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从认知视角考察了管理者感知的环境特征及设定的战略导向对不同战略复杂性形成的驱动作用.结果表明:在中国情境下,当管理者感知环境复杂性程度较高时,客户战略复杂性和竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者感知到环境动态性较高时,竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者设定前瞻者战略导向或分析者战略导向时,客户战略复杂性和竞争战略复杂性会提高;当管理者设定了防御者战略导向或反应者战略导向时,客户战略复杂性有可能降低,但对竞争战略复杂性影响不大.该结论验证了当前转型经济背景下的企业战略复杂性的驱动因素,为探讨战略复杂性产生的研究提供了理论补充和实践指导.  相似文献   

转型背景下组织复杂性与组织效能关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对468家中国企业的实证研究,探讨了组织复杂性与组织效能的关系.研究结果表明:组织的结构复杂性及目标复杂性与组织效能具有倒U型曲线关系,组织的战略复杂性与组织效能有正相关关系;环境复杂性对组织的结构复杂性与组织效能的关系及组织的目标复杂性与组织效能的关系有正向调节作用,对战略复杂性与组织效能关系的调节作用不显著;此外,环境动态性对组织的结构复杂性与组织效能的关系有负向调节作用;对组织的战略复杂性与组织效能的关系及组织的目标复杂性与组织效能关系的调节作用不显著.该结论验证了当前转型经济背景下的企业组织复杂性对组织效能的复杂作用关系,揭示了中国转型经济的不确定环境对企业组织复杂性产生的影响.  相似文献   

转型背景下企业有效应对组织复杂性的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何借助不同类型的组织复杂性为企业创造效能已成为当前理论界及实践界研究的热点.本文基于文献研究提出了不同组织复杂性与组织效能的关系及影响这一关系的复杂适应性机理的假设.实证研究表明,转型经济环境下,结构复杂性与组织效能存在倒U型曲线关系,战略复杂性与组织效能存在U型曲线关系,目标复杂性与组织效能存在倒U型曲线关系;在复杂适应性的五个维度中,动态适应在组织复杂性与组织效能关系中起完全中介作用;自组学习及自主创新在这一关系中起部分中介作用;自发变革和柔性协作的中介作用不显著.研究结论对企业有效应对组织复杂性有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

不同驱动与控制下的战略变化速度与幅度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文整合已有的对战略变化驱动的研究并引入控制机制,采用多行业的大样本数据实证分析检验了外部竞争环境驱动和内部组织因素驱动对于管理者控制方式选择的影响,对于战略变化过程中速度和幅度两个基本特征的影响,以及战略控制和财务控制两种不同控制方式对于战略变化过程的影响。  相似文献   

本文在文献综述的基础上构建了一个分销适应化和价格适应化战略选择的关键影响因素以及与出口绩效的关系的整合概念模型并以我国制造业出口企业为对象进行实证研究.研究发现我国企业在国际经营中采取的分销适应化战略及价格适应化战略受到企业外部因素和内部因素的共同驱动,但不同的内外部因素对适应化战略的影响程度不同.其次,实证研究发现我国企业的出口绩效既受分销适应化战略和国际化视野的直接影响也受出口市场环境和学习能力的间接影响.最后,实证研究发现表明对于我国企业来说提升其国际化视野和学习能力在选择有效的国际营销战略和提高其出口业绩方面有重要作用.  相似文献   

本文针对转型背景下市场环境的独特性,以社会网络理论和动态能力理论为基础,探讨了企业外部网络范围和网络强度对战略变化速度的影响,以及不同战略导向的企业在利用网络推动战略变化过程中的差异.研究提出了六个理论假设,并采用198个企业的样本数据进行了实证检验.研究发现,网络范围和网络强度对战略变化速度有不同影响,而不同战略导向的企业在利用网络方面也存在显著差异.研究拓展了以往战略变化方面的文献,并为中国转型背景下企业的战略调整活动提供了有针对性的理论指导.  相似文献   

