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谢小童 《学术交流》2007,(7):129-131
如果有一个全球化的和谐文化环境,对世界各族人民的团结进步将是十分重要的。随着英语的全球性普及以及在我国的本土化,我们不禁试想能否以英语语言为媒介,将西方文化的优秀内容与中华民族的优秀文化相结合从而建立一种全球化的和谐文化的新理念。中国目前已经提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的发展目标。和谐的中国,和谐的世界,需要和谐文化的精神支撑。建设和谐文化,离不开对中国传统文化精华的继承和发扬,也离不开对世界优秀文明成果的吸收和借鉴。因此,以学习、掌握英语语言为契机,充分利用其优势,使中西文化在交融中学习借鉴,在碰撞中扬弃升华,才有助于和谐文化的丰富发展。  相似文献   

The term national language capacity refers to the sum total of a nation’s ability to grasp linguistic resources, provide language services, deal with linguistic issues, develop the language, and related tasks. Key capacities include the possession of linguistic resources, utilization of language and language services, development and use of linguistic resources, the language of the members of the nation, reserves of linguistic talent, language management, development of language enterprises and linguistic influence. The development of informatization has made national language capacity an important part of national strength. It is hard power as well as soft power, playing a very important role in social progress and cultural inheritance, in promoting economic development and technological innovation, and in protecting a country’s national security and international development.  相似文献   

秦晓伟 《阅江学刊》2014,(3):127-133
文学的科学化诉求引发了划分文学语言与非文学语言的冲动。在文论史上,理论家们曾尝试区分日常语言与文学语言、标准语与诗语言及科学语言与诗语言的差异。这些区分一般倾向于在静态框架之内展开。从动态观点来看,日常语言与文学语言之间存在着相互转化;标准语和诗语言之间呈现为相互支撑;科学语言与诗语言之间体现为逻各斯与神话的对立互补。从发生学角度看,语言就是那种在持续流动中减损消逝并增补更新着的事物。语言的内在流变性证明,任何关于文学语言本质的抽象和规定都是不可能的。  相似文献   

郑中玉 《学术交流》2003,1(11):118-122
对于人类交流而言,对时间、空间及身体在场的超越构成了其媒介发展的历史。从时间与空间的相互定位到时间和空间的“分延”,身体与时空的关系被不断重组。戈夫曼分析了日常互动情境中的身体与时空区域的划分。但由于电脑网络的独特时空重构,作为一种网络互动方式的网络聊天,却具有更复杂和不确定的前台与后台区域界定。由此,网络聊天从行动类型上更接近于一种后台语言行为,并且具有鲜明的语言游戏风格。  相似文献   

论维特根斯坦语言哲学的影响力--语言哲学与日常语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后期维特根斯坦的哲学观点发生了重大转变,他对哲学的重新理解可以说是哲学史上和哲学观点上的一次重大转折。其核心思想就是“语言游戏”。语言在使用中才有意义,词语的意义就是它的用法。维特根斯坦对语言的分析,从语言与日常生活的关系来加以论述,对语言哲学,尤其是日常语言哲学产生了重大影响。维特根斯坦语言哲学思想不仅影响了日常语言哲学,而且对语言学也有很深的影响。他后期的语言观直接导致了日常语言学派的产生。  相似文献   

重阳  吉英 《学术交流》2005,(11):143-147
熟语翻新是广告语言创作中常用的一种手法,往往具有言简意赅、形象生动、通俗易懂、推陈出新等特殊表达效果。广告中的熟语翻新主要有成语翻新、俗语翻新、惯用语翻新、谚语翻新和格言翻新等五种类型。广告语言中熟语翻新的策略主要有原形引用、变形引用和贬词褒用等。  相似文献   

语言的陌生化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盖绍普 《学术交流》2002,(4):121-124
语言的陌生化是指语言使用者运用新鲜的词语和有悖于传统的表达方式,故意造成的新鲜感,也是语言的异化和更新。其表现有新造词语、语义异化、词语借用、非语法化等,其成因主要是社会生活的变化、语言内部的演变、人们的审美追求等。我们对之应持的态度是承认、宽容、欢迎、研究、引导,使之逐步规范化。  相似文献   

