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本文基于公司内部治理框架,运用2004-2006年我国A股上市公司面板数据,考察盈余管理风险对于审计定价的影响,研究结果显示,当存在其他变量时,独立董事在董事会中的比例、企业的股权集中程度和董事长与总经理两职设置情况对审计定价存在显著影响,这一结果表明,在公司内部治理治理中,独立董事制度、高管层持股对于公司内部治理具有积极意义;加快董事长和总经理的两职分离有助于降低代理成本,降低企业风险,节约审计费用,改善公司内部治理.  相似文献   

本文以2002年中国契约型封闭式证券投资基金的相关数据为样本,分析了基金及基金管理公司治理结构特征、基金管理公司独立董事与基金业绩的关系,结果表明,基金管理公司董事会中具备金融、证券专业知识与工作经验的独立董事人数占董事会人数的比例越高,则基金业绩越高、基金净资产费用率越低,而全部独立董事人数占董事会人数比例的上述作用却并不显著;基金管理公司总经理在公司董事会中的地位越高,则对基金业绩的负向影响越大;基金管理公司董事会规模与基金会计业绩之间存在显著的倒U型曲线关系;而基金前十大持有人中,机构投资者所持有的基金比例对基金业绩及净资产费用率均无显著的影响。  相似文献   

以引入独立董事制度的 2001 年为数据来源的窗口期,实证研究我国上市公司董事会治理结构改革对高管薪酬水平及薪绩敏感性的影响.结果表明,独立董事在董事会中的比例、薪酬委员会设置以及董事长与总经理二职兼任对高管薪酬水平有显著正影响.进一步的分析还发现,独立董事制度建设与董事长总经理二职兼任均显著提高了薪绩敏感性,薪酬委员会的设置对薪绩敏感性也有一定的影响.通过一系列公司治理改革可以有效抑制行为人的机会主义倾向,提高上市公司高管薪绩敏感性.  相似文献   

公司领导权结构反映董事会与经理层关系的重要制度安排。在现有研究框架的基础上,对四川省上市公司的公司领导权结构与公司绩效关系的经验分析表明:内部董事比例对公司绩效的影响不显著,法人董事比例和专家董事比例与公司绩效呈正相关关系,董事长与总经理两职合一否对公司的绩效影响不显著。  相似文献   

公司治理视角下的多元化经营与公司绩效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏锋 《管理科学》2007,20(6):2-10
以中国沪、深两市上市公司为研究对象,实证分析中国上市公司内、外部治理机制与多元化经营和价值效应之间的关系.结果表明,董事会特别是公司董事长和总经理两职合一以及独立董事比例是影响公司多元化经营决策的重要内部治理机制变量,外部治理机制对公司的多元化经营决策没有显著影响;多元化经营会导致价值溢价,但这种溢价不显著;内部治理机制中的资产负债率、外部治理机制中的审计意见和产品市场竞争程度是影响多元化经营公司业绩的重要因素,第一大股东的实际控制人身份、审计意见和产品市场竞争程度会显著影响专业化经营公司的经营业绩.  相似文献   

中国A股上市公司董事会治理结构的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2004年~2006年中国A股上市公司数据,综合检验管理层、积极股东、机构投资者、公司特质、外在产品市场竞争、股权转让和流通市场特征、公司所在地市场化进程等7个方面共计43个指标对16项董事会治理结构指标的影响.通过主成分分析方法实现董事会治理结构影响因素合成,描述性统计研究发现上述各方面影响因子在样本年度内逐年完善,表明董事会治理的基础条件逐步成熟;运用单方程回归并结合多元回归和似不相关回归做稳健性检验,结果发现管理层因子、积极股东治理因子和公司特质因子对董事会治理影响最大,而董事长离任、前三名董事薪酬总额、董事会规模、董事平均年龄、前三名董事薪酬占比、未领取薪酬董事人数占比等6项董事会治理特征指标受到的影响最大;在所有16项董事会治理特征指标中,仅有独立董事比例与所有影响因子之间均无显著相关性,说明2001年一2003年推行的独立董事治理改革仅限于公司满足"合规"需要.  相似文献   

支晓强  童盼 《管理世界》2005,(11):137-144
本文利用我国上市公司2001 ̄2003年的相关数据,考察了独立董事变更与公司盈余管理程度、公司控制权转移之间的关系,分析了独立董事没有有效发挥作用的原因。研究发现,公司的盈余管理程度越高,独立董事变更概率和变更比例越高。第一大股东变更的上市公司要比未变更第一大股东的公司表现出更高的独立董事变更概率和变更比例。实证研究结果表明,独立董事“懂事”,但不够独立。独立董事缺乏独立性是当前我国独立董事制度未能在公司治理中发挥实质性作用的关键原因。  相似文献   