探讨了制度导向环境与市场(或任务)导向环境的差异及其内在关联性,以及这种关系和差异所导致的组织2种不同导向的战略应对行为.研究结果表明,企业在制定与实施战略时,应综合考虑环境中的市场或任务与制度导向因素,并积极将市场导向战略与制度导向战略进行整合.最后,基于事项管理理论提出了一个企业整合市场导向与制度导向战略的管理模型,旨在为处于高度制度化环境中转型期的中国企业管理者们进行全面的组织环境管理,以及制定与实施整合导向战略时提供一些实践启示.  相似文献   

高管胜任特征与战略导向的匹配对企业绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"培养和开发与战略导向匹配的高层管理者"一直是战略管理与人力资源管理领域共同关注的重要问题。本文基于权变理论,系统分析了高管胜任特征与战略导向的匹配对企业绩效的影响。研究结果显示:第一,成本导向型、创新导向型和质量导向型3种战略导向类型在我国企业确实存在,且不同类型的战略导向对企业绩效有差异性影响,其中创新导向型企业与质量导向型企业都比成本导向型企业具有较高的财务绩效和人力资源绩效。第二,单维度高管胜任特征与不同战略导向匹配对企业绩效有差异性影响,其中战略意识对各战略导向型企业的绩效均有显著影响,组织建设能力对质量导向型与创新导向型企业的绩效有显著影响,品质素养对质量导向型企业的绩效和创新导向型企业的人力资源绩效有显著影响,而洞察力仅对质量导向型与创新导向型企业的人力资源绩效有显著影响。第三,多维度高管胜任特征与不同战略导向匹配对企业绩效有差异性影响,高管战略意识与成本导向型和质量导向型企业匹配,高管战略意识和组织建设能力与创新导向型企业匹配。基于此,本文对研究结果进行了讨论,并对单维和多维高管胜任特征与战略导向匹配对企业绩效影响的差异进行了拓展分析,同时给出了研究结果的管理启示。通过研究,旨在丰富与扩展高管胜任特征、战略导向与企业绩效之间匹配关系的研究,为理解与解释中国企业的战略决策提供了理论依据与实证支持。  相似文献   

赵旭  刘新梅 《管理科学》2016,29(6):52-63
 基于竞争价值框架和战略理论,在新产品开发过程中,企业文化特性与战略聚焦因素的有效适应或协同对新产品创造力有积极的影响作用。企业文化特性是指一组企业成员所共享的价值观、规范、信仰和群体性认知,能够影响并塑造组织成员的认知、动机和能力,因而在新产品研发阶段对企业产生新想法和解决创造性问题的能力均有重要影响。目前相关研究已开始探讨员工所处的企业文化环境对其新颖而有用想法的产生能力(即创造力)的影响。但鲜有研究在企业层面分析企业文化特性与企业战略的交互对新产品创造力的作用机理。        从竞争价值框架和战略聚焦视角出发,深入分析企业不同文化特性与新产品创造力之间的作用关系,建立基于战略聚焦视角的文化特性-创造力匹配模型,并实证检验新产品开发过程中两类企业文化特性对新产品创造力的影响以及战略聚焦变量在这一过程中的调节机理。为了揭示企业文化特性影响新产品创造力的作用机理,在直接检验柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力关系的基础上,深入分析并检验组织内外部战略聚焦变量(长期导向和企业家导向)对上述关系的调节作用。        以209家中国企业为研究对象进行实证研究,结果表明柔性导向文化和控制导向文化均正向促进新产品创造力;企业家导向正向调节柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间的关系;而长期导向对柔性导向文化和控制导向文化与新产品创造力之间关系的调节作用是非线性、倒U形的,即在新产品开发过程中,中等强度的长期导向对企业两种类型文化与新产品创造力的促进作用最强。        研究结论为探讨企业文化特性的激励效能提供了新的理论视角,并对企业在新产品开发过程中的战略聚焦规划和创造力管理有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