Current research suggests that the extent to which child-caregiver dyads engage in interactions involving episodes of joint or coordinated attention can have a significant impact on early lexical acquisition. In this regard it has been recognized that individual differences in early developing child communication skills, such as capacity to follow gaze and early infant language, may contribute to these child-caregiver interactional patterns, as well as to subsequent language development. To address this expectation, 21 infant-parent dyads were recruited for participation in a longitudinal study. Early infant language, responding to joint attention skill, and cognitive development were assessed at 12 months of age. Child-caregiver joint attention episodes, as well as responding to joint attention skill and child language, were assessed at 18 months of age. Developmental outcome, using the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development-II, was assessed at 21 and 24 months of age. Consistent with previous findings, results indicated that individual differences in child-caregiver episodes of joint attention were related to language at 18 months. In addition, though, 12 month vocabulary and responding to joint attention skill were associated with some aspects of 18 month child-caregiver interaction, as well as subsequent language development. In general, 12 month child measures and 18 month child-caregiver interaction measures appeared to make unique contributions to language development in this sample. These results suggest the need to further consider the role of infant skills in the connections between child-caregiver joint attention episodes and language development.  相似文献   

谈晓明 《唐都学刊》2010,26(4):109-112
"新双师"语境下的媒介语言的主要特征:具有戏剧性的特点;具有交叉学科语言的特点;具有知识和能力有机结合的特点;具有规范化、程序化的特点;具有应急语的特点;具有强烈的逻辑语辩色彩。"新双师"教学媒介语言因为转换角色频繁而显得丰富多彩。由作者亲身参与的鲜活生动的教学实践充分证明:相对于传统教学,"新双师"语境下的媒介语言具有十分丰富的内涵,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

外语教学中的跨文化交际问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张晓光 《学术交流》2001,(1):144-146
在外语教学中强调跨文化交际,要求用社会语言学的基本观点解决语言与文化的关系、语言能力与交际能力的关系、外语教学与相关学科的关系.语言与文化有着密不可分的关系,使用语言不能脱离社会环境.语言不能脱离文化而存在,不能脱离社会延续下来的生活方式与信念,这些方式和信念的总体决定了人类生活的性质.外语教学的目的就是培养学生外语这一交际能力.  相似文献   

In attachment theory, several hypotheses about the association between attachment and cognitive development have been generated. In a series of meta-analyses on 32 studies, we tested whether the quality of attachment is related to intelligence (DQ or IQ) and to language competence. Attachment showed a weak association with DQ and IQ measures (combined r = .09; N = 1026). The combined effect size for the relation between attachment and language competence was r = .28 (N = 303). We conclude, first, that differences in intelligence do not play a major role in shaping attachment relationships. Differences in quality of attachment are not confounded in any significant way with differences in intelligence. Second, secure children appeared to be more competent in the language domain than insecure children. Language development appears to be stimulated in the context of a secure attachment relationship because secure parents may be better ‘teachers’ and secure children may be better motivated ‘students’.  相似文献   

许先文 《阅江学刊》2010,(4):107-114
具身认知是认知科学研究领域的最新范式与前沿主题之一,引起多学科的研究兴趣。具身认知与语言认知结合的研究方法是一种新的认知研究范式,即语言具身认知,它从认识论、心理学和认知神经学层面研究其认识论基础、心脑机制以及认知神经学基础,为理解语言内化、语言体验、语言处理、语言生成等符号文化的创造性加工机制提供了新颖的思想启示,也为探讨语言认知的理论与实践研究的新路径、提升语言研究与教学的社会效能提供了参考。  相似文献   

北京少数民族语言社区的历史沿革及类型特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京有许多少数民族社区,各少数民族社区都具有蕴涵深厚民族文化特色的语言风格,这些独具民族风格的语言便形成了特殊的北京少数民族语言社区。本文论述了北京少数民族语言社区的形成、发展及现状,并将其划分为世居的少数民族语言社区、工作单位少数民族语言社区、具有流动性的少数民族语言社区三种类型。  相似文献   

