduce training characteristics (i.e., training content validity and transfer design) as the antecedents. This study also assesses the potential underlying mechanisms by examining the roles of training engagement and training criticality. Using a sample of 182 employees enrolled in a typical hard- and soft-skills training program (i.e., quality management training), we test a mediation model. As expected, the results indicate that both training content validity and transfer design positively impact initial training transfer. Furthermore, the links between training characteristics and initial training transfer are mediated by training engagement and training criticality. This study contributes to the research on initial training transfer by exploring training characteristics as the antecedents and integrating the research on transfer and personal attitudes under hard- and soft-skills training.  相似文献   

There is a considerable gap in academic theoretical literature about the international training of expatriates in multinational enterprises (MNEs). While the majority of research has focused on developed (Western) multinationals operating in developing countries, very limited research has been conducted on emerging multinational enterprises (EMNEs) operating in developed countries and the expatriates who work in them. In this study, we explore the international training of expatriates in Indian MNEs from the information technology industry operating in Australia to examine how they provide training to their expatriate staff who are sent on international assignments. We collected qualitative data in the form of multiple case studies via interviews with senior executives based in the Australian subsidiaries. Our findings reveal that Indian IT MNEs provide a variety of centralised training programmes for their managerial and technical expatriates and use training as a key instrument to leverage and transfer home country knowledge to their Australian subsidiaries. We also found that each stakeholder involved in the training process plays a distinct role in the knowledge transfer process, which allows Indian EMNEs to integrate the training with their people-centred business model to deliver IT services in host countries.  相似文献   

Training participants' cognitions (training self-efficacy and training instrumentality) can be powerful motivational forces (and impact their motivation to learn and motivation to transfer) and influence important distal outcomes (such as training transfer). Our paper provides a set of ideas linking training cognitions with training outcomes. In addition, we support our propositions with a preliminary empirical test, based on a sample of 254 employees, who provide information on their training perceptions of training and development efforts at their organization. The results indicate that although the ‘can do’ (training self-efficacy) is a primary predictor or motivation to learn, the ‘will do’ aspect (training instrumentality) is the primary predictor for motivation to transfer. In addition, training transfer is predicted primarily by motivation to transfer, and has a strong relationship with training instrumentality. Given the paucity of research on the instrumentality aspect, we discuss theoretical and practical implications, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Transfer of training: A review and new insights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Even successful training programs cannot guarantee that newly learned knowledge and skills will be transferred to the workplace. This has led to researchers’ interests in understanding the transfer process. Notwithstanding that transfer issues have been studied for several decades, the recent emphasis on ‘workplace learning’, especially the so‐called ‘situated learning’ approach, suggests that conventional training transfer research may be inadequate to understand the dynamics of performance improvement through training. Against this, the authors point to the increased policy emphasis on the development of transferable generic skills, which underscores the ongoing importance of training transfer. This review paper suggests that the role of trainees themselves has not been dealt with sufficiently in research, which leads to a new direction for studying the transfer of training.  相似文献   


Motivational influences are important predictors of training effectiveness and transfer of training to the workplace. The present study introduces the Transfer Interest Questionnaire (TIQ) to measure trainee interest. Grounded in the person-object theory of interest, the construct encompasses two dimensions: interest in training content and interest in training transfer. The results of exploratory factor analyses of questionnaire data from 203 trainees provided strong support for the proposed scales. Based on the perspective of age-related motivational maintenance, socioemotional selectivity theory, the gender-similarities hypothesis, and research on training motivation and motivation to transfer, a series of moderator analyses tested the effects of six trainee and training-design characteristics: trainees’ age and gender, work experience, number of semesters completed, training course’s content area, and voluntary vs. mandatory training participation. Furthermore, based on social cognitive theory, the theory of planned behavior, and the expectancy-value model of achievement motivation, the study tested the TIQ scales’ associations with utility value, self-efficacy, normative beliefs, control beliefs, and transfer intentions. Implications for theorizing the role of interest in transfer of learning, screening training participants’ interest profiles in training evaluations, and future research directions on the role of interest in adult education, corporate training, and human resource development are discussed.  相似文献   

对企业实行债转股的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
启动财务杠杆给企业带来的效益一直是理论界关注的焦点.本文所介绍的是在西方较为流行的两种对启动财务杠杆实行馈转股的企业进行效益分析的理论模型.第—种模型强调资本成本在债转股中的重要性,认为企业制订是否实行债转股的决策依据就是对企业破产成本,委托代理成本和无形资产成本的评估.而对投资者来说,在投资中选择持债还是持股也依据他们对委托代理成本和无形资产的评估.第二种模型则建议企业在启动资本杠杆实行债转股中注重对风险的规避. 对于中国国有企业实行的债转股,本文以为它在所有制、市场条件及社会经济制度背景等方面具有完全不同的性质.但我们仍可以利用财务杠杆的工作原理将国有企业的债务转为股份公开上市交易,以实行中国国有企业的民营化,减轻企业的债务负担,同时减少国有银行的呆坏帐.  相似文献   


Are female and male trainees similar or different in their reaction to training programmes, specifically regarding their subjective task value and motivation to transfer? According to the gender similarities hypothesis, women and men are alike on most psychological variables. However, according to research in organizational behaviour, female and male employees differ on certain aspects, such as their job satisfaction and work identity. To test these two views on gender similarities and differences in the context of human resource development and training evaluation, the present study examined the extent to which gender moderated reactions to training. Based on the expectancy-value theory of motivation and self-determination theory, a web-based questionnaire was used to measure six training reactions: intrinsic value, attainment value, utility value, perceived relative cost, autonomous motivation to transfer, and controlled motivation to transfer. The results indicated that women and men differed in their ratings of attainment value but were similar for the remaining five reaction measures. These outcomes support the gender similarities hypothesis. The findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications for modelling gender effects in HRD research and their practical significance for promoting training effectiveness and transfer of training.  相似文献   

企业知识内部转移:模式、影响因素与机制分析   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
知识是企业的核心资源,它只有在企业内部不断转移才能产生更大的价值。本文分析了企业知识转移的三种理论模式,以及影响企业知识内部转移的因素,并探讨了如何建立企业知识内部转移的机制。  相似文献   

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