作为私营企业战略方向舵手的企业主,其个人和职业经历对企业的战略决策和发展至关重要。本文从高层梯队理论出发,考察了私营企业主的个体可观察经历对企业战略导向的影响作用,并进一步检验了企业主可观察经历的重要组成部分——职能背景与企业战略导向之间的匹配对企业绩效的影响作用。对2006年全国私营企业调查数据的实证研究结果显示,在控制组织层变量后,企业主的年龄、教育水平、职能背景对私营企业的战略导向有显著影响,其中有专业技术职能背景的私营企业主倾向于采取探索型战略,有供销职能背景的企业主倾向于采取防御型战略。此外,企业主的教育水平、供销职能背景以及探索型战略导向有利于企业成长;而具有管理或专业技术职能背景的企业主采取探索型战略有利于盈利水平的提高。  相似文献   

Luciano Ronchi 《Omega》1980,8(6):661-670
Limits to the action of strategic adaptation derive essentially from the temporal and dimensional complexity of the system of the firm. Consequently, a ‘temporal/organizational area decision-making matrix’ has been developed and decisions classified accordingly. Problem-solving approaches adopted in facing complexity and uncertainty appear to be based mainly on the criterion of simplification and on that which ensues of decomposition. Measures currently applied in the process of simplification are examined, including utilization of models. Extra-rational or even irrational elements intervene in the process of strategic adaptation, caused primarily by complexity and by the social-heuristic nature of planning. Basic areas in which extra-rational elements (such as personal opinions, imagination and intuition) play an essential role are singled out and appropriate organizational mechanisms are identified which could assist in attaining the maximum synergic effect from the combined application of rational and extra-rational contributions to planning.  相似文献   

Little is known about how top management teams (TMTs) make balanced strategic decisions (exploration and exploitation) and spearhead organizational ambidexterity. To address the theoretical call to explore how TMTs can help create ambidexterity, we propose a theoretical model where TMT behavioral integration cultivates behavioral complexity in a TMT that can build organizational ambidexterity. Further, we argue that the relationship between TMT behavioral complexity and organizational ambidexterity is moderated by contextual ambidexterity. Drawing on research in the areas of leadership, TMT, organizational context and ambidexterity, we explore implications for future research.  相似文献   

尚航标  黄培伦 《管理学报》2011,8(3):396-402
新制度主义导致对战略管理研究的主导逻辑和范式的重大修正,对此予以理论探讨。基于新制度主义理论与战略管理理论的内在联系,旨在探索基于新制度主义的战略管理理论的新思维、新范式。新制度主义导致对战略管理主导逻辑的超越,包括合法性机制、组织场域和制度化。整合制度基础观与管理认知观,以此提出管理认知的制度特性和中介作用,探讨战略管理研究基于新制度主义的新范式。进而探讨在中国情景下,新制度主义理论如何应用于企业战略管理研究。  相似文献   

Equity sharing in international joint ventures (IJVs) is a critical issue with implications for risk sharing, resource allocation, knowledge commitment, and organizational control. As a departure from previous research, this study aims to explore strategic antecedents and environmental dimensions underlying sharing arrangements. It argues that the structure of equity sharing controls the ex post degree of economic exposure or risk propensity, and boosts risk-adjusted returns earned from strategic resources or global integration. Analysis of data collected from IJVs in China suggests that strategic orientation, resource dependence, knowledge protection, and global integration as sought by MNEs are important antecedents of equity sharing. Equity sharing is an inverse function of host-country environmental complexity and hostility as perceived by MNE managers.  相似文献   

杨斌  陈坤 《管理学报》2012,9(9):1405-1410
全球化和知识经济时代动荡复杂的环境,对中国企业的组织形态和人力资源管理模式形成了严峻挑战。同时,近年来主流西方管理理论在中国遭遇的"水土不服",也需要中国管理学界在深刻反思的基础上积极探索中国式管理之路。基于对组织和人力资源管理领域回应现实课题和理论创新的双重要求,2012年5月26~27日在南开大学商学院召开的首届"中国人力资源管理论坛(2012):组织创新与人力资源管理变革"学术研讨会上,与会学者就中国人力资源管理的挑战和学科建设方向、人力资源管理研究的方法论、战略人力资源管理、组织行为与领导力、组织学习与变革等专题进行了深入研讨。鉴于此,在介绍诸多学术观点的基础上,对相关问题进行简要评述。  相似文献   