We investigated language development, relational aggression, and relational victimization in ethnically, socioeconomically diverse preschoolers. Relational aggression was positively related to language development. Girls were more relationally aggressive than boys, and higher‐socioeconomic status (SES) children were more relationally aggressive and victimized than lower‐SES children. Neither gender nor SES conclusively moderated the relation between language and relational aggression, though some findings suggest the possibility of stronger relations among boys and lower‐SES children. Teachers agreed on ratings of relational aggression and relational victimization to a moderate extent.  相似文献   

赵喜桃 《唐都学刊》2010,26(5):111-115
怎么想就怎么写的情况在运用抽象思维的写作中可以存在,因为抽象思维是运用语言文字符号进行思维,而形象思维中所运用的思维符号可以是表象,也可以是意象,只存在怎么想就怎么"画",而不能怎么想就怎么写,必须用文学语言来进行创作。文学语言是作家心理世界审美意象运动的外化形态(物质外壳),文学语言的品级,决定于作家心理世界审美意象运动的品级。  相似文献   

语言符号的任意性和非任意性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从大的方面看,语言符号具有任意性和非任意性其中任意性指的是孤立地看单个的语言符号,其"能指和所指的联系是任意的";而非任意性则比较复杂,它又表现为三个具体特征,即限制性、约定性和临摹性,它们都是从不同的角度把语言符号置于一个更大的系统中而观察到的.从不同的角度观察到的语言符号的不同特征,相互之间不具有矛盾关系.对语言符号各种特征的理解应具有兼容的态度.  相似文献   

杨晔  朱晨  谈毅 《社会》2019,39(1):211-236
本文旨在探讨方言能力对城市移民创业行为的影响和对语言环境的调节效应。基于“身份认同理论”,以2010年和2012年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据为样本,通过区分移民方言能力的沟通属性与文化属性,建立基于线性概率模型的创业决策模型和基于多元回归模型的创业收入模型。研究发现,方言能力的文化属性使移民创业的概率增加1.8%。在采用“双胞胎样本”方法排除样本选择偏误和内生性后,这一结果依旧稳健存在。分样本回归分析发现,方言能力只对教育水平较低的移民有显著的正向影响,对拥有不同物质资本的个体没有敏感性。进一步分析发现,方言能力对移民创业决策的促进作用在语言种类较少和普通话普及程度较低的地区更加明显,但对创业收入没有上述影响。本文有助于揭示语言在移民创业活动中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Objective. This article determines if the use of Spanish‐language media among Latinos influences public opinion on various policy issues and group consciousness. Methods. Using a 2004 national public opinion survey of U.S. Latinos, a multivariate analysis is run to determine the effect of language media preference on immigration policy, abortion, same‐sex marriage, and three measures of group consciousness. Results. I find more frequent use of Spanish‐language media leads to more liberal attitudes toward immigration, but has no effect on opinions toward abortion and same‐sex marriage. I also find increased use of Spanish‐language media leads to increased levels of group consciousness. Conclusions. The differences in attitudes are due to the diverging goals of Spanish‐language and English‐language media. The effect of using Spanish‐language media serves to promote a sense of group consciousness among Latinos by reinforcing roots in Latin America and the commonalities among Latinos of varying national origin.  相似文献   

The influence of immigrant-background adolescents' heritage language (HL) proficiency and use of the language on parent–adolescent relationships and ethnic identity was investigated in a sample of 414 adolescents from Latin American and Asian backgrounds. HL proficiency, but not language use, was positively associated with the quality of parent–adolescent relationships. Although HL proficiency and language use were both associated with ethnic identity, when taken together, only HL proficiency was a reliable predictor. These findings indicate that it is the development of proficiency in the HL that influences adolescents' successful adjustment, rather than their choice of languages. It is therefore important to support HL development in order to help immigrant-background students to better cope with the stresses of adolescence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer insight into the possibleconsequences of language developed at the political level byan authoritative body for the purpose of designing social policythat is then adapted as discourse in social care. The focusis on the UK government’s policy toward the language of‘service user’ in the context of New Public Management(NPM). It begins with a brief introduction on the importanceof language. Next, it outlines the move towards NPM and changesthat have facilitated the shift from ‘client’ to‘service user’, presenting some of the implicationsthese changes have had on social work in Britain. Finally, itdetails the possible detrimental effects of labelling language,and discusses research from other countries on preferred termsof reference for individuals who use health and social careservices.  相似文献   

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