刘华  刘新荣 《科学咨询》2005,(15):28-31
我国引入独立董事制度,旨在改革董事会的运作状况和效率,完善公司治理结构.在现代股份制公司的治理结构中存在一种授权行为,股东只保留选择董事、审计师的权力和兼并、分设以及发行新股的投票权,把其他权力都授予董事会;而董事会则保留聘用、解聘总经理或首席执行官和重大投资、兼并、收购、分设等重大事件的战略性控制权,把一般的管理权和经营权授予经理层.这种授权的行为很容易引起内部人控制等问题.而董事会承担着公司经营和发展的主要责任,独立董事进入董事会,可充分发挥董事会的职责和作用,对公司长期发展起的作用是很大的.  相似文献   

本文按照中观、微观、个体的逻辑分析思路,分别从连锁董事网、公司董事会和连锁董事的个人行为特征这三个层面来解析连锁董事产生治理效应的内在机理:认为连锁董事网的嵌入性影响着公司的资源获取能力、协调控制能力和环境应变能力;连锁董事的引进可改善董事会的结构,影响着董事会的战略参与与功能整合;而连锁董事个人的行为动机与个人能力将会约束其治理效应的发挥.从而表现为网络镶嵌、公司行为与个人动机的有机结合与共同作用.本文基于随机抽样的方法选取400家上市公司作为研究样本,通过描述性统计分析与构建时刻固定效应面板数据模型对连锁董事的治理效应进行了实证研究.得出相应的结论:公司所处连锁董事网的规模、公司的网络中心度以及连锁董事所担任的董事数目与公司治理绩效之间具有正相关关系,董事会中连锁董事比例的治理效应没有得到确定性验证,而连锁董事的持股与公司治理绩效之间并不存在显著的相关关系.研究表明,我国上市公司的连锁董事在任职特征及网络嵌入性上具有积极的治理效应,并提出相关的建议.  相似文献   

证券投资基金治理结构特征与绩效关系的经验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何杰 《管理评论》2005,17(8):3-8,33
本文以2002年中国契约型封闭式证券投资基金的相关数据为样本,分析了基金及基金管理公司治理结构特征、基金管理公司独立董事与基金业绩的关系,结果表明:基金管理公司董事会中具备金融、证券专业知识与工作经验的独立董事人数占董事会人数的比例越高,则基金业绩越高、基金净资产费用率越低。而全部独立董事人数占董事会人数的比例的上述作用却并不显著;基金管理公司独立董事的平均年龄越高,则基金业绩越低;基金管理公司董事会规模与基金会计业绩之间存在显著的倒U型曲线关系。而与基金净资产费用率之间存在显著的U型曲线关系;证券公司持有基金管理公司股份的比例对基金业绩具有显著的负向影响;而基金前十大持有人中机构投资者持有基金的比例、基金管理公司及其股东持有基金的比例对基金业绩及净资产费用率均无显著的影响。本文同时还发现,基金管理公司董事会中具备金融、证券专业知识与工作经验的独立董事的比例越高。则当基金业绩较低时.基金管理公司董事会对基金经理的撤换的可能性越大。  相似文献   

Unlike past studies which have focused on either executives or boards of directors, this study takes an interactionist view to investigate the determinants of corporate financial fraud. We propose that CEOs evaluate the opportunities for financial fraud according to both situational stimuli and their own personal characteristics. As older directors are often more experienced and have more to lose if they fail in their monitoring duties, we expect them to be more capable and to have stronger motivation for monitoring CEOs closely. As such, we propose that a CEO is less likely to engage in corporate financial fraud when the average age of the board of directors increases (i.e., board age). However, when the CEO is older than the board, the CEO may attach less importance to board age when deciding whether to commit fraud. Therefore, we further propose that the CEO–board directional age difference can weaken the effect of board age. Our empirical analyses provide strong support for these hypotheses. Our study contributes to the literature on corporate governance by highlighting the often neglected roles of board age and CEO–board directional age difference in deterring corporate financial fraud.  相似文献   

超额控制、董事会构成与公司多元化折价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文利用2004年的上市公司资料和国际通用的超额价值分析方法,不仅验证了我国上市多元化公司存在折价现象,平均折价程度达到4.8%,而且,从控股股东超额控制和董事会构成两个方面考察了控股股东攫取行为对公司多元化折价的影响.我们发现,公司多元化程度与控股股东的超额控制程度、来自控股股东的董监事比例、集团所属和两职合一呈显著正相关关系.  相似文献   