Configurational theories assume that organizational form has important implications for the degree of alignment between top and middle management on strategic priorities. Taken in combination, the structure, process and environment of an organization are thought to have a deep pervasive influence on top management’s attempts to achieve the coordination and control required to attain organizational goals. The preliminary analysis described in this article employs fuzzy c-means clustering to explore the relationship between middle managers’ perceptions of organizational form and strategic alignment within a large local authority. The results illustrate that the clustering of managers’ perceptions of organizational structure, process and environment reflect three organizational archetypes: machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy and professional adhocracy. Statistically significant differences in the degree of strategic alignment between each of these organizational forms are then examined to validate the established clustering. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   


The notion of ‘project delivery’ is well embedded in and across the management and organizational sciences literature – generating a narrative that reflects and recognizes the instrumental nature of projects and programmes in strategy execution. Project management, as a distinct and well-established body of research enquiry, has increasingly sought to focus our attention on the impacts of complexity, risk and uncertainty in projects; the corollary being a desideratum to strengthen our theoretical understanding of how insight and learning from projects may influence improvements to organizational efficiency. The wider literature suggests that organizational learning remains a challenging proposition, particularly in the context of organizations operating in environments of high complexity. In this paper, we enhance the conversation on organizational learning through a series of case studies, generating evidence of thirteen ‘learning modes’. The paper proposes that mature organizations tend to exhibit a greater number of learning modes and that there is a tendency to capture and socialize knowledge with a greater emphasis on the context of the learning situation rather than the learning artefact in isolation. The empirical evidence gathered in this paper forms the basis of a capability model, characterized by the thirteen modes of learning. The model intimates that learning occurs, and is more effective, when knowledge and information are enacted in practice through the learning modes which form a nucleus of the organizational learning capability. The research concludes with a 'call to action' that emphasizes the strategic importance of learning practices and routines in project oriented-organizations.  相似文献   

Firms must correctly identify and analyze the nature of their strategic environments, their strategic oppurtunities and problems, and, formulate the precise strategy sets for corporate strategy for accomplishing the chosen organizational objectives and goals. This articles reports on a survey. Chief executives of industrial corporations provided their insights and experience (see Appendix I) and the findings are analyzed for the implications for other practising chief executives. The nature of environment which is strategic to a particular firm has considerable influence upon the firm's choice of strategies. The correct understanding of this influence is critical to the firm's organizational effectiveness. Only after a correct understanding can the chief executive formulate the precise mix of strategies and meld them in the strategy sets of the corporate strategy.The major findings indicate that the levels of difficulty experienced in accomplishing firm's objectives and goals depend upon the perceived nature of complexity, unpredictability and dynamism of the firm's strategic environments. The levels of clarity on strategic issues also depend upon these same attributes of environments. The formulation of strategy sets of corporate strategy are indicative of the ways by which the chief executive and his management team expect the firm to achieve its major objectives and goals by monitoring the strategy sets to keep in tune with the changing realities of the firm's strategic environments. General management, marketing and finance, were the vital group strategies, followed by production and research and development. External relations, personnel and procurement were the least important strategies. Firms operating in simple and stable environments experienced the least difficulty in achieving corporate goals, while firms in dynamic and complex environments experienced the greatest difficulty.  相似文献   

The close linkage between competitive strategy and functional strategic activities is asserted to be a precondition to the achievement of optimal business performance. This study explores how the relationship between (and among) operations, marketing, and competitive strategies affects organizational performance in the banking industry. Our findings show that: (a) competitive strategy moderates the relationship between operations and marketing strategic activities, and organizational performance, (b) certain integrated strategic decisions of operations and marketing functions have a significant impact on organizational performance, and (c) the performance of retail banks within a strategic group differs depending on the quality of the strategic fit.  相似文献   

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