董事激励与公司业绩--实验的证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们在实验框架下检验了董事会成员的激励对股东财富和CEO报酬的影响,以及该报酬与公司业绩之间的敏感度.文中提出了两种任命董事的方法,一种由CEO任命,另一种由最大的股东自动担任董事.由董事会决定CEO的报酬,而CEO负责企业的生产、投资和分红决策.投资者根据接收到的每个公司的分红、资本收益这些信息,通过买卖这些企业的股票来调整他们的资产组合. 我们发现,薪酬与业绩之间的敏感度随董事持股比例的增加而上升.此外,当大股东作为董事会成员时,经济体所产生的财富(股东财富是其中的一部分)更大;而当CEO选择董事时,结果是缺乏效率的.本文讨论了关于董事职能和相关代理成本这一研究结果,以及标准会计框架下,限制执行人员报酬和报表标准化要求.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and test a theoretical model that reduces relational risks to solve the puzzle of conflicting task requirements imposed on boards of directors in listed companies. Doing so unites two seemingly conflicting tasks—board control and service tasks—through examining relational risks between the board and the CEO. We also present two mechanisms that could reduce relational risks. One is board power over the CEO, and the other board trust in the CEO. Practitioners could apply these two mechanisms to achieve better performance of board control and service tasks simultaneously. We test hypotheses using 441 survey responses collected in 2005. The result shows a good fit between the model and survey data, indicating examining relational risks is a rewarding approach to understanding conflicting board task performance, and board control over the CEO and board trust in the CEO are two effective mechanisms to reduce relational risks.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a detailed analysis of the relationship between board leadership structures and executive compensation. According to agency theory, the combined position of CEO and Chairperson of the Board (COB) entails greater compensation for the CEO in order to reduce conflicts of interest. In the literature, combined board structure is generally considered to generate additional costs for companies. However, the choice of two separate structures implies the payment of incentive compensation for the COB in addition to that defined for the CEO. This paper investigates the financial cost of duality when compensation packages are set for both leaders. Our results suggest that although combined board structure is associated with higher incentive compensation for the CEO, the overall compensation cost to the company is no higher when the chairperson's compensation is considered.  相似文献   

This study examines how the effect of CEO duality on firm performance is affected by two internal governance forces – namely other executives in the top management team and blockholding outside directors. Results based on a longitudinal dataset from the U.S. computer industry were consistent with my hypotheses. Specifically, I found that the effect of CEO duality was negative when the CEO had dominant power relative to other executives and when the board had a blockholding outside director, but was nonsignificant otherwise. This study enriches our understanding of the effect of CEO duality, and helps reinforce the call for the nonduality structure as the default choice and put the burden of proof on those who wish to justify otherwise on special grounds.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102130
Firms often retain their former CEOs on the board after succession to benefit from the former CEOs’ firm-specific expertise. However, their presence can inhibit successor CEOs from implementing meaningful strategic change, as the former CEOs seek to preserve their personal legacy and may see the strategic landscape differently, especially when the successor CEO is hired from outside the firm. Using a strategic leadership interface perspective, we propose that board members can alleviate this potential tension and enable strategic change. To test our theory, we focus on a subsample of succession events: when the former CEO stays on board as chair and the successor CEO is an outsider. This scenario is likely to result in strategic tension and cognitive differences between these two organizational leaders. We find that in such situations, boards with a higher proportion of outside directors experience greater post-succession strategic change; we find no effect in other succession scenarios. We isolate legacy conservation as a motivating factor by showing that the effect manifests for divestitures but not for acquisitions.  相似文献   

双重委托代理下独立董事治理效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜育华 《管理学报》2011,8(7):1081-1085
为深入理解独立董事在双重委托代理关系下的治理功用,并为构建具有中国特色的公司治理结构提供理论借鉴,运用双重委托代理理论对独立董事治理效应进行分析,结果表明:一方面为监督CEO而提高董事会中独立董事比例,CEO会越不愿意与董事会共享公司内部信息,使得独立董事难以直接降低第1类代理成本;另一方面,为监督大股东侵占而必须进行的独立董事"独立化"有可能在抑制第2类代理问题的同时,削弱大股东治理机制的有效性,诱发严重的股东与经理层之间的利益冲突,间接增加第1类代理成本。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of interpersonal justice among outside directors on the board and between a director and the CEO regarding the director’s monitoring and resource provision behaviors in different cultural contexts. We argue that directors from individualistic countries are more influenced by CEO interpersonal justice while directors from collectivistic countries are more affected by the board interpersonal justice. Our main effect results indicate that interpersonal justice with board members is positively related to both monitoring and resource provision by a director, while CEO interpersonal justice is related only to resource provision. Our results also show different effects on the director’s behaviors between three countries, i.e., Canada, Singapore, and Spain. We found that CEO interpersonal justice is positively associated with resource provision in Canada, while board interpersonal justice is positively related to both monitoring and resource provision in Singapore and Spain. These results suggest that directors discharge their board duties differently by how they are treated by other directors and the CEO and that their governance behaviors vary by culture. This study contributes to the literature on comparative corporate governance by showing the differences in directors’ behaviors in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This article explores how the boards of small firms actually undertake to perform strategic tasks. Board strategic involvement has seldom been investigated in the context of small firms. We seek to make a contribution by investigating antecedents of board strategic involvement. The antecedents are “board working style” and “board quality attributes”, which go beyond the board composition features of board size, CEO duality, the ratio of non-executive to executive directors and ownership. Hypotheses were tested on a sample of 497 Norwegian firms (from 5 to 30 employees). Our results show that board working style and board quality attributes rather than board composition features enhance board strategic involvement. Moreover, board quality attributes outperform board working style in fostering board strategic involvement.  相似文献